Knight Tano

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This is a what-if scenario because I want a happier ending than what Star Wars gave us. So just imagine that Anakin didn't turn, order 66 never happened, and Ahsoka didn't leave the order. A war free world.

Ahsoka, unlike Anakin, didn't mind meditation. She was so used to fighting and war that peace was unfamiliar to her, but something about the quiet hum that came with meditation calmed her. She sat in the middle of the floor. Her back straight, her legs crossed, and her breathing slow. She fell into a deep, sleep like meditation where she could feel images come towards her. Memories. They felt like memories. But when they showed Anakin and the former chancellor Palpatine, she didn't want to see what came next. She couldn't bear to see Anakin in such a broken, vulnerable state again. Lucky for her, the Jedi, the whole galaxy, Anakin didn't turn but these images, they haunted her, screaming in her face "what if they didn't get there in time? What if he turned, it would be your fault." But she stood her ground and pushed the thoughts away. She was awoken from her meditation by a sunbeam glaring in her closed eyes, and the knock that came from the door behind her, telling her that it had been a full day.

It couldn't have been a full day, I was only there for a few hours, She thought to herself. But then again, there was no reason to believe it hadn't been a full day. She opened the door herself, and followed the hallways to the Hall of Knighthood. She had never been inside, she had never even come near the door before, but somehow her feet knew where to go.

She knelt before master Yoda in the darkened room. Her head bowed, she waited for master Yoda to sever her Padawan beads. Unlike humans, Ahsoka didn't have hair, therefore not having a Padawan braid to be cut off, so her beads were gently removed, and handed to her. She was honestly glad, she had been told that the braid would be cut off with the grandmaster's lightsaber, and she didn't care to risk her montrals being burned.

She held her beads in her hands. The yellow bead, representing her skills with a lightsaber, the green bead, representing meditation and visions, the purple and grey beads, she was proud of her accomplishments, her life, her skills, and wanted to keep the beads. 

Her beads in hand, she walked to her quarters where Anakin had been patiently waiting. He had been there for her completion of the trials, first and only attempt I might add, but he hadn't seen her since the day before when her beads were still attached to her head, and she was still his Padawan.

"I guess that means I call you Anakin now." Her light voice could just barely be heard across the room, where Anakin was tinkering with some droid head, or ship part.

"Snips, you did it!" He said, running up to her with her beads still clutched in her hand. He hugged her, despite the potential for some Jedi master to come lecture them on attachments.

"I did it, Skyguy."

"Knight Tano, has a nice ring to it." He said, pulling himself away from the hug, but still grasping one of her shoulders. "That'll be hard to get used to."

"Agreed." She couldn't wipe the excited grin off her face.


"This is it, the last time I'll have to deal with droid parts littering the floor." Ahsoka said, grabbing the small crate with her few belongings in it.

"Nah, you can come and visit. The clankers will be happy to see you." He joked, opening the door for her.

"Before I go,"

"Snips, it's not like this is the last time I see you or anything."

"It's the last time I'll see you while still feeling like your Padawan," She said, following the path she had taken an hour before to find her new quarters.

"Okay then, go ahead."

"I just wanted to say that I'm glad I found you on Christophsis. And that you kept me. Thank you." The moment was sweet, and they wanted to bask in the silence of it for a moment.

"Ahsoka, keeping you was one of the best decisions I've ever made. And thank you."

"For what?" She questioned, setting the crate down in her new, slightly smaller quarters for one.

"For saving my life that day."

"You admit it!" She yelled. Finally, pulling that wall down was accepted as a good decision.

"Yes, I admit it. Don't let it go to your head."

"Oh it's too late for that," She said, smacking him as she pulled him in for a side hug. "It's far too late for that."

There it is, short but sweet. I really like the concept of "Knight Tano" And was even thinking I could make another One-Shot book out of it. I'll try doing some more one shots with the same theme, and if you like them, let me know and I'll think about doing a whole separate book :)

(Honestly I'm probably going to make another book anyway whether people want me to or not, because this theme is to amazing for me not to and I'm really enjoying it lol)

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