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Idk where this is going, but I haven't been writing as much as I used to and I figured an update was in order. Let me scroll through my Writing Material Pinterest board haha, I'll be right back

Guess what? We're not hurting Ahsoka! Yay! (But we're hurting Anakin mwahaha)

Bear with me, I just found this example and thought it applied so well, even if their original idea was that it was a ship thing and not a sibling thing, I'm using it.

Bear with me, I just found this example and thought it applied so well, even if their original idea was that it was a ship thing and not a sibling thing, I'm using it

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Enjoy :)

Ahsoka could only watch as the blast threw her on the ground, leaving her montrals ringing. All she heard when she came back to reality was the noise, slowly fading out as she opened her eyes. She landed on her side, luckily not being heavily affected by the blast when she knew countless others would be. She assumed it was a malfunction of some sort, probably old, and wasn't meant to be a bomb, but they were basically the farthest away they could be from the med-bay. She did as she had been taught by Kix and Coric, scan herself for injuries. Wiggle her toes, then her fingers, clench her fists, and then move the rest of her body when nothing hurt.

She glanced around to the wreckage- most of the clones escaped with their lives, excluding the few she could see being tended to. Ahsoka rubbed her hand over her face trying to get some of the small streak of blood coming from her lip to come off, then continuing to look around her. A medic soon came up to her and she started hearing his voice through the ringing. "Commander, commander are you alright?" He asked her to follow his finger with his eyes, noticing that her eyes weren't dilated and that she had likely escaped with little to no real injury.

"I'm alright, who's been accounted for?" Suddenly it hit her. "Anakin," She gasped. He had been closer to the explosion, and she hadn't seen him yet. Getting a hold of herself she tried to remember her surroundings and where Anakin was when the blast hit. She bolted towards the general direction where he should have been, finding a body slumped against the wall about twenty feet away. "Master!" Ahsoka kneeled down in front of the still conscious figure. "Master, can you hear me?" He was clutching his hand to his stomach where shrapnel was piercing through his robes, moaning slightly. "We need a medic!" She yelled in the general direction where she came from. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna get you out of here."

"Snips," His voice was quiet, but steady. From her initial assessment of his wounds she could tell he would be okay, as long as he got medical attention. Him, unlike her, probably had some head trauma judging by the small river of blood running down his temple. She was still panicking, not a good thing to do, but tried to steady her breaths and focus on him. Ahsoka took a hold of his arm with one hand, taking his pulse, then let it join her other in helping stop the flow of blood to wounds without any apparent shrapnel. "It hurts," He admitted, feeling slightly like the scared little kid on Tatooine when Watto would reprimand him.

"I'm sorry, but it'll be okay," She tried to reassure him.

Coric, a familiar medic, came rushing over at the commander's urgent call. He instantly got to work, telling Ahsoka to keep him steady while he removed as much of the shrapnel as possible. She first lowered him to the ground and held his shoulders down so he couldn't interfere. He was moaning, grunting, trying to ease some of the pain by clenching his fists. Ahsoka turned her head away for a moment, determined not to let Anakin see a tear fall down her cheek, then turned back to see his pained expression and continue to hold him down. Coric pulls a slightly larger piece of shrapnel from his stomach and she was in about as much emotional pain as he was physical having to watch him struggle against her grip on his shoulders.

Her teary eyes caught his bloodshot ones as she tried to calm him down. Her limited medical training taught her that a conscious, loud patient was always better than a sleeping one. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you're dead. She took his silence as a sign that shock was starting to set in.

"Just keep looking at me, that's right," His eyes flicked away for a second, but came back at the sound of her voice. He was caught off guard by another scrap of metal being pulled from his flesh, interrupting Ahsoka with a pained cry and a chocked sob. "I know, I know, it hurts, but you've gotta stay with me," she begged, keeping a tight grip on his shoulders. "You're doing great, you're gonna be okay." Coric was almost finished extracting the metal, thankful for the team of medics rushing to the scene so he could finish here. He would have left the shrapnel had they been able to move Anakin, but the metal would easily cause infection and needed to be removed as quickly as possible, even if that meant risking him bleeding out. They knew medics would arrive soon, so they knew he could be saved. It was scary nonetheless. "You can sleep for a month after this, just don't take your eyes off me. I need you awake."

Anakin was slowly drifting off, not a good sign. Blood loss was getting to him. Ahsoka need him awake just a little longer, just long enough that he could be brought to the medbay and taken care of. He nodded slightly, if pained, and bit his lip to help endure the pain. Soon enough, Anakin was rushed away, Ahsoka at his side. He succumbed to sleep after he was lifted onto a stretcher, his Padawan staying with him until he woke up. He had to admit, it was refreshing to open his eyes to Ahsoka's smiling face.

Yaaaay I wrote something that didn't have Ahsoka getting hurt, congratulations to me. I'm sorry, hurting characters makes for an easy plot lol

ANyway, have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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