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(Art not mine)

Ahsoka was used to long nights, long days, she was used to pain, but she was still a teenager, and when she went on long missions, she almost never slept. (Yes, I'm aware that sentence was just a lot of commas, I'm tired okay) Ahsoka just got used to not sleeping in situations like those, her men were more important to her than a little beauty sleep, she she basically just ran on pure determination and stubbornness.

This particular mission was longer than most, considering Anakin put the team through one of his "rough landings" again, resulting in a mostly totaled ship. The mission was a success though, and Anakin took that a win in his book.

With a completed mission, the group headed back to the ship where the supplies they couldn't carry still sat undisturbed. It provided shelter on the tropical planet. When night hit there was a fire outside where the surviving troops sat, only seven of them, including Rex and Fives, among others, all laughing and joking as if the war wasn't going on around them. Ahsoka had to admit that at times like these, it was a little like the war didn't exist. When her brothers could sit joking around a fire, her master with his arm around her shoulder as she leaned against the ship watching, the stars looking down on them.

"You need to sleep," Anakin said as he leaned back on the cold metal to look at their brothers.

"I'll sleep when the rest of you sleep."

"You know, that's not a great idea, someone'll have to keep watch." He joked.

"Then I'll keep watch." 

"I get first watch. I'll wake you in a few hours," He tried to persuade her. "I could order you to get sleep if it's make you feel better." He looked at her with a smirk and took his arm from her shoulder to cross them over his chest.

"Fine, but promise to wake me."

"I will, Snips. Now go, I think there are still some blankets in the ship."

Lo and behold, when she went to the small storage hold she found the remaining supplies, among them were three extra blankets that they couldn't carry with them earlier. She took them all, threw the other two in the circle of troopers by the fire, and settled herself in the bridge of the ship remains. It wasn't much, but there was something comforting about the chair she was sitting in that almost convinced her tired eyes to stay shut. But instead her anxieties took over her mind, and Ahsoka lay awake listening to the noises of the men outside slowly dying down, the howl of a distant animal in the wilderness, and eventually, Anakin's heavy footsteps coming onto the bridge. Normally she would have tried to conceal the fact that she hadn't slept, but she couldn't really have faked it after previously spinning circles in the swivel chair.

"I take it you couldn't sleep then?" He joked, sitting down in the chair next to her and debating swiveling with her.


"Did you even try? You're wide awake." Anakin gave a breathy chuckle.

"I gave up pretty quickly. I'll be outside on watch, is the fire still going?"

He knew she never got sleep on missions like this, and nothing short of a lightsaber hilt to the head would be able to put her to sleep. Giving up, he grabbed the discarded blanket and draped it over himself, hoping to get a couple hours of his own sleep.

"Not much, but you can add another log if you'd like."

"Sure thing."

"Wake me when you want to switch, okay?"

"Yup." She was blank as she left the bridge. Anakin heard the thump of her boots as they hit the ground, followed a few minutes later by the sounds of sparks as she threw another log on the fire.

Anakin woke the next morning in the same crumpled up position he fell asleep in, slouching in the chair and half covered in the blanket. The sun was glaring in his eyes through the shattered front window. He didn't process right away what the sun meant, but when he saw Ahsoka outside with the now dead fire, he realized that he had never been woken up for watch hours before despite him specifically telling her to wake him.

"Did you seriously take the majority of the night on watch?" Anakin walked up to his Padawan who was stamping out the fire in front of her.

"You slept like a log last night, I didn't even want to try and wake you." She tried joking, to avoid his reprimand about how she needed to get sleep. It wasn't the first time she had heard the speech.

"At this point I just hope we don't have to spend another night here, you haven't slept in how many days now?" He mumbled, rubbing his face with his ungloved hand.

"It's only been like, four days."

"Ahsoka, there should not be an 'only' in that sentence." He tried to tell her. Since becoming a teacher he was a lot more appreciative towards Obi-Wan. He honestly wasn't sure how he survived being a teenager if he was anything like Ahsoka. Before he could further reprimand her, Rex came running up towards them.

"Sir, there's a transmission from Master Kenobi, he's spared a transport for us, we'll be out of here by noon."

"Thank the force..." He said, following Rex back to help load up the last of their supplies.

Now safely back on the Resolute, (wasn't that Anakin's Star Destroyer?) The Master and apprentice had settled in the docking bay to catch their breath and rest. They were sore, tired, (some more than others) and didn't feel like getting to their quarters. Ahsoka had settled on some crates near the entrance, and Anakin soon came over to sit with her.

"I think my feet are gonna fall off." Ahsoka joked after rubbing her sore feet.

"Same here. How are you holding up?" He asked her, sitting close enough that they could take quietly without interruption. 


"Well, that's what-"

"That's what I get for not sleeping, ya ya, I've heard the speech." They both chuckled. They had nothing more to say, tired from the mission, and sat in silence. It wasn't more than a minute before Anakin felt the weight of the girl slumped over on his shoulder. Her lightsaber was clutched in one hand, and he could see her grip slowly giving way, so he grabbed the hilt and clipped it to his own utility belt.

"I should probably be pushing you off me, but at this point I couldn't care less." He mumbled, looking over to the teen who was now peacefully asleep on his shoulder. "Sleep well kid."

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