Shoto, Rewrite

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We're rewriting this bc I really don't like the first one anymore, as I don't like anything I wrote when I first created this book lol

This'll be totally different, actually.

Enjoy :)

Anakin hadn't thought much about it at first, everyone has their struggles and faults when fighting with a saber. He just thought this was one of Ahsoka's. But no matter how much time they worked on it, Ahsoka's left side was unguarded and they couldn't fix it. Not switching to a standard grip, not changing forms, no matter how much she practiced it was always the fault in the system.

Once again, Ahsoka was on the ground. She gave this low sort of grumble, maybe a growl if you thought about it (which Anakin did not want to think about it). "What am I doing wrong!" She roared. "I can't figure it out, I've tried practically every form in existence, and nothing's working." Ahsoka called her lightsaber to her with the force where it had fallen previously, after her master knocked it out of her hand.

"Well you haven't tried everything," Obi-Wan piped in from the sidelines.

Ahsoka, not particularly in the mood to be respectful, asked, "And what am I missing, oh great Master Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow at her sass, but said nothing, only walking towards the master-Padawan duo. Silently, he handed Ahsoka a training saber. "Have you been trained in dual wielding?"

Ahsoka shrugged slightly, looking towards her master who had nothing to add. "Only at the temple, when we were learning lightsaber forms. The teachers weren't very... Accepting of it. They told us it was too difficult to teach to younglings, and that it was meant for masters, so they sort of just brushed over it."

Obi-Wan sighed, looking towards Anakin, specifically his prosthetic arm. "And you aren't exactly a master of dual wielding, I may presume." 

Anakin scoffed. "That was at least a year ago Master, give me some credit."

"I give you too much credit, Anakin." He turned back to Ahsoka as if he hadn't just insulted the Chosen One. "Do you remember much?"

She smirked, gripping the training saber a little tighter. "I had master Plo teach me some katas. I can get by," She responded. He smirked along with her, urging the girl into starting positions.

"Then this should be easy for you."

Obi-Wan attacked Ahsoka first, going for her head where she easily blocked. She was holding her sabers in a standard grip, as she had been taught, but it was soon her downfall when Obi-Wan knocked the shoto out of her hand. "This is wrong," She said. "It's better, but it's not right."

"The kriffing reversed grip has infected your brain," Anakin joked from the sidelines, arms crossed and smirking. It was helping, her side was better guarded, but it wasn't quite right. Before he could comment further, Ahsoka smirked and flipped both sabers into a reversed grip. "No, Snips,"

"Ahsoka, that is far too advanced," Obi-Wan added over Anakin's protests.

Ahsoka didn't budge, only taking her stance again. "If I cut an arm off, it wasn't your fault." Obi-Wan sighed, one of those sighs she'd gotten accustomed to hearing when he was around Anakin, but rarely used on her. The one that said, 'You're going to get yourself killed and I'm not coming to the funeral'. "Besides, I can do reverse grip with one hand, and I'm ambidextrous as it is, I'll be fine. I'm just trying it."

"Like you said, if you cut an arm off, it's not my fault," Obi-Wan agreed.

"Or mine!" Anakin added.

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