Sibling Moments

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Here's some funny sibling moments between Anakin and Ahsoka, with a few Clone and Ahsoka sibling moments thrown in. These are just little snippets so that I don't forget them in future, and I'll probably incorporate these into other chapters later. A bunch of these are from writing/dialogue prompts so don't come for me if you've seen them elsewhere.

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka knocked loudly on Anakin's door. "Are you decent?" She yelled.

"Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking."


A clone had just exited Ahsoka's hospital room, barely closing the door before Anakin hounded him. "Can I go see her? Is she awake?"

"She's awake, visiting hours are over at seven." He ignored the man he probably should have known the name of with the amount of times he's been in the Halls of Healing, and carefully opened the door in case Ahsoka had fallen asleep again. Obi-Wan followed behind.

She looked at him and slurred slightly, just coming off of anesthesia. "Hey m'sters," She said in a low voice.

"Hey Snips, good to see you. How are you feeling?" She thought about it for slightly longer than wasn't concerning.

"What was the question?" Anakin chuckled.

"Can I get you anything? Food, maybe?" She nodded.

"I'm starved." He squeezed her hand and left the room, coming back a few minutes later with a tray of something from the mess hall. He couldn't help but overhear her talking in a slightly muffled, slurred voice. "If I die-"

"You aren't dying Ahsoka," Obi-Wan interrupted with a chuckle.

"If I die, donate all my organs except for my middle finger- Give that to Anakin."



Anakin and Ahsoka were sitting together on the sofa, her legs draped over his, each silently staring at their holo-pads. Ahsoka's face morphed into a horrified expression, a small groan of disgust leaving her lips. Anakin looked over, debating snatching the device away from her. 

"Snips do I need to put a child filter on that thing?" He half-joked.

Ahsoka was silent for a moment before staring at him, the same expression still on her face as she spoke. "I just googled chickens without feathers and now I am severely uncomfortable."


Anakin glanced behind them as he walked, looking for Ahsoka who had taken the back of the group, leaving him and Obi-Wan at the front. When he spotted her, covered in mud, he chuckled and told Obi-Wan he'd be with his Padawan.

When he approached her he kept his distance, fearing he'd get mud all over him. As he looked more closely, he noticed her lack of one boot. "Where's your shoe?" He asked, amused.

Ahsoka glared daggers at him, coming to a halt. "The mud puddle behind me demanded a sacrifice," She deadpanned.


It was early in the morning when she heard her comm go off, already awake and sitting on her bed looking out the window.

"Hey Rex," She answered. "Early training day?" He answered with a short yes. "I'll be right over."

When she entered she found at least twenty clones, all dead to the world, lined up against the back wall. Oh this is gonna be fun, She thought.

An hour later she was sitting cross legged on Fives' back as he did pushups. "Why- do you get to-" He interrupted himself with a grunt. "Skip on training?" He fell into a plank when he could no longer do the pushups. He continued as he took heavy breathes. "The rules are the same for all of us."

"Because I'm the little sibling and the rules don't apply to me."





"Limp piece of soggy lettuce."

Obi-Wan sighed as their insults continued. "What is it this time?" He practically yelled. "And would you please stop arguing!"

Ahsoka looked at him, almost confused. "We weren't arguing."

"You were clearly insulting each other just a moment ago," He answered, exasperated. 

"We always insult each other Obi-Wan," Anakin replied. "Do other people... Not?"


"How DARE you!" Ahsoka shouted.

"It was a fry!" Anakin looked at her with confusion as to why she'd not just retaliate and take a fry from his plate.

"Ya, my fry! You can't just take people's fries!"

He shoved his pile of fries towards her. "Here, just take one, I don't care. What's got you so uptight, on your period or something?" He asked, half caring. Ahsoka looked at him angrily, then replaced it with an evil grin.

"I started my day in a pool of blood, would you like me to end yours the same?"


(another period one bc they're hilarious)

Anakin was quick to find Ahsoka laying on her bed, face down, curled in what looked to be an awkward position as she ate cake from a plate balancing precariously on her bed. Her master chuckled as he walked in. "Wanna tell me what you're doing?"

"Laying on my bed," She grumbled.

"And why are you eating?"

"If I'm dying, let me eat cake." Ahsoka took another forkful as she spoke.

"You're not dying."

"My uterus tearing itself apart, sure sounds like I'm dying, doesn't it?"


Anakin's voice crackled over the comms. "Enemy forces have blocked off main routes to the city, so unfortunately you'll be traveling through the surrounding bog."

Everyone was silent for a moment, Ahsoka and the seven clone brothers around her. "Kriff," Ahsoka said somewhat quietly, but not enough so that no one heard her. 

A chorus of clone's voices echoed around her. "Hey!" They yelled simultaneously. The clones looked at their little sister in disgust for swearing, and Anakin just laughed his shebs off from the other end of the communicators.

"I'm very proud of you, Snips."

And that, ladies and gentlemen and whatever you prefer, is an actual sibling relationship. We don't call each other "bro" and "sis", we use insults as names, and have had an ongoing booping contest since the beginning of last year (true story).

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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