Keep Them Alive

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Trigger warning for topics of suicide and self harm

Ya I'm doing another sad one.


Because I can. This will be similar to my book Darkness, but not the same, I'm just following the same themes.

I'll get back to Knights and Nomads soon, I promise, part four really will be coming

It was dark that night, it felt darker than it should have been, although maybe that was because she chose to see it that way. She didn't want to feel light, therefore she didn't see it either.

Earlier that day she had witnessed something she always hated seeing: a brother die. She didn't know him all that well, he was pretty new and she didn't even know his name, but she knew he wasn't as friendly as the other clones. Ahsoka tried to comfort him in his last moments, like she did with all the clones in that situation, but what he said would scar her forever. She was kneeling by his side and placed a hand on his chest where there was a blaster wound to try and slow the bleeding. When she realized the inevitable, she lifted her hand a bit.

The clone was quiet at the beginning when she tried to stop the bleeding, but when he Ahsoka stopped, he knew he must be dying. And this is what he chose his final words to be:

"You just can't seem to keep others alive, can you kid?" She could still feel the way the spite in his voice pierced her heart when he said it. Those were his last words, the way he would be remembered, was by berating his commander.

So here she sat, alone on her bed. She didn't tell anyone about her encounter with the clone of course, but Anakin probably knew something was wrong. Usually she'd be included in the debriefing, but this time he told her to go get some rest, it was late after all. He sent her off to bed and went to talk to the council. Of course, Ahsoka didn't sleep, she usually wouldn't if her master wasn't nearby. She wasn't sure when this started, but it was yet another problem to add to her list of "reasons I'm not asleep" to give to Anakin when he asked. She assumed it had started after a mission gone wrong where someone was captured, kidnapped, or even just a rough mission with an unpleasant casualty count. Either way, it was yet another quirky habit she wished to get rid of.

Hiss. The door to their quarters opened and she sensed the familiar presence of her master walking towards his own bedroom. Although he stopped, standing outside her door. He gently knocked. "Come in," She said in a voice only loud enough to be heard over the speeders whizzing outside her window.

"Hey Snips, didn't I tell you to go to bed?" He said with a smirk, joining her sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I went to bed, I just can't sleep." She shifted uncomfortably, questioning whether or not she'd regret saying what she was about to say. "Can you do me a favor?" Yup, she already regretted it. Kriff, kriff, kriff, he'll think I'm insane, "No, actually, nevermind."

"What is it?" He asked, looking a little concerned. She had to come up with something fast. Taking a quick glance around the room she spotted her canteen.

"I thought I left my canteen in the kitchen, but it's right here, I was going to ask you to bring it for me." Hopefully that'd suffice. Lucky for her, it looked like Anakin was too tired to notice if anything was off, and nodded his head.

"Well you get some rest, you'll get to sleep in tomorrow though, no more missions for a little while." Anakin stood up a little tiredly and glanced in her direction as he spoke.

"Sounds good. Night master," She said, going to grab the canteen to help seal the lie.


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