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Telling my own rendition of how Ahsoka got her second lightsaber (called a Shoto) during season three.

Ahsoka glanced over to where her master lay ten or so feet away. He was moving, breathing, so she knew she had to keep going with the fight. If there was one thing Ahsoka was good at, it was thinking on her feet; First she glanced back towards Ventress who was quickly approaching, then towards the army of droids behind her. The 501st was taking care of the droids, but it was up to her alone to deal with Ventress. 

"Not so strong without your master, are you child," She taunted as she crept ever closer.

"Don't underestimate me yet," She threw back at her. Ventress was the first to attack, coming straight at her but Ahsoka easily blocked. Although Ahsoka was knocked to the ground many times, she always saved herself at the last moment. Just when she thought she was going to beat her, Ventress knocked Ahsoka's lightsaber out of her hand.

"It'll be a pity to kill you, you fought well." Ahsoka was bloodied and bruised, kneeling on the ground with the red blade aimed at her throat.

"Don't worry, you won't have to." Ahsoka pulled both her own lightsaber and Anakin's from a few yards away on either side of her, quickly throwing Ventress back and making her stumble to regain her balance. With a frontflip from a nearby rock, she quickly pounced on Ventress before she could regain her balance. With both lightsabers in hand she was able to more easily beat her. If it weren't for the army of droids coming quickly at her, she would have succeeded too. Ahsoka had to leave the fight and defend herself and her still dazed master, although he was very much awake he had no lightsaber now and was relatively defenseless to the blasters.

"For a moment there I thought you could beat me, but I guess not." Ventress gloated.

"If it weren't for your little droid army I might just have." Ahsoka spat back, barely dodging the heavy fire from all the droids. Ventress quickly escaped on a small ship that was flying close to the ground to pick her up, and that distracted Ahsoka just enough that she was shot in the arm. She fell backwards, dazed, but not badly hurt from the shot, and Anakin quickly took his own lightsaber back from her to get a shot at catching Ventress. Both knew the attempt was futile, and he quickly gave up on the idea as the ship flew too far away to catch. The droids retreated quickly after the ship flew off, giving Anakin a chance to commend Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka, are you okay?" He kneeled down next to her as she sat further up. She was badly beaten from the various explosions that had erupted and sent shrapnel hurling towards her, and now had a blaster wound to mend, but despite the pain she answered just as perky as always.

"I could say the same about you Master, that explosion got you pretty bad."

"It did you too and yet you still managed to keep fighting. Nice one Snips." He helped her up and they both walked off toward the clones who were regrouping nearby. "You fought good back there, two lightsabers suit you well." He complimented her as they both were greeted by a medical clone and sat down on a nearby rock.

"It was pretty exciting, I'll give you that. It's been a while since I fought with two." She flinched when some sort of drug was injected into her neck, almost simultaneously to Anakin by another clone. They were spared any further conversation when Anakin received a transmission from Master Windu asking about their progress, and Ahsoka continued to get various wounds patched up, including the blaster wound to her arm that was starting to hurt considerably more than it did when she first got it.


Now back at the Jedi temple, Ahsoka was relaxing from a long string of strenuous missions, as both Anakin and Obi-Wan had suggested. Their version of relaxing included sleeping, meditating, eating, etc. Ahsoka's "relaxation" included training, dueling, and other much more strenuous activities not commonly known as soothing. Anakin knowing this, made sure she would actually take care of herself first, and sent her down to the mess hall when they got back to at least eat a full meal, something she was used to not doing, and then to her dorm to get a few hours of sleep.

Now just under two weeks later, she still hadn't been assigned to another mission. She was sitting in the mess hall trying to force some food into her stomach, but she couldn't overlook the anxious thoughts running through her head from her ordeal with Ventress. I could have stopped her. Ahsoka thought. If I had just kept my focus she wouldn't have gotten away. 

Before the thoughts could go any further she emptied her tray and as she was heading up towards the outdoor platform where she usually trained, she met two other Jedi training- a master and apprentice. Both were good, but the master always had the upper hand. The Padawan, about twelve, looked vaguely familiar, probably from her days training with other younglings. Ignoring the pair she sat under the tree growing on the platform and continued beating herself up with those thoughts again.

She could hear the duo and their clashing lightsabers clearly, and instead of continuing to interfere, stood up to leave. She had been distant after the latest mission, as she always was, mostly thinking about all the things she should have done better. She convinced herself that this criticism of her skills was making her a better Jedi, that it would prepare her next time. And although slightly true, it mostly just tore herself down.

While continuing to mentally beat herself up, she hit the now beeping commlink on her arm, revealing her Master's voice on the other end.

"Ahsoka, where are you? I have something I want to give you." A gift. Not a common occurrence when it came to Anakin, or any Jedi for that matter. "And I see you forgot to take off your commlink."

"As did you." She stood in the open doorway waiting for a response.

"Just get up to the high council chamber." He joked back before deactivating the commlink.

With that she turned left towards the lift instead of right towards her dorm, and pondered what kind of gift Anakin would be giving her.

Her anxious thoughts about the mission only morphed into anxious thoughts about whatever Anakin was giving her, and why he was doing so in front of the Jedi council. When she reached the double doors into the council room, she took a deep breath and entered.

"Welcome, Padawan Tano." Master Windu said as she entered.

"Thank you master." She paused as the awkward silence continued to engulf the room. "Can somebody explain to me what I'm doing here?" Ahsoka put her hands in front of her as she gazed around the room for the familiar face of her Master, although he was no where to be found. "Where is Master Skywalker? Wasn't he the one who called me in here?"

"I was getting there Snips." Anakin walked in with a small wooden box in his hand. "Masters," he greeted them.

"What's going on? And, no offense of course, why are we doing this in front of the council?" Ahsoka moved slightly closer to Anakin as he joined her in the middle of the room.

"A joyful occasion, this is." Master Yoda piped in. 

"I noticed how well you fought with Ventress once you had my lightsaber, and I thought it was time you tried it out more... permanently." Ahsoka, realizing what was in the box inhaled sharply, and her eyes went large at the thought.

He held the box out to her and like an excited child she opened it to see exactly what she was expecting: a second lightsaber. It was beautiful too, much like her original lightsaber that she crafted as a youngling. She grabbed the hilt of the new blade and admired it, stroking the cold metal, letting her fingers brush over the bumps.

"Can I-"

"Please." Anakin responded quickly, closing the box and holding it down by his side.

Ahsoka held the lightsaber in her right hand, even though it would more likely be held in her left hand during combat. The ignited lightsaber glowed a yellow color, glaring mildly of the green that her other lightsaber held. It was a little shorter than her original lightsabers, as a Shoto should be.

"Master, it's amazing, thank you. But I'll need to work on training with it first, I only briefly trained with two lightsabers."

"You seemed like a natural the other day, I don't think that'll be too much of a problem."

"I look forward to learning."

Let me know what you think :) I'm still working on figuring out how Anakin got the Shoto for Ahsoka, I can't find answers anywhere online. I'll update if I find anything!


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