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Request from Ahsoka_Fan12, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka bonding time, preferably sad (although it didn't come out sad- it ended up being really fluffy, sowwy, I'll try to fit it into another one soon tho :). Also this is going to be early into Ahsoka's apprenticeship, so she's still only fourteen in this. By early I mean like, less than two months.

Enjoy :)

If there was one thing that was drilled into Ahsoka as a initiate, it was the importance of meditation. To center one's self, to calm emotions, to help understand visions, meditation 'did it all'.

Doesn't mean it was easy.

When Ahsoka was forced to meditate as a youngling it was near impossible. In fact, she didn't fall into deep meditation for the first time until she was almost eleven, and that was during a joint meditation where she was relying heavily on the teacher in her class. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy it, no, she rather liked the sense of calm it brought her. It was just the 'sitting still and doing nothing' part that was hard.

So here she was in the Room of  a Thousand Fountains, sitting beneath a willow tree, willing herself to just quiet her mind and sit still. Instead all she could think about was the artificial breeze coming from the vents, the way a rogue bug crawled on her leg, and soon the sound of the doors opening nearby. She was too intent to notice the force presence slowly nearing until it was at her side, kneeling beside her.

"Having trouble, little one?"

Her gaze shot up towards the newcomer, and her hands towards her lightsaber. To her relief it was only her grandmaster who seemed to have come to meditate. "Sorry, Master Kenobi, you scared me," She responded, trying to ignore the question. She wasn't about to admit to her brand new grandmaster, who loved meditating, that she was horrible at it.

"I should have announced myself, seeing as you were in such deep meditation," He seemed to joke with a smirk on his face. Now she knew where Anakin got it from.

Embarrassed, she tried to come up with some excuse before giving in. "Well, meditation isn't exactly my... strong suit," She answered sheepishly, suddenly remembering that this was the master that had likely taught a couple of her meditation classes at the temple, he was so good with it.

"It wasn't Anakin's either, don't worry."

"I can't say I'm surprised. He doesn't seem like the meditation type." A potentially awkward silence fell and Ahsoka was wracking her brain for something to say before Obi-Wan spoke up.

"What's difficult about it?" Yup, definitely taught classes.

She thought for a moment before responding in the best way she could. "Usually just the sitting still. I like meditation, I do, there's just too much for me to focus on I guess."

Obi-Wan made a knowing hum. "You two really are alike." Ahsoka figured he meant her and Anakin. "Come," He gently ordered, standing up and offering her a hand. She took it, albeit confused, joining him towards an open grassy area nearby. "Let's try moving meditation."

"Moving meditation?" Ahsoka sked, confused having not heard of such a thing before.

"They don't teach it at the temple anymore, although I can't see why. Something about it being non-traditional I suppose." Obi-Wan took a simple stance, one she recognized as the starting stance for a certain kata, the name of which she couldn't quite put a finger on.

Ahsoka furrowed her brow. "Master, are we doing... Katas?"

"An astute observation, Padawan. And what form are we doing?" He asked with a small smirk, hoping to test her knowledge. She stared at the position of his feet and arms and copied, grabbing a lightsaber to try and familiarize herself with it, hoping muscle memory would kick in. As soon as she moved an arm forward she caught on and began the first few moves.


"Very good." She returned to a starting position but kept her saber in hand, unlit as to not chop anyone's limbs off by accident. "Would you like to lead or shall I?" Ahsoka thought for a moment, not wanting to be rude and deny, but also too afraid to try and lead a kata.

"You can." He nodded with a small smile, beginning to lead them into the first few moves. 

"Now all you need to do is continue like you would during normal meditation. Center yourself and open yourself to the force, your body will continue with the kata." Ahsoka did as she was told, falling into muscle memory with the kata, one she had done hundreds of times since earning her lightsaber and favoring the form. In a few moments her eyes were closed and her breathing steady despite the strenuous work of keeping up with her body for any large amount of time.

What felt like minutes but was likely much longer, Ahsoka was brought out of her meditative state by Obi-Wan's voice. "Ahsoka?"

Slowly, she opened her eyes and 'returned to her body' so to speak, settling herself and returning to a standing position. Master Kenobi was sitting with a gentle smile on his face in the grass a few feet away, careful not to get hit in the head with Ahsoka's lightsaber hilt. Next to him was Anakin, sprawled on the ground with his hands acting as a pillow, smirking the same. "Welcome back, Snips."

Ahsoka upon realizing that her master promised to get her for dinner, mildly panicked at the implication that she had been in this 'moving meditation' as master Kenobi had called it for longer than she'd expected. "Oh, um... Hi masters," She responded somewhat sheepishly.

"I see you like moving meditation then?" Anakin asked. She nodded, clipping her lightsaber back onto her belt. "Good, good."

Ahsoka, trying to break the silence, asked, "Ready for dinner, Master?" He nodded, a smile still on his face as he hoisted himself off the ground, helping Obi-Wan up as well. As they strode towards the door, Ahsoka felt the need to ask, "Master?"


"How long was I meditating for?" Anakin looked towards his Padawan, who seemed somewhat skittish and embarrassed at being awoken from meditation rather than coming out of it herself.

"Well I was only there like ten minutes, you'll have to ask Obi-Wan." As if on cue, he walked up beside them.

"Two hours."

Ahsoka turned on her heal to stare him in the eye. "Two hours? I've never meditated more than like, twenty minutes!" Her embarrassment turned into shock, than pride at her own abilities. "That's wizard..."

Anakin laughed at her excitement, Obi-Wan joining in with a chuckle. "Ya Snips, that's really cool."

I had no idea how to end that, but there it is. Thanks for reading!

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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