Designated Driver

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From NerdyDragon2! Here's sibling fluff with Ahsoka and the clones. Okay it's not super fluffy, but it's still pretty funny if I do say so myself

Oh and ignore all timeline, idk when each trooper joined and died and all that jazz, we're just compiling them all without a care in the world

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka certainly didn't think she'd be awake at this hour, awoken by a beeping comm.

She grumbled at the noise, ignoring it for a few moments before she couldn't let it go any longer, gripping it a little too tight in her hand as she brought it to her face. "This had better be good," She spoke into it, quietly, so as to not wake up her master.

"So sorry sir," Came a voice from the other end. A clone she didn't recognize this late at night. 0200 by the looks of it. "We really didn't want to do this, but it was late and we weren't sure if the General would do it, and the Captain would destroy us if we woke-"

"The point, Tup," She said, finally recognizing the young clone's voice. She could faintly hear music in the background and more annoyingly, loud speeders coming over the comm channel. 

"Well we need someone to pick us up." Ahsoka grumbled, already getting out of bed and slipping a hoodie over her tank. "Everyone's had something to drink, some more than others, and Kix would have our heads if any of us drove."


"Yes sir."

"How many of you?"

Um," Tup paused, probably to do a headcount. "Five."

She slipped quietly out of her room and checked her master's force signature to find that he was actually asleep for once. "I'll be there in ten," She promised before cutting off the signal. 


If she didn't plan on sleeping that night, Ahsoka would have stopped for caf on her way. Instead she settled with a couple jumping jacks as she stepped out. The girl scanned the sidewalk for any wayward clones, finding only Tup waiting at the doorway of 79's, trying to convince a visibly drunk Fives of something. She marched over, determination written on her face. It was sure to strike fear into the eyes of shinys across the GAR.

"Get in the speeder," She shouted in their direction. Tup stood stick straight (probably out of pure fear) and ushered Fives into the speeder before calling back to others. Ahsoka passed silently by a scared Tup and a hunched over Fives, marching into the bar to drag the other three drunk clones away. Jesse and Dogma were the first ones she found, drunk, but not nearly as bad as Fives or the newest find, Hardcase.

She made a mental note not to let him drink again, dragging his unconscious body out of the bar over one shoulder. He wasn't getting off easy when he woke up.

The six of them in the speeder, Ahsoka held a hand up to silence Tup before he could begin rambling. "Thank you for calling me so none of you di'kuts died tonight, but also know that all of you are going to train with me tomorrow." Tup nodded eagerly from the passenger seat.

"Got it, sir," He answered. Away they drove to the clone barracks, where she dropped their sorry shebs off and promised to see them bright and early the next morning.


"You should have seen her, General," Rex spoke quietly to him in the mess the next morning. "Barged in at 0530 and called out a couple troopers to start training with. I followed them and she wiped the floor." You could hear the hint of pride at his voice as he glanced around the tables to pick out the troopers nursing black eyes and bruises.

Anakin raised an eyebrow to look at his disgruntled Padawan sitting across the room with Barriss. "What did the idiots do to make her mad like that?"

Rex huffed a short laugh. "Tup told me she had to pick them up from 79's last night."

"Of course," Anakin laughed. "Well in that case they deserve every lap they ran."

A little shorter than most of my chapters, but I was happy to get another one out so soon. Usually I wait a couple days before posting another chapter, this time I was pretty inspired and busted out the whole thing in an hour.

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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