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This is for you, my pain loving geeks (aka Ahsoka_Fan12)

Here's Obi-Wan being a dad, Anakin being a worried brother, and Ahsoka wanting everyone to stop making a big deal of things.

No idea if this'll come out good, but we'll see I guess.

Enjoy :)

The moment she felt a prickle of pain in her leg, she knew Anakin wouldn't stop talking. He'd crashed plenty of ships before, and as long as no one got hurt, he really didn't care. But now he would be overflowing with apologies. Oddly enough though, this crash wasn't his fault. It was the leaking fuel lines that caused the crash, and the explosion, and the whole stranded-on-a-strange-planet situation.

Ahsoka pulled a piece of the blown up ship off her side and took a look at her leg which was slowly starting to bleed out. She saw the patch of crimson liquid and a few pieces of shrapnel sticking out, hoping no one else had gotten hurt. Before she could think further, she heard a faint yell. "Anakin?" It yelled in an accent. "Ahsoka? Are you alright?" Her voice was scratchy and hurting from the smoke, so it took her longer to respond.

"Here, master," Anakin yelled back. "Ahsoka?" He frantically shouted.

"Over here." She yelled with some discomfort, sitting herself upright and taking a closer look at her leg.

"Snips, you scared me for-" His smile turned to concern when he looked at her leg. "Obi-Wan, go look for a med-kit, it might have survived the crash." Anakin kneeled down by her side, examining her torn apart leg.

"Got it," Obi-Wan said as he threw it to Anakin. The master joined the both of them on the ground, Anakin debating what to do next. When he had successfully found a roll of bandages, he started picking out the pieces of metal and wood embedded in Ahsoka's leg. She winced at ever movement, but did her best to keep a straight face. If Anakin wasn't the one doing it, he'd have given Ahsoka her metal hand to squeeze, knowing how tight a grip she had; especially when she was in pain.

She let out a heavy breath and leaned her head back as soon as Anakin said "Done."

"Where are we anyway?" Ahsoka asked, trying to make some sort of conversation to ease Anakin's worry. He always did better when he was distracted. Ahsoka looked around her trying to find any sign of vegetation or animals that could clue her in. All she saw were a few dead bushes amidst the endless plains of sand and dirt. Had Anakin not been worrying about Ahsoka's health, he'd have started complaining about the sand.

"We dropped out of hyperspace, so we could be anywhere between Coruscant and Ryloth," Obi-Wan told her.

"Well that's just great," She muttered. "We'll have to look through the wreckage for any sort of remains that could put out a signal. If we're lucky we'll attract the attention of a trade ship or something." Ahsoka tried to sit further up against the ship remains but her hand caught the edge of something sharp and she winced in pain. "You've got to be kidding me," She growled, clutching her now bleeding palm.

"Here." Anakin was still worried and tried not to talk to much to avoid rambling. Nervous habit, he supposed. He rummaged through the kit again and found a bacta patch. Ahsoka grabbed it and stuck it on her hand herself, first checking for anymore sharp object and standing up with her master's help.

Anakin grabbed her arm to steady her. "We'll get you away just in case anything else decides to blow up, then Obi-Wan and I will search for a transmitter," He reasoned. Ahsoka stopped and tried to turn in the other direction.

"There's too much for just the two of you to search, I can stand on my own two feet." Ahsoka grinned and let go of Anakin's arm, summoning a nearby branch to use as a crutch. "See?"

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