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I'm real original with these chapter names *face palms*

This story is going to be from this dialogue prompt I found.

"Oooh, she's angry,"

"What makes you think that?"

"Well you can see her mood by her hands, like right now, she's got a gun (lightsaber). I don't think that means she's happy to see them."

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka, the perfect trio to destroy an army of battle droids. That is, until Anakin and Obi-Wan fall into a trap, leaving Ahsoka behind to try and keep herself together long enough to find them.

The three of them were fighting well, and they had almost cut through the last of the droids, when Anakin and Obi-Wan disappeared.

Ahsoka was fighting alongside them, back turned, deflecting blaster shots from the last of the golden clankers. Panting, she turned around to where they should have been when she stopped hearing the familiar whooshing of both of their lightsabers. She nonchalantly deflected a bullet and aimed it towards the last droids head without looking behind her. Panic took over, and she frantically looked around for either of them, a cloak, a lightsaber, any trace that they had ever been there. Even wounded would have been better than not finding them at all.

I left them behind, what did I do? They could have been captured, or killed by now, and it's be my fault. We won't even have bodies to burry-

Ahsoka was prone to overthink in these matters. Yes, she was completely expecting to have to drag their bodies back. To her, she'd rather know where they were, even if it were with a bullet through the heart. Okay, maybe she'd rather have to search for them and bring them home alive, but sometimes it felt like she'd rather just find them.

She ran towards the tree line. Nothing. She looked down the river. Nothing. She looked back to where the 501st was settling in and regrouping. Nothing. "Rex! Have your men search the area, the generals are missing." She yelled at him, running towards the group.

"You heard her men, fan out, find the generals and bring them back alive." He yelled, jogging over to where Ahsoka stood, her lightsabers still clutched tightly in her hands as if letting them go would be letting go of her masters.

"We'll find them, commander," Rex told her, putting a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. At the gentle touch she deactivated her lightsabers as to make sure she wasn't accidentally going to skewer anyone. "You should go rest, get your injuries looked at." He led her back towards their makeshift base. With the adrenaline wearing off, she started feeling the ache in her dislocated shoulder and from the bullet that grazed her side. Not enough to cause any real damage, but the charred skin wasn't exactly preferred.

She was ushered towards a rock to sit on while a medical clone applied Bacta to her wound and readied her for the relocation of her shoulder. At this point she was used to it, despite the pain. She had popped her shoulder out too many times to count. Usually though, Anakin was there to make some stupid joke to distract her from the pain, or in more dire circumstances, do it himself. The clone grabbed her arm with both hands, one on the shoulder, one on the elbow, and counted down. On zero, the familiar combination of an ache and a sting flooded through her shoulder. She winced with her face but grunted with her voice. It was over quickly, but it was no less painful than previous times. "Thanks," She muttered, stretching her arm out in circular motions, and walking swiftly away to where there were men going out in groups of three to look for the generals.

Ahsoka joined one group. Among them were Echo and Fives, as well as a clone she didn't know who's name she was told was Click. "We start at the tree line, we were fighting backs to each other, we were yelling over each other, and the next moment they were gone." She repeated, if only to herself to try and find any trace of them.

She stood where she remembered she was standing with her back to her masters. She closed her eyes, replaying the scene. Ahsoka turned, her eyes still closed, to where Anakin should have been, then again to where Obi-Wan was. She opened her eyes and saw it. A glint of metal at her feet, then another, and another. Two of them were her masters lightsabers, one was unidentified. "Nobody move." She said to the clones, her arms spread wide as if to balance herself on top of some invisible rope. Her instant reaction was that it was some sort of bomb, but with a closer looks as she slowly bent down, she could see a hatch. A hatch that if she had stepped just inches close to, she would have fallen through. Anakin and Obi-Wan must have triggered some sort of pressure plate, and had fallen through. She spoke through her comm.

"Rex, call your men back to base, I think I know where they are." Ahsoka kneeled down to the trapdoor, activated the pressure plate, and watched the floor fall out beneath the brush that had been covering it. Ahsoka was standing far enough off to the side that she wasn't dragged down. "I vote jump." She said to Fives, who nodded with a smile, although hidden by the helmet.

Now adorning herself with two extra lightsabers (and feeling rather like Grievous), she opened the hatch again, nodded at her men a goodbye, and jumped. It was a long, metal tube, leading into some sort of prison cell. She saw the ground before she hit it, and was able to land gracefully on her feet.

"Snips?" She heard the familiar voice and a wave of relief washed over her.

"Good to see you Skyguy."

"So, did you get trapped or did you jump?" Obi-Wan said from the other side of the cramped prison cell.

Ahsoka grinned and grabbed the two extra lightsabers from her belt, but before she could answer she heard a voice from the hatch above. "You make it, Commander?"

"I have the generals, we'll find a second way out." She said said in response, realizing that she definitely wasn't going to be able to jump, even force jump back out. "Jumped." She said to Obi-Wan, forgetting about the lightsabers and carrying on. 

"You do have a plan, right?" Anakin asked as she eyes the door. Ahsoka sliced through the bars with both her green and yellow sabers, making a loud clunking noise.

"Well, if I did it certainly wasn't stealth related." She hopped through the hole. "Are you coming, or not?"

They had only turned a few corners before they came across a full army of droids advancing in the opposite direction, towards some sort of large door. That was their ticket out. Obi-Wan and Anakin figured they could just wait out the droids, but Ahsoka on the other hand, was intent on destroying them, all fully armed.

"Ahsoka..." Anakin could feel her anger slowly coming to the surface. "Oh, she's angry," Anakin whispered to Obi-Wan.

"And what makes you think that?" Obi-Wan answered, the sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

"Well, you can tell her mood by her hands, like now, she's violently gripping her lightsaber. I don't think that means she's happy to see them." Anakin smirked and crossed his arms. "Don't suppose you found our lightsabers?" He yelled towards her when she ignited one of her own, alerting the droids of her presence. Wordlessly, Ahsoka used her other hand to unclip them and throw them behind her in her master's general direction. Anakin caught both with the force, handed Obi-Wan his own, and they relentlessly charged, Ahsoka destroying over half of them. Anakin and Obi-Wan were basically just her cheerleaders, deflecting bolts while she lopped the droids' heads off.

The hatch lead to the other side of where the clones had set up camp. It came out in the middle of a thick forest, but the three of them could see the fire they had built and followed it's light through the brush.

"Generals, good to have you back. The Commander was real worried for a minute." Rex said as they came into view.

"I could tell by the way she destroyed half a droid army in thirty seconds flat."

Okay so it's not great, but it's something and I wanted to play around with the idea of it a little. Who knows, maybe I'll rewrite the story for this prompt someday. Oh, spring break has officially started for me!! I don't get February break (yay homeschooling) so this is all that more awesome. Hopefully that means I'll be writing more, but no promises lol. Anyway, have a good day/night/whatever, and I'll see you when I see you :)


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