Star Tipping

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Don't know where I'm going with this, I just wanted to write. If we're lucky we'll get a little bit of humor, probably some sibling fluff because dats how I roll, but considering how bleh I feel, I'm just gonna put it out there... Don't expect much from this chapter lol

No wait I'm coming back after writing some of it... I think this'll be amazing haha

Art not mine, credit where credit is due

Enjoy nonetheless :)

It was pretty dark out. Most of the men were staying in the ship remains to provide some sort of shelter, but the weather wasn't bad so Anakin and Ahsoka decided to camp out by the fire that night. The only sounds were those of an animal howl off in the distance, and the slow, steady breathing of the two Jedi laying out in the tall grass. Hey, it was better than laying in sand.

I hope we'll be able to get off this planet soon. Anakin thought. I'm getting sick of this grass tickling me every time I move.

"Will you be quiet?" Ahsoka said to him, "I'm trying to sleep here."

"I didn't say anything!" Anakin tried to defend himself but got distracted by some sort of bug crawling up his leg and slapped it.

"Well stop thinking so loud." Ahsoka shifted a little bit to avoid a rock that was oh-so-conveniently placed where she was trying to lay down. "Okay I lied, there's no way I'm going to sleep."

"I was wondering how long it'd take you, it's not exactly a bed and breakfast. The ants eat you alive and the ground is too rocky to sleep on." She silently agreed and they went back to silence. This time not interrupted by any loud thoughts. Finally Ahsoka spoke.

"The stars really are beautiful."

"We're stranded in a wasteland." Anakin said flatly.

"Well excuse me for looking on the bright side, if we can't sleep we might as well stargaze."

"Stargazing is boring, I just want to sleep," Anakin said, half-stifling a yawn.

"Well sleep is out of the question, I have an idea," Ahsoka said while standing up, a mischievous grin on her face.

"I'm almost afraid," Anakin told her casually while taking her outstretched hand to stand himself up. "What are we doing this time?"

"Grab that flashlight from my bag and I'll show you." Anakin did as he was told and handed her the flashlight. "This is called star tipping, I did it when I was a youngling."

"Star tipping?" He questioned. Ahsoka started instructing him.

"Okay so stand where you are, and choose a star to look at right above you."


"Just do it!" Anakin did as he was told, chuckling at his Padawan's enthusiasm. "Okay so when I say go you're going to look at the star and start spinning, I'll stop you when you've spun around ten times, and you have to look at me. I'm going to flicker the light and you have to come towards it."

"This sounds both mildly dangerous and amazing, I'm in." He smiled and started spinning, Ahsoka counting each spin for him. When she stopped him, he could barely walk straight and ended up toppling over, bursting into a laughing fit with Ahsoka at how derpy he looked.

"My turn!" She threw the flashlight at him.

That's how Rex found the two of them late that night on watch, spinning in circles, and laughing their heads off. He didn't join, but he smiled and watched the siblings laugh themselves silly until they were fast asleep, despite the tickly grass, annoying bugs, and bumpy ground.

Okay it was short but I still liked it. Enjoy your weekend peeps, once I finish school I'm home free for two precious days haha, writing this in the morning before school

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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