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A story from one of ashskywalker66's headcanons, about Anakin having tattoos (cuz he can't not have any with the amount of time he spends w/ the clones) and that he has a tattoo of the Fulcrum symbol on his shoulder.

I read this headcanon and went "... I'm getting the eyeliner."

So now I've got a tattoo for a couple days, it's kind of smudged but I fixed it later lol

ANyway, thanks Ash for letting me steal headcannons once in a while

Enjoy :)

The two of them returned from their "training session" (aka an excuse to wrestle to their heart's content) sweating buckets, an hour of hand to hand with a broken AC system causing it. Ahsoka didn't have any sleeves to roll up, but she would have if she could. Anakin on the other hand practically threw his outer tunic off, leaving only a short sleeved undershirt in it's place the moment they got to their quarters. That was when Ahsoka saw it, two circles on the inside of his wrist. She grabbed his arm with a smile, realizing what it was.

"Master, you never told me you had tattoos!" She exclaimed. He didn't pull away, instead smiling. "And... I'm confused, what is this supposed to be?"

Anakin was finally freed from her grip. "Tatooine suns," Was his answer. "I hated Tatooine for the most part, but it was still my home. My mother was there, it wasn't all bad."

There was a brief silence between them before Ahsoka spoke up again. "Do you have any others?"



"A couple," He answered, hoping she wouldn't push.

His wish was not granted. "Can I see?" Her eyes were wide with curiosity, and he couldn't deny her. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? Anakin sighed as he took off his shirt. Other than his sun tattoo, he had a intricate tattoo of a forest along his side. Ahsoka couldn't help but wonder how painful it must have been to get.

"Woah," She gawked as she reached her hand out to touch it. She didn't know why, it was just cool. Anakin chuckled when she ran her fingers across the ink.

"I got that one sometime last year, and the Tatooine one when I was nineteen." As he turned around Ahsoka got a view one in between his shoulder blades of what looked to be a series of cogs. "This one I got a couple months after."

Ahsoka grinned for a moment. "The clones made you get one, didn't they?" Anakin feigned shock, his hand over his heart, then went to pull his shirt back on. He dropped the joke. "It was Fives."

"Knew it!"


*Two years later*

**We're pretending Order 66 didn't happen bc it hurts my heart**

It was Ahsoka's idea originally, but that was at least a year ago. She had likely forgotten it. So when Anakin woke his Padawan up that morning, she certainly didn't expect him to tell her he was getting a tattoo.

"Wait, you're what? That's awesome!" She said in almost a yell. "What's it gonna be?" He only grinned.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see. The real question is... When are you getting one?" However much she loved tattoos on Anakin, she had never been able to convince herself to get one. Something about it hurting too much and being such a huge commitment.

Ahsoka bit her lip in a smile. "You really think I should get one?" She asked.

"Kriff ya, come with me today and we'll do it together." Ahsoka hesitated. "I'll bribe you with food," He coaxed. Ahsoka finally laughed and nodded.

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