A Few Broken Ribs, Part 3

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Okay I know I was going to do a lighthearted one after the sadness bomb I just gave y'all but I'm still in a mood to make characters feel pain and I seriously don't know if I could write anything wholesome AND happy right now. Mesa sowwy.

Not because anyone requested it, but here's part three.

So here we go

TW for mentions of rape

"Snips, the council wants us." Anakin yelled from the other side of her door. "Hurry it up!" It was barely seven when Ahsoka was rudely awoken by an eager and slightly agitated Anakin knocking.

"Coming." She tried to sound more eager than she was, but it still came out as relatively exhausted. Slinking out of an undershirt of Anakin's that she had stolen and throwing her leggings and maroon combat dress on, she made her way out the door. Normally she wouldn't care about showing skin and wearing the tube top that was underneath, after all it was fairly traditional for the Togruta to show a lot of skin, but since becoming a Padawan she felt it fit her better to wear slightly less revealing clothes. It didn't bother her to be revealing, but recently she just felt more comfortable in a temple full of people with long robes to cover herself. That tube top her fourteen year old self loved so much had attracted a little too much attention.

She had wasted too much time already. She rushed out the door and clipped her lightsabers to her utility belt, following her master who had already started down the hallway towards the council. "Took you long enough," Anakin joked.


"So you woke me up, rushed me out the door, and dragged me along to the council meeting that I wasn't even supposed to be in?" Ahsoka said, glaring both confused with a hint of anger at Anakin.

"I didn't know! I guess they didn't expect you to be there."

"Well why did they straight up kick me out? What was the mission anyway?" Anakin went silent for a moment. "Master..." She suddenly became a little worried at his silence. Never a good thing.

"You don't have to worry about the mission." He told her blankly.

"By telling me not to worry about the mission you inadvertently made me worried about the mission." 

"It's nothing Snips, I'll be back by tomorrow, go catch up on your studies while I'm gone." He told her, practically shoving her into their quarters when they got back.

"Just. Tell me." Ahsoka threw back, hand on her hips, imitating the classic 'exasperated Obi-Wan' look.

"It's just a prisoner that got loose, he's hiding in the lower levels. I'll be back soon, okay?" He didn't give Ahsoka any chance to disagree and shut the door on her. She definitely didn't study for the first hour, trying to figure out why he would lie, but by hour number two she gave in and continued on her studies of the first battle of Geonosis. 


The next morning she awoke at around the same time as before, this time to a beeping commlink. Seeing Anakin's number, she rolled over and grabbed it. "You just can't let me sleep, can't you Skyguy?"

"Hey I was just trying to tell you that I'm back, I'll meet you in our quarters in an hour or so, okay?"

"Got it, I'll see you then. Hey, did you catch the guy?" The line was silent for a moment.

"Ya, Snips, we caught him. Just meet me then." The green comm light instantly faded. What was that about?

Curiosity getting the better of her, she dressed and left her room, anticipating reuniting with her master. She followed the familiar path to the docking platform of the temple where her master would probably still be, unloading the prisoner.

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