Knights and Nomads, Part 3

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She didn't know what she was thinking. She had no idea what she was thinking. Ahsoka was walking towards a Jedi temple with two men she had met yesterday, about to take on a role as a Jedi, and somehow her feet brought her there, despite her mental protests. She was usually spunky, snippy, as Anakin had recently called her, she was always up for friendly banter and a good joke, but for the first time in a long time she was left speechless.

Since they had asked her if she would come with them, the only words out of her mouth were those to accept, and a few hums. She usually just nodded her head. Neither of them made conversation, or at least didn't try very hard. They knew how shocking the whole thing was, and didn't expect much from her. Ahsoka gripped the recently carved spear in one hand and the handle of her dagger in the other. She didn't feel comfortable around this many people and was constantly at risk of being robbed. Lucky for her, the Jedi were finished inside the market quickly and could leave for the temple.

Ahsoka's grip on the dagger loosened, but she didn't let go. These were still two strange men, and she should be concerned, but something inside of her was telling her to be at peace. Something felt warm, and comforting. Little did she know what Anakin was planning. He gripped his bag and slowly reached his hand in, hoping she didn't notice. When he was certain she didn't, he fished around for an object of the right size, finally settling on a compass, gripping it in his hand before turning around and hurling it at Ahsoka who was trailing a few feet behind.

She gave a small shriek and put her hands up. She expected a blow from the compass, to have to pick glass out of her palms and wrap her bleeding hands, but the compass never hit her. Instead it sat there, hovering in front of her. Only a second passed before she saw what she had done, lowered her hands, and the compass fell rapidly towards the ground. Anakin didn't want it destroyed and caught it, but smiled at Ahsoka while he did so.

"I didn't do that," He teased.

"Or I," Said Obi-Wan.

"So logically," Anakin continued. He sat there for a moment just to let the pressure get to her.

"Yes, fine, I did it, okay? I can use your magic, or whatever you call it." Ahsoka was in a bit of shock as she huffed, and honestly didn't know what she felt. She was already conflicted, and now Anakin just made her question her existence with one movement.

"First of all, not magic, it's the force. Second of all, I thought you'd be happy." Anakin gestured for her to keep walking. The temple was on the horizon and she could kind of see the cream colored building, but she didn't focus too hard. 

"Well how happy would you be if your life was just turned upside down by two strangers in less than a day?"

"I suppose," Obi-Wan said. "At least it's a good way to have your life turned around."


The temple was even bigger than Ahsoka first thought. It was like nothing she had seen before. The big stone pillars, the huge steps, the building was stories upon stories. She questioned whether it would just come toppling straight on top of her, but before she could think any further Anakin interrupted. "This is home. We have to go debrief the council on our mission, you can come with us and wait outside, alright?" At this point she had no idea what she'd do if she rejected so she nodded her head and followed behind the two of them.

It was the kind of place you felt like you had to wipe your feet before entering. When they had finally ascended the stairs she was able to follow them up towards a tower where she had a feeling this "council" was. She was instructed by Obi-Wan to stay outside, and she did so happily. She didn't know if she really wanted to meet the council.

Anakin and Obi-Wan entered upon the request of the grandmaster, leaving Ahsoka to ponder what they were saying about her. It was only a few moments before her question was answered and she stopped pacing nervously. Anakin had summoned her and she carefully followed him to meet the council.

Inside sat a room full of people. One man, he was rather short, and he could be called a dwarf. His long ears and the green, wrinkled skin, it shocked her to see such a non-human creature, although she tried not to let it show. (We're doing out best to humanize a bunch of these people so bear with me) Others surrounded her such as a man with distinctly reddish brown skin and an odd shaped beard coming down in two spiked points, one with dark brown skin and a bald head, and a woman who Ahsoka was rather relieved to see, a Togruta like her but with much different markings.

"Masters, this is Ahsoka Tano. We encountered her last night after we set up camp." Ahsoka didn't know the proper etiquette and was a little scared of messing up, but adrenaline took over and she took a small bow. She tried not to look at most of the masters too hard, fearing that they might think she was rude. The council sensed her unease and the red skinned man spoke up first.

"No need to be afraid, young one," there was that name again, but she held her tongue. "We only wish to help you."

"Where do you come from?" Asked the Togruta, probably curious to see another of her kind who had been mostly wiped out.

"Shili. My village was destroyed when I was young though, and I haven't been back in a long time." Every time she spoke she was terrified of messing up. Usually she was pretty confident, but when it came to a room full of people who could either kill her or change her life, she was more nervous than she'd ever been before.

"And do you know what the force is? Have you used it before?" Said the brown skinned man.

"Only by accident, when I was coming here. I didn't- I didn't know I had the force. I honestly wasn't sure the Jedi were more than a myth until I met Knight Kenobi and Knight Skywalker." (side note, I know that Kenobi is a master but the title "knight" just fits better with the setting so I'm using it. Creative license.)

"Well, would you be interested in joining the Order? We need more people like you, especially during this brutal war." This time it was Obi-Wan who spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder in the hopes that it might calm her. At first Ahsoka flinched at the touch but soon accepted it.

"I think I would be, yes."

Okay we're just gonna leave it at that and pretend like I'm good at ending these things haha

So this was part three, if I do another it'll be about her life a little later on, now as Anakin's apprentice. I've been doing these parts closely connected to one another thus far, but it I do another one there will probably be a time skip.

I'll probably do a different one shot next so don't hold your breath for a fourth part quite yet. If you'd like one, please let me know, I like hearing y 'all's feedback.

ANyway, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)



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