Life Day

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I have to point out that in this picture, Obi-Wan is slicing not only the cake, but the platter and straight through the table. And it makes me incredibly happy to think about lol. Although he's probably burning the cake to smithereens, and I'm sure no one's too happy about that haha

Art not mine, credit where credit is due <3

Oh and Ahsoka's birthday (supposedly) is valentines day, I just got that off google so feel free to correct me lol

Back to wholesome sibling stuff


Ahsoka woke up to the sound of Anakin opening his bedroom door with a gentle whoosh. To be fair, she was already awake and was just dreading getting up. Until she remembered what day it was.

For the past week she had been mentally bouncing off the walls. Anakin had told her that for her life day they'd be going somewhere special. He was a caring person, obviously disregarding the Jedi code when it came to attachments, and loved his little sister just about as much as his wife; he knew she deserved a good life day.

This was her sixteenth. Usually the most she got on her life day was a few words from master Plo, and the year before it was a surprise solo mission that ended in an unpleasant casualty count. This year she was actually excited about the day, knowing that Anakin had planned something for her. With a grunt she hoisted herself out of bed to get dressed.

With her usual battle attire in her hands she headed to the refresher for a shower. The whole time all she could think about was this surprise. She was as calm as she could be on the outside, but Anakin could always sense the excitement bubbling within her and couldn't help but chuckle when she stepped out of the refreshed with a big grin plastered on her face.

"So, Skyguy, what's this surprise?" She couldn't keep her perky joy to herself anymore and finally asked.

"Took you long enough..." He said, leaning against the cold metal of the open front door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ahsoka chuckled and joined in with the banter. She crossed her arms and made her way towards the doorway he was leaning against.

"You really don't hide excitement very well."

"At least I tried!" They both laughed and made their way towards the mess hall for breakfast. "So, what's the surprise?" She bounced a little at the thought.

"Snips, it's called a surprise for a reason."

"Fine," She huffed as they walked into the mess hall. Not as many people were in the there, it was earlier than normal for breakfast, at only about six thirty. She opted for sausage, a favorite for Ahsoka. Although, that just might be because of the limited amount of meat, especially raw meat that she had access to at the temple.

"You can eat anything here, and yet you still choose meat?" Anakin prodded, sitting them down at a table.

"And it's not even raw," She joked, taking a mouthful. She had taken other things too, some hash as well as scrambled eggs, but the meat took up most of her plate. "Do you know nothing about Togruta?"

"I'll never understand you, Snips, let's leave it at that."

They continued talking through breakfast, friendly banter, talks of past pranks on Obi-Wan, the likes. Slowly more clones filed in, and one or two even wished Ahsoka a happy life day. She wasn't used to attention and just hoped no one had planned anything elaborate for her. She loved her family, but she wasn't super hyped about a ton of attention. With their stomach's full, Anakin lead her down the halls where they would dual. They didn't usually have time off like this, and Anakin wasn't going to waste it, even if it was her life day. Ahsoka couldn't complain. She liked dueling, learning, she loved lessons with her master, and was happy to be doing something to keep her mind off the surprise Anakin had planned.

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