Tea, Part 2

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(Credit to the og artist)

No one asked for it

But I really loved it and it seemed like others did too

So here's part two, still Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, even if it's a little short

Enjoy :)

(Setting the scene, it's about two weeks after part one)

She woke with a jolt. As if she had a nightmare, or a loud noise penetrated her montrals, but all was quiet when she came to her senses. Ahsoka looked around the room trying to calm herself. She saw the moonlight peek through the shades, and her messy desk where she discarded her homework the night before. Then it hit her. A wave of fear, of guilt, not from her bond with Anakin though, it was too faint. Her bond with someone else.

Obi-Wan. She continued listening to the force and coming in contact with his emotions. Mostly guilt, shame, doubt, she heard a few words ring through her head, undoubtedly from a nightmare.

You failed him.

Qui-Gon would be disappointed in you.

You couldn't even keep your own master alive.

Ahsoka hopped out of bed, made her way to the little kitchenette, and grabbed the two travel mugs from the counter, hers and Anakin's. She was sure he wouldn't mind her taking it for a little while. Five minutes later she was standing outside Obi-Wan's door in the dark hallways of the temple, and softly knocking on his door. She could feel his presence inside, and decided he was just ignoring her.

"I know you're in there master," She said in a loud whisper, hoping not too disturb any of the other masters nearby. "I brought tea." The last part summoned him. Ahsoka could feel the vibrations in her montrals of his heavy footsteps crossing the room to open the door. "May I come in?" She gave a gentle smile and handed him the tea, and Obi-Wan gestured for her to come in. He had a hint of bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't been sleeping much, and his hair was ruffled from having likely just gotten up.

Obi-Wan was quiet. Probably a little embarrassed that she had to see him like this, and Ahsoka noted this. They had always been happy with silence, it was comfortable for them to just sit and acknowledge each other's presence's and sip their tea. Neither of them had to talk if they didn't want to. Obi-Wan guided her to a small sofa that was just fitting the both of them, where Ahsoka curled herself up in a little ball, wrapping the long cloak she wore around herself further to keep the heat in. Obi-Wan was wearing comfortable clothes, sweatpants and an oversized shirt, he had even rolled the sleeves up because he had been sweating.

"Nightmare?" She asked after a few minutes of silent sipping. He only nodded, implying that he wasn't going to talk anytime soon. Ahsoka decided he needed a distraction rather than confrontation, and started talking after a few more moments. "Anakin and I were sparring yesterday, or wait, is it yesterday or today?" She glanced at the clock reading 0140. "Okay so yesterday, we were sparring and some of the clones gathered around to watch since we were in the barracks at the time, and I caught Anakin from behind, kicking his leg out and he totally faceplanted on the floor. It was so funny, if only you were there." They both chuckled, trying not to spill their tea. "He was so embarrassed and tried to convince me that he let me win. He never admits when I win."

"Sounds like him. You know, he did the same thing to me when he was my Padawan, he never let it down. It was the first time he beat me actually, he was probably, oh, thirteen at the time."

"I can imagine his face when he beat you," Ahsoka added, moving a little closer to Obi-Wan to try and get into a good place to lean on him. He had pulled his sleeves down now, implying that the hot flash had passed, and was starting to huddle closer to Ahsoka.

"It was pretty hilarious." She was close enough and leaned on his chest in the hoped that he might calm down. His heartbeat was still quick from whatever nightmare he had, but it slowed soon after Ahsoka leaned on him. Obi-Wan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rested his head on the valley created by her montrals. There they sat, in comfortable silence for close to fifteen minutes. Finally he spoke up. "Thank you, Ahsoka."

"That's what I'm here for, master."

The fluff is too much, I can't take it <3<3 Lmk if you have any one shot ideas, I need to add to the magic hat of ideas. Oh, and when I said I wanted to write about the battle that happened on Ahsoka's life day (mentioned in a previous chapter) I really want to, but I'm bad at writing battles so if you have any ideas, please tell me!! Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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