Q&A For Reals :)

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Here it is!! In honor of 5K views I asked y'all for some questions, and you delivered. Here's your Q&A :)

1) 1+2 from Lizzy_Luna75, what star wars character are you most like personality wise?

Personality wise, I'm pretty spunky and sarcastic around family and close friends, but incredibly shy and introverted in public (hello anxiety) so I'd have to say... Either Obi-Wan or Barriss? Ik, ik, that sounds really bad but Barriss was laid back and respectful in public which is me, just ignore the whole "trader to the Republic and tries to frame her bestie for murder" thing. Obi-Wan bc he's just overall chill, prefers aggressive negotiations, and is the sass master. I live on sarcasm and sass.

Okay I took a quiz and it says Obi-Wan, I'm down for that. There was another one that said Leia which I really wish was true but totally isn't. I mean, ideally I'd be Ahsoka but that's out of the question, she's like, actually brave and poop, I am a hermit who is afraid of anything that isn't a literal cinnamon roll.

2) What character are you most similar to in appearance?

Appearance, probably Rey. Long brown hair, same height, and we share the Greasy Girl vibes.

3) 3-6 from FulcrumLives  Which one do you like more, frogs or toads?

Frogs, but I've never held one like I have toads so idrk.

4) Are things going well for you so far and how are you?

School's slowly winding down so I'm a little less stressed than I have been in the past, so I'd say ya I'm doing pretty well. My summer job is gonna stress me out in a couple months bc it's my first job in nearly two years, and I'm a really anxious person who is pretty bad at social interaction, but I know I need to push myself out of my comfort zone a bit and take this. In this very moment... I'm actually really great. Thanks for asking :)

5) What things help you get inspiration?

Depends on the context. For writing fanfiction like this, I get inspo from requests people send in, as well as writing prompts and fanart. A bunch of one-shots I've done have different art in them bc they were the inspo for the chapter.

For other writing (such as original stories or poems) I usually get my inspiration from writing prompts, photography, and interpretations of real life experiences.

For songwriting (which I've been doing for nearly five years) I write whenever I'm feeling an overwhelming emotion or I'm going through something rough. Sometimes I write songs for my friends' situations, and sometimes for completely theoretical situations thought up by my weird brain that daydreams too much.

If you need inspiration to write original stuff I recommend looking through photography accounts on Pinterest, Instagram etc. and observing other people's stories. I started writing Never The Same because of something my friend had been struggling with.

6) Do you have any pets, if not what would you want as a pet (can be a mythical pet or smth that u make up)

I have had (in this order) a calico cat who was absolutely amazing, despite her being a pretty unfriendly cat lol, next were two gerbils which I would totally get again someday, some fish that I forget the names of, and most recently a dog, a mutt, rescued after the hurricane in Puerto Ricco.

Now that that is over, since I don't currently have any pets I'd say the pet I want right now is... A cat. Like a really snuggly cat. Going mythical I'd say one of those hunting dragons from the How To Train Your Dragon books.

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