Modern AU Part 2

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A part two, because I felt like it

He though it was going to be a good day. He genuinely though he could get through one day without something happening, no cases, nothing going wrong, but he was quickly corrected when Lieutenant Windu informed them that they'd have a new probationary officer joining the team. Coruscant could always use more officers, what with all the craziness going on around them, but why'd they have to join his team? They had it good, it was just him and Ben, and they were the perfect duo. They didn't need some newly graduated, fresh out of the academy officer who could hardly hold a glock pistol without shooting their hand off. Why weren't they assigned to Rex's team, or Cody's? They were always looking for more officers.

"So when does this probie arrive?" Anakin said as he walked in the next morning, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I can't wait to have to babysit."

"Anakin, it's not babysitting." Ben said from his desk, sipping whatever tea was in a travel mug in front of him. "Be glad we have a new officer."

"Windu said they were a newbie, fresh out of the academy I'd think. I don't want to be stuck with some Judy Hopps, "let's make the world a better place" character."

"It's be fine, it's probationary, they might not even stick around. And who knows, you two might end up not hating each other after all."

"Ten bucks says they'll be out of here in a month, less if we have a murder case." He said with a smirk, sitting his feet on his desk and leaning back in the swivel chair.

Before Ben could roll his eyes, Lieutenant Windu came around the corner with a figure following behind. Whoever they were they were a little short compared to Ben and Anakin, only averaging in at five six or so, but really it wasn't all that short. "Sergeant Kenobi, Sergeant Skywalker, meet your new probationary officer." He stood to the side to let the person behind him enter. "This is Officer Ahsoka Tano."

A girl with deep chocolate skin, and light patches of tan scattered her face and hands, the rest of her body covered by the police uniform strode in. Her hair was wild, a deep bleached white with electric blue highlights, pulled up in a tight bun of thin dreadlocks on the top of her head. The same, familiar messenger bag from a few years ago was slung over her shoulder.

"Anakin?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest and chuckling. "It's been a while."

"Good to see you, Snips." He said with the same sideways grin she remembered from her academy days.

"Do you two... know each other?" Ben piped in, walking towards Anakin and staring at him, one eyebrow raised in confusion, questioning why he just called a new recruit 'Snips'.

"Skyguy here was my self defense instructor at Basic." She said, gesturing towards him. "It's good to meet you Sergeant." She stuck her hand out to shake, but Ben hesitated for a moment. "I don't bite."

"Skyguy, was it? It's fitting." Ben gave her hand a hearty shake.

"I'll leave you two to catch up then." Windu grunted, walking back around the corner towards his office.

"I almost forgot you were an instructor." Ben said, putting his elbow up on Anakin's shoulder. He quickly shrugged it away. "I remember you hated going."

"What was it, some kind of punishment?" Ahsoka asked him, taking the bag off her shoulder and carrying it in one hand.

"Something like that." Anakin said. "Here's your desk, it's been empty for so long don't be surprised if bats come flying out of the drawers." He chuckled and led her to the empty desk across from Ben; she set her bag down and opened a drawer.

"No bats, but I have a feeling half of these drawers are going to be stuck." She pulled with all her might on one of the top drawers, but it wouldn't open. "What's in here, a barbell?" She slammed her fist on the top of the metal desk and the drawer came flying open.

"It's been so long, how've you been Snips?" Anakin said, sitting on top of his own desk.

"Halfway decent, especially since I have a real job now."

Anakin chuckled. "Did you not before, or..."

"Not unless you count working drive through at a Wendy's for minimum wage a 'real job'."

"It's something I guess."

"Ya, well, I'm just happy to finally be able to afford an apartment that isn't the size of a dining room table."

"That bad?"

"You should've met the neighbors." Ahsoka joked. "So, what's the rundown?"

"The rundown? What do you mean?" Ben piped in.

"Ya, what should I expect? I wasn't told much about the actual job, kind of just, 'here, go save the city' and handed me the badge."

"Well, we're kind of the spork of the station, we take whatever they give us. Sometimes that's drug dealers, sometimes it's murder cases, sometimes it's just plain old traffic patrol."

"The spork of the station? Really Anakin?" Ben asked him, pulling papers out of his desk and taking another sip of his tea.

"I'll take it." Ahsoka took out the few file folders in her bag and put them in the desk, along with her government issued glock, setting in the top drawer that locked.

"Let's hope you've gotten better at shooting..." Anakin mumbled.

"It was ONE TIME."

"Ya, you almost shot the instructor,"

"I had a cold, and I sneezed. I didn't almost shoot the instructor."

"I want to hear this story," Ben said, setting the papers back down on this desk.

"She sneezed and hit the bullseye, just two targets down." Anakin told him with a chuckle.

They continued catching up for the next ten minutes or so. "How'd you even get the job? I mean, you're what, 21, you have dyed hair, I could go on. I didn't even think they allowed dyed hair. Looks amazing, by the way." Anakin said. 

"Thanks, I honestly don't know how I got in. I guess they're pretty tight on officers though, and if I could work I suppose they had no choice."

"I mean, it is pretty epic to have an officer with blue hair who can practically beat me in hand to hand, AND bench 160."

"Oh I totally beat you,"

"No, I let you win."

"I saw the look on your face, I beat you for sure," They continued. They easily fell back into the familiar brother-sister banter they had so loved when they were both back at the academy.

"I have a feeling we'll get along well." Ben mumbled, sipping his tea.

Okay part two, here it is. If y'all want a part three (or if I end up just wanting a part three, it's likely) I'll be sure to try it. For now, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you when I see you :)


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