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This is just a funny proud sibling moment.

Because I can.

This'll be short, just a warning

(and credit to the og artist)

"Oh you're gonna regret that." Anakin heard the distinctive sound of Ahsoka about to deliver a serious smackdown, and had a feeling she had just flashed her fangs to some poor unsuspecting soul. Gaining a smirk, Anakin walked further towards the barracks door, and listened in. Ahsoka cracked her knuckles, gave a huff, and from what Anakin could hear through the door (despite the chanting from nearby clones) she had just landed a hard punch to the gut. It would undoubtedly hurt if he knew Ahsoka at all, despite the armor the other clone likely wore. Curiosity getting the best of him, he pressed the button on the control panel.

That was his Padawan alright. Moments before he had heard Ahsoka getting ready to beat him up, and now he was on the floor with a shocked look on his face. That's my Snips.

He had a bloody nose, and normally he would have stepped in and stopped the fight, but judging by the fact that Rex looked equally as angry as Ahsoka, he knew she had cause and let her loom over the clone. "Try and tell me that again and see how well you fare." Ahsoka gave him a hand, despite the fact that she had previously beat him up. The clone looked just as confused as Anakin was.

"But, commander," He said in more of a whimper than a true sentence.

"If I'm going to beat you up it'll be to teach you a lesson, and I'll at least help you up afterwards." She smirked as he grabbed her hand, and with incredible strength for a teenage girl hoisted him up to his feet, still trying to sop up the blood from his nose with the back of his wrist, wearing only his blacks. "But underestimate me again and you won't be so lucky next time."

"So Snips, what did he say, exactly?" Anakin was leaning against the wall, grinning. Ahsoka, suddenly a little horrified, widened her eyes, but quickly realized he was anything but angry.

"He thought I wasn't fit to be a commander, master." She joined in the evil smirk.

"I see he learned his lesson." Anakin nodded towards the clone

"He sure did." Anakin kept the grin on his face, a good sign, so Ahsoka felt it okay to relax a bit.

"Was it because you're a teenager, or a girl?" Anakin slowly moved closer to Ahsoka.

"A little of both, I'd say." She noticed the clone slowly backing away into the crowd of clones, hoping he wouldn't have to put up with an angry General too. He was already bloodied enough Ahsoka decided to let him go and headed towards the door.

Wordlessly, Anakin and Ahsoka crept back through the door. "Did you see him? He got what he deserved, that's for sure, thinking I wasn't fit to be commander," Ahsoka said through gritted teeth the moment they had closed the door behind him.

"Now Ahsoka, revenge isn't the Jedi way." This time the voice came from a nearby Obi-Wan, although you could hear the smile in his voice. After a moment of silence as the three of them stared at each other Obi-Wan continued. "Did you win?"

"He was on the floor with a bloody nose." Ahsoka told him proudly, crossing her arms.

Okay ya that wasn't the greatest, but meh bc it was fun to write. Enjoy peeps, I'll see you when I see you :)


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