Caught In The Middle

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Obi-Wan and Ahsoka family fluff. It isn't nearly as dramatic as the title makes it sound lol

Enjoy :)

The hallway was dim, and she didn't know she was walking into a brawl until she heard the yelling. Ahsoka hurried at the shouts, finally coming across two Padawan's fighting. They were both about eighteen or so, human, and very, very angry by the sound of it.

"Hey! Knock it off!" She yelled at the two boys fighting, putting herself in the middle of them. She had heard somewhere that you should get in the middle of boys fighting because they'll settle down when they break eye contact. She had never put this into practice, however, and it did not have the intended affect. Instead she got a solid punch to the jaw.

The two of them continued fighting, Ahsoka now on the ground. Neither had landed a hit hard enough to knock the other out of the fight. She hit her comm to contact Obi-Wan, speaking as soon as he picked up. "Master!" She said frantically, "We have a situation."

"Where are you?" He answered, just as frantically.

"Down the hallway from your room, near the training rooms." Ahsoka stood up again to try and interfere, not using the force in the hopes she wouldn't have to hurt anyone further.

"Alright, I'm coming." He shut it off on his end, hopefully joining them in a few moments. Had Ahsoka kept walking she probably would have hit Obi-Wan's room in ten minutes or so, the training rooms weren't exactly close by. She had to hold off until then.

This time Ahsoka moved to grab a boy's arm. "You need to lay off before someone gets seriously hurt," She tried to tell him.

"What do you think I'm trying to do? Play nicely??" He shot back. Ripping her hand from his arm, the boy landed another punch, this time to her gut, and another to her face. This knocked her back into the wall where she lay only half aware what was going on at first. She tasted blood from a cut on her lip, and could feel the light pulsing of a headache coming on. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, and when she opened them it was because of Obi-Wan's voice shouting over the noise of the two Padawans still fighting. Ahsoka sat up as she watched Obi-Wan break the two apart with the force, holding them a few feet away from each other. They were more calmed down now, and Obi-Wan had already recruited Master Windu who was passing while he was running. Windu took care of the two boys while Obi-Wan ran towards Ahsoka.

"Are you okay?" He asked, already knowing the answer. She had a hand to a cut on her temple as she stood up with Obi-Wan's help, wincing slightly. She knew better than to say yes.

"Been better, thanks." The sarcasm dripped off her voice.

"Okay, let's get back and clean you up. I have a med kit in my quarters." Obi-Wan lead her down the hallway with an arm around her back. "It's closer than the Halls of Healing anyway." She nodded a reply, urging the slight headache to leave. She probably didn't have a concussion, but the headache was still prevalent.

Now back at Obi-Wan's quarters, he sat her down on the sofa, her hand still clutching her temple and licking her split lip of the few drops of blood dripping. "Sit tight for a moment?" She hummed in response. When he returned she was reaching down to see how much blood was leaking from the cut on her hand. Ahsoka grimaced slightly at her orange fingers stained with her own blood. "Here," Obi-Wan told her as he urged her towards the edge of the sofa.

He kneeled as he cleaned the wound on her head around her lekku, luckily not touching the headgear. If it were they'd have a worse problem. Stupid sensitive Togruta headgear. She winced when the disinfectant-soaked cloth brushed the still open wound, settling in to the pain eventually, and letting him silently work on the cut. Before he could continue however, who else but Anakin should walk in?

"Master, I heard- Ahsoka!" He rushed over at the sight of her blood covered face. "What happened to you?" He kneeled next to Obi-Wan as she mentally smiled at his caring nature.

"Got caught in the middle of a fight, Master Kenobi had to come save my shebs," Ahsoka joked. He gave a slight grin, pleased that she still had her sense of humor, but his expression paled at the sight of her again.

"Why were you in a fight?" Anakin asked.

"I wasn't in the fight, I found two boys fighting and tried to break it up. Clearly they weren't too happy about it." Obi-Wan had ceased cleaning the cut on her temple when Anakin came in, but now continued. She bit her tongue at the sudden pain, and again when the punch to her gut had caught up with her, her chest now aching with every breath in.

Anakin's grinned returned as he sat on the sofa next to her. "Why do you get in the middle of things like this?" He asked her with a half amused, half exasperated sigh.

"Look who's speaking," Obi-Wan mumbled. Anakin gave an amused grin at his old master.

"Well what else was I supposed to do? I did call Obi-Wan, I'm not that stupid," Ahsoka tried to jokingly argue.

"Well when did you call Obi-Wan?"

She hesitated with a small embarrassed grin on her face. "Eventually..."

"Next time call when you see the fight, not once you're injured from it. Got it?" Anakin questioned.

"Fine," She agreed. They smiled a little at each other. "Now, if you don't mind, I actually think I might have bruised a rib so we might want to do something about that." Both the masters had wide eyes at her comment.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Obi-Wan prodded as he stood up. Anakin silently agreed.

"Well it didn't actually hurt until now. At least I said something."

"Fine, let's get you to the Halls of Healing then," Anakin told Ahsoka, holding slightly onto her side as she stood. Situating herself so his hand didn't hurt with the pressure, the three of them started towards the door. "What am I going to do with you..."

"Join me, then both of us will get beat up next time and I won't feel so bad."

It's something. Kind of a cute something I suppose. I just wanted to get a chapter out since my uploads have been more... Scarce than normal. Requests are appreciated if you have them, as always. I have like, two long overdue requests and I'm sorry to the people that requested them, if I've straight up forgotten I'm sorryyy

Hope y'all enjoyed, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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