Mercy Kill

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First of all, DUDES!! WE'RE AT OVER 500 VIEWS!!! Thank you all so much for the support, it means so much to know people enjoy my writing. It was probably two weeks ago that I was looking at the views and was excited to see ten 😂 They really skyrocketed in the past week or so, and it's been amazing to watch.

Second, (I never thought I'd be in a situation to say this and it's kind of freaking me out lol) I wanted to thank my followers for the support with comments, votes, and ideas for one-shots. It means a lot to have people who support me :)

Last but not least, please enjoy this less than amazing plot I'm about to bestow upon you. I wanted to get the concept out, even if I have to fix it a bunch later, so here it is.

Ahsoka went to bed that night, fairly excited. Her life day was coming up, and she was excited to finally call herself fifteen. She didn't expect gifts, she rarely got one, but the idea of being a year older made her smile. What she wasn't expecting was a nightmare. A vision. She had been asleep for a few hours, dreamless sleep at that, but when she started seeing clones dead in front of her, and others screaming from a nearby village, she was less than excited. She awoke with a gasp, hearing the scream of a clone still ringing in her montrals.

Her first thought was to meditate on it. Anakin wasn't one for meditating, but Ahsoka found it quite relaxing. She sat herself down, closed her eyes, and focused all her energy on the horrible dream. It didn't take long to confirm that it was a vision. This time it was clearer, she was on a more tropical planet, like Naboo or Shili, and she saw what she was so afraid of seeing. She was surrounded by clones, most dead, except for one in front of her. She couldn't hear what she was saying, but her vision turned black, and when it came back the man was dead.

Standing up, she felt it was best to tell her master. That many deaths would be on her hands if she didn't, and she had a scared feeling that she had killed that clone in her vision. She let her door swoosh open, and gave three gentle knocks on her master's door. She heard him shifting in bed and then his feet hit the floor to come greet her. When he opened the door he was less than impressed.

"Snips, I'm almost afraid to ask why you woke me up." He was wearing no shirt and didn't seem to care at the moment. He was rubbing his face with one hand when he stopped abruptly, sensing her feelings of fear and uncertainty. His demeanor changed immediately. "What's wrong?" He led her to his bed and turned on a light, slipping an undershirt over his head while Ahsoka sat on the bed in silence.

"I had a nightmare. Well, a vision, and it wasn't good." She turned her head towards him when he started speaking.

"What did the vision show you?" He wasn't all that suited for assessing visions, it would have been better if Obi-Wan or Master Yoda were here, someone slightly more knowledgeable in the matter, but right now Ahsoka needed his comfort and he would do everything to help her.

"I was on a battlefield, it looked lush like Shili, or maybe Naboo wilderness. There were dead clones everywhere, and screaming somewhere in the distance. I was kneeling in front of one, he was bleeding out and he was saying something, I couldn't tell what it was, but I closed my eyes and when I opened them, he was... He was dead." She got quieter as her story continued. "I don't know what it means, I couldn't tell if it was just a nightmare, but it felt so real."

"I don't really know how to help you Snips, but I'm sure if master Yoda were here he'd say 'meditate on it, you must.'" They both chuckled at his not-so-great impression of the little green creature.

"I will, master. Thank you, and sorry for waking you like this," Ahsoka said, standing up from his messy bed.

"Tell me if you have the dream again, okay?" Anakin put a hand on her shoulder to give her a little comfort, or at least try.

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