Street Rat, Part 2

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A bunch of people requested this, and I feel pretty up to it so I think I'll try my hand at a part two!

Also thank you guys so much for all the support with my whole "mental health is being an absolute kriffing BUTT" situation. I'm not a ton better, but I'm feeling a little more up to writing and it usually makes me pretty happy. I love seeing everyone's comments about stuff they liked, and it really keeps me motivated.

Also no, I don't know if a minor can be placed in a homeless shelter, but I don't care about facts, okay. My AU my rules lol


Enjoy :)

She didn't think about Anakin for a while after that.

Not until she was sitting behind a dumpster in the middle of winter, chilled to the bone, too tired to search for food. Ahsoka prayed someone would take pity on her, she'd eat two saltine crackers and call it a meal if that's what someone offered. Instead, she was going to die in some dingy alley behind a dumpster, of starvation or cold, she didn't know (It was probably going to be the cold, she realized, but she didn't want to think about that).

Ahsoka knew enough to understand that she still had a little time. She was shivering, which was a good thing, and nothing was numb yet. But if she didn't move she'd be in trouble. Slowly but surely, she raised herself up using the wall for support, and took a few steps towards the street before collapsing again.

Cars whizzed by, people walked hurriedly to get out of the cold, and only one ever stopped to look at her. A man with what could only be called a trench coat, bundled tightly with mittens and a scarf. He looked at her, stopped in his tracks, and immediately removed his coat. Ahsoka almost objected, saying he shouldn't sacrifice his warmth for hers, but then quickly realized this man was decently well off. He could have a wife, kids, a good job, and so much more than she'd ever have. She could handle making him loose his coat.

The man's ginger hair was flaked with snow, getting blown in his eyes when he moved to wrap the large jacket around such a tiny figure. It practically swallowed her whole, the sleeves coming past her hands, and the hem practically reaching the ground. "Come on, let's get you warm," He coaxed, his voice just loud enough to reach her over the howling wind. The snow had died down to only a flurry, but it chilled her none the less.

She stuttered, her teeth chattering too much to make a good sentence. "Where... Where are we going?" She managed to ask him. He pulled her a little closer, almost fatherly, a hand on her shoulder as they walked down the street.

The man hesitated, and answered with some heir of uncertainty in his voice. "My work. We'll get you situated and figure it out from there." Too tired to ask where he worked, Ahsoka only nodded and continued walking. "What's your name, young one?"

She ignored his comment on her age and answered. "Ahsoka," She said through chattering teeth.

"Ahsoka, I'm Obi-Wan." In a moment she lifted her head to see the police station. "We're here," He answered, tightening his grip in the slightest to make sure she wouldn't run. To be honest, she probably couldn't anyway. Ahsoka followed dutifully into the double doors where only a few people looked at her. Whoever did, she didn't notice. Only watched the crowds of people walk by. "Sit," He said gently, guiding her to an empty chair near a desk. In a moment he came back with a blanket and what she assumed was coffee, handing her the latter and wrapping the blanket around her shoulders.

"Thank you, sir," She said politely, after her teeth stopped chattering and she could speak properly. 

He grinned, sitting at the other chair positioned behind his desk. "Of course, Ahsoka. Now, could you tell me your last name?"

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