Why Are we Surprised When it Doesn't Satisfy?

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So this started out all angsty and depressing and then got kinda fluffy. Idk lol, it has LITERALLY no plot. I just liked it and I'm keeping it even though it's random and I wouldn't normally publish something so chaotic.

Enjoy :)

"I've got you," She quietly consoled the Padawan. He did his best to stay strong, to bite back a groan or a cry, but she knew how it felt and didn't wish it on anyone. "Caleb, right?" Ahsoka asked, grabbing a rag from the med-kit on her belt and dripping the last of the water from her canteen on it. He nodded. The boy couldn't be more than thirteen, and she was just about to take a bite out of multiple council members' necks if no one stopped her. Sure, she was only fourteen when she joined the war, but this kid felt half as experienced as she was, with the same gangly limbs and voice cracks.

His hiss of pain brought her back to reality. She could yell at the council later. Right now, this kid needed a gentle hand and soft words. Ahsoka carefully cleaned around the blaster bolt on his leg and lay a hand over it, cautious of his pain tolerance. She could force heal one more, right? It was just a blaster bolt, she'd done this a thousand times.

She could do one more, even if it killed her. She doubted it would- but something told her she'd get an earful from either Anakin or Obi-Wan later about self preservation.

"Just a minute, Caleb, I'll be done soon." He nodded again, swallowing again to try and ease the pain. His fingernails dug into the dirt of their make-shift med-center. The cleanliness was less than ideal, that was for sure.

He moved his gaze up to her before she could heal him. "Thank you, Padawan Tano."

Ahsoka lifted her head slightly and gave a hint of a smile, a sad one perhaps, but a smile. She returned to the blaster wound.

Grazing a finger around the already cauterized wound, Ahsoka slipped into a light meditation, feeling the different muscles and tendons she was repairing. Why couldn't it have hit something fleshy? She thought in mild annoyance. She wasn't anywhere near Barriss' level of healing capabilities, but she'd certainly learned to heal blaster bolts and lightsaber wounds. Too many for comfort.

It was probably a minute tops, but it felt like multiple minutes later when Ahsoka emerged and Caleb had a soft smile on his face. "Woah," He spoke quietly. "I wonder if Master Bilaba will teach me that."

Ahsoka couldn't help but chuckle. "If not her, than I will. How does it feel? Move your leg for me?" He bent his leg at the knee and seemed to flex the muscles in his left leg, trying not to kick her. 

"Good. Sore, but better than before."

She nodded. Ahsoka gave him a hand up, supporting him slightly on the way out of the tent. "Where's your master now?" She asked, searching the area for a frantic Master Bilaba. 

Caleb looked to his right where he instantly spotted his master talking to troops, oddly enough of the 501st, doing her best to seem casual. It didn't really work. Ahsoka smiled and silently let go of the boy, keeping on hand on his shoulder but trusting that he could walk on his own, and if he couldn't, that he'd say something.

"Master!" He called, trying to hide a dopy smile on his face. It didn't work very well, especially not when his master spotted him and all but ran towards him.

She placed her hand where Ahsoka had just removed hers. "Caleb, Padawan, are you alright?" She eyed him up and down, finally landing on the scar on his leg.

"Yes, Master, Padawan Tano healed me."

Her face switched from gratefulness to shock. She quickly thanked Ahsoka then returned to fussing over the fact that he'd been shot. Ahsoka only chuckled and returned to the medic's tent.

Ahsoka wrapped a hand around her bicep, gripping it tighter than probably advised. The walk to the tent wasn't far, she knew this- but with each step her feet felt heavier. By the time she reached the burlap flap it took everything in her not to collapse on the ground.

She only barely reached the back of the tent where Kix was organizing some crate of medical supplies. The last of his patients were mostly asleep, so the exhausted Commander was led to a bed instead of falling on the ground to rest. "Commander," He coaxed quietly, knowing she usually complained of her heightened senses after battles like this. She only raised her head enough to see his face. "Injuries?"

She shook her head. "Don't know. Adrenaline's still wearing off." Ahsoka dropped her head in her hands. She sensed Kix walking away, coming back a moment later with a canteen and energy bar. Not ideal, certainly not full meat, but it was something.

Ahsoka took it carefully and began chewing on the dry grain, swallowing with a sip of water to try and make it more friendly on her throat. Kix continued on with whatever task he was doing before Ahsoka walked in, sparing a glance once in a while and subtly hitting his comm. As she chewed, the aches and pains throughout her body were becoming more prominent, the blaster wound on her arm that she'd hastily healed herself earlier, what she assumed was just a twisted ankle, and various scrapes littering her body.

Hesitantly, she dropped the wrapper on the cot where she sat on the edge, looking up at the medic. He caught her eye and made his way over with a medpack. "Injuries now, sir?" She didn't think long before listing her injuries, leaving out the already healed blaster wound. It was aching but there was nothing he could do about that. 

The sudden lack of noise around her, only mild chatter among injured troopers, gave her a moment to think. Mostly about the boy, Caleb.

She'd met him a few times in her saber classes, even taught one he was in recently. They weren't friends, per say, but she could still tell the battle had taken a toll on him. It was likely one of his first. Ahsoka remembered her first battle vividly. Other than Christophsis, that is. It was an average fight, she realized later, but at the time it felt bloodier than any horror movie she'd seen.

This was an unfortunate battle to have to experience for someone so young, but Caleb was capable.

It was just unfortunate that he had to be.

The sting of antiseptic brought her back to reality, where she barely suppressed a hiss. This was also the first time she noticed that her master was sitting next to her on the cot.

Whether it was her foggy brain or pure exhaustion, Ahsoka leaned her head against her master's shoulder with no hesitation. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, silently accepting that they'd be sitting here for a while. If it weren't for the occasional sting of alcohol against her burnt flesh, Ahsoka quite possibly would have fallen asleep.

Well, She thought, her brain fuzzy with sleep. At least Caleb has a master like mine to comfort him.

The moment Kix declared that she was free to go, Ahsoka didn't hesitate to shut her eyes and block out the world until someone woke her up.

Knowing her master, Anakin wouldn't wake her up for anything. She needed the sleep.

Heyo, like i said before idk what this is but i tried. There's a little bit of a plot! Kind of! Sort of!

Wanted to say, you know how I was all stressy about getting a job a couple months back? Ya well it ends in a week, which is crazy to me.

It was a pretty good job, but I'm glad it's ending. For a first job it was a BREEZE. Just not kind on anxiety lol

Sorry for that rant, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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