Destructive, Part Two

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I'm fairly certain this was requested, at least it was in my notes draft (with all my ideas/requests), so I figured it'd be a fun one to get me going again.

When I posted on my profile that I was back with a new chapter I asked y'all to make some guesses as to which chapter I was making another part too, and the winners were... (drumroll pleeaase,)

Ahsoka_Fan12, and ashskywalker66. I didn't give much time for people to respond so sorry to everyone who didn't get the chance haha

Let's get on with this. It'll be mostly Anakin and Obi-Wan centric towards the beginning. Thanks for waiting so long <3

Enjoy :)

Anakin rushed back from his mission the moment it was completed. He didn't help Rex settle the troops, he rushed through the post mission briefing, he barely made it through the council meeting, heading straight for his quarters with Ahsoka. When he entered it wasn't Ahsoka he found, but Obi-Wan, settled on their sofa with a book in one hand and tea (in a rather odd looking mug they got from Felucia) in the other. He glanced upwards with a soft expression as he set the book down. Obi-Wan gestured to the couch for him to sit.

"Where's Ahsoka?" Anakin asked, agreeing to sit, if only on the very edge of the couch so he could jump up at a moment's notice.

Obi-Wan set his tea down. "Sleeping. She had a rough night, I don't want to wake her yet." His expression seemed saddened, the dark circles under his eyes only being accentuated by the morning sun and his slightly messed up hair.

"Master, what happened?" Anakin asked with what could only be registered as pain in his voice. "I was with Rex and I felt pain through our bond, that never happens, her shields are too high. They practically broke,"

He sighs. "Have you noticed what she's been doing to herself?" Anakin pales, shaking his head. "I found her in the library a couple hours ago. She was studying, looked exhausted, so I stayed with her and tried to help her with some of her work. Rex told me a few weeks ago that Ahsoka was training throughout the night, she wasn't taking breaks, not even when he told her she needed to. I asked her about it as we were walking back and she insisted she was fine, that she wasn't pushing herself."

"And?" Anakin asked, urging him to continue. He seemed even more on edge, realizing how much he must have overlooked.

"She's exhausted, she said she felt like she wasn't in control, and by training and studying hard she feels like she can be in control of something."

Anakin knew the feeling all too well.

At the sudden realization that she was doing what he had done for so much of his life, Anakin did what he does best: panic. (stOp PAnaKin, aNAkiN) "Kriff master, I was so blind, if I could have just opened my eyes for a second- I should have seen it!" He spat, a little too loudly for Obi-Wan's tastes.

The older man tried to calm him down. "It's not your fault Anakin, none of us saw it. You aren't expected to."

"It's my job to see it!"

A hand was settled on Anakin's shoulder in the hopes it might settle his nerves. He could feel the frantic state of his former Padawan's force signature, and didn't need it waking up Ahsoka. "It's only your job to help fix what's going wrong. You're a teacher. Human. You aren't expected to be able to see everything, but you can fix things." At that, Obi-Wan felt the girl's force presence blinking with wakefulness. He knew Anakin had felt it too. "Go in there, and talk to your apprentice. She needs you now."

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