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Been dealing with some writer's block, so I've been going to songs for inspiration. I shuffle my playlist, and when I land on a song I think I can draw a story from, I put it on repeat and go

This was one of the first songs that I found, and I thought it fit Ahsoka pretty well. Ik y'all have been telling me to stop putting Ahsoka through pain and I promise I really didn't plan to write this lol, but I needed something to get me rolling again, and this was it. It may be like other stories I've written, but like I said, this one is just to get my creative flow back in action so it's not as much a functional chapter as the others haha

If you don't feel like reading sad stuff, or you just watched *the* arc again and you're already sad enough, than save this for a different day when you can afford to go through a little bit of emotional torture. It has nothing to do with said arc, it'll just make you sad to read about Ahsoka I would think. 


Enjoy :)

Who put the baby in charge? Why would they choose her of all people, a child, a broken teenager, in charge of saving the galaxy? Her rank as commander, although highly valued, was more of a burden than she ever hoped she'd carry. For once couldn't someone just give her a break?

Ahsoka struggled to keep her tears in until she got back to the clone barracks. She had lost so many men, so many brothers over this war, and yet here she was still fighting like none of it mattered. But it mattered so much. It hurt her to realize how well she had taught herself to cry silently. At night, into her pillow, praying that no one would hear her because if they saw her crying they'd think she was weak, or unable to control her emotions.

She's had to pull herself out of panic attacks in the middle of the battle field because if she didn't she, among who knows how many other men would die. She's had to lie to countless people, asking her if she was alright, or if she needed help because kriff did she need help, but she couldn't ask for it. Not when others needed it more than her. That's how she'd been raised, to always put others before herself, to hide behind her mask, to make sure no one knew her emotions because it would lead to uncertainty. 

So here she stayed. Hidden behind her mask, begging the force to ease her pain, to lighten her burdens, hoping for some sort of relief. A chance to breath.

Ahsoka stood in line behind Fives in the mess hall, waiting to eat something. To be honest it had been close to two days since she'd eaten a full meal, and this was a welcomed luxury. "Commander, good to be back, am I right?"

"Ya Fives, good to be back. It's been a stressful few days," She said back with a somewhat sad grin. No, just tired. An exhausted, overworked grin.

"Agreed." They both went back to what they were doing, Ahsoka grabbing her food and Fives trying to stab Echo with a plastic spoon.

She decided to sit alone this time, not with her brothers like she normally would, just to let the effects of the last few missions sink in. Slowly she picked up her fork, stabbing a piece of meat, bringing it to her mouth, and setting the fork down. It took more energy and concentration than it should have, just to eat. Soon she was met with the familiar beeping of her comm. She answered it to hear her master's voice on the other end.

"Snips, where are you? We have a briefing in twenty minutes and I've lost you, again. No fault of mine, I might add."

The briefing, she franticly thought. Ignoring her still grumbling stomach, she dumped her plate of food on a table of clones seated nearby, knowing that they wouldn't hesitate to devour it for her. Her sore feet still carried her fairly quickly down the hallways. "I'll be there soon, I completely forgot, I'm sorry master."

Ahsoka One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now