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Not me, writing this when I should be sleeping, because I'm avoiding everything I have to do tomorrow. Nope.

Fr tho, I can't be the only one who just stays up late when they have things to do the next day because they feel like it provides some sort of control? Even if you know it'll be harder to do things when you're dead tired you just feel like you've gotta stay awake and be productive on your own terms.

Idk if that made any sense, but ya, that's how I'm feeling

ANyway, let's see where this takes us.

Enjoy :)

It was late that night when Ahsoka found Anakin in his room, holding a mostly full bottle of some sort of beer. He shouldn't even be awake at 0100, let alone drinking. She had woken up to get some water, but realizing that her usually full canteen was in fact empty, she took it to the refresher to fill it with tap water. That's when she saw the light from underneath Anakin's door.

"Master?" She knocked gently. From the other side you could feel the conflict in him, wondering if he should open the door or pretend her wasn't awake and had just left the light on. Finally, he used the force to open the door for her. He was sitting at his desk where there lay a powered down data-pad, one hand on a bottle of beer, the other stroking the data-pad.

"Why are you up this late Snips?"

"Getting water. You?" She stood near his messy bed and awaited his answer. She might not get anything out of him, but if Anakin was anything like her he'd want her to be there for the silent comfort.

"Just thinking." They stayed like that for a few moment before Anakin's tired brain kept talking. "Have a drink." He started to move the beer to the other hand to pass it to her but Ahsoka piped in quickly.

"Master, I'm sixteen."

"Then sit and watch me drink."

"I never thought I'd be the more responsible of the two of us," She said, grabbing the beer from his hands. Part of him wanted to hold onto it, to protest, but the other part knew she was right and he definitely shouldn't be drinking, and not in the Jedi temple of all places. He complied and loosened his grip. She took and set it near the door where she would dispose of it later and sat on his unmade bed, beckoning him to sit with her. He did so, although with some mental protest first. He didn't want to go crying to his Padawan. No. he thought. My sister. And she is always there for me.

They sat in silence for a long time, but Ahsoka was right, he did just need someone to be there with him in the silence. Finally, he spoke up again. "Three years ago today my mother died." It was more of a whisper than anything, but Ahsoka heard and nodded. She figured the data-pad was probably a picture of them together when he was a kid, and she'd be right. It was the only picture they had together, actually, and he had backed it up at least three times and made multiple copies of it, one for Padme to keep safe, one for Obi-Wan to keep safe, the others for himself in case he ever lost or destroyed one.

"Would it help to talk about her or do you just want me to be here with you?" Ahsoka said softly, scootching a little closer to him.

"If you could just stay here for a little while."

"Sure thing Skyguy." She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and convinced him to lean back against the headboard. Although it had previously been hard for him to sleep, now something about her steady grip on his shoulder, and the way she played with his hair to try and soothe him, he almost forgot for a moment that she was his sister and not his mother. It felt so familiar he barely caught himself before calling her mom.

Finally, when Ahsoka was thoroughly convinced that Anakin was asleep close to an hour later, she laid the slouched figure down on his pillow, covered him in a blanket, and walked out with the beer still in her hand.

Curiosity got the better of her when she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She had tried alcohol before, but it had always been a sip of Padme's wine or champagne, not beer. She took a swig before she could convince herself otherwise. She had been thirsty after all.

When she moved the bottle from her lips and swallowed, the beer made a tingling sensation go down her throat, and she almost felt more thirsty than before. Maybe it was being Togruta alcohol had a different effect on her, or maybe that's just what beer tasted like, she couldn't be sure. Either way she dumped the rest of the bottle down the drain hoping it hadn't been expensive at all, filled her canteen with water, and made her way back to her own room.

Little did Anakin know why she was really awake in the first place.

Wooaah cliffhanger, who am I? No worries I'll update soon. It's not all that exciting, I just had another idea to add onto the story and figured I'd be a little painful and make it a cliffhanger haha.

Okay, half an hour to write that, not bad. I'll go work on the next chapter now lol.

ANyway, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :).

Oh side note, if you're in the same time zone as me you might know that whenever I do that ending I always start with day if I'm publishing during the day and night whenever I'm publishing at night. It's a small detail but it was kind of fun


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