A Different Meeting

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This is what would happen if it wasn't Plo Koon who found Ahsoka, but Anakin and Obi-Wan. We're going to mess with timelines here, so please don't leave an angry comment saying something about how the clone wars didn't start yet and they're commanding clones, or that the ages are all off. I'm taking heavy creative liberties haha

(Side note, I feel like I'm betraying my fandom bc I can't decide if this drawing is of Ahsoka with Obi-Wan or Anakin 😭😭😭😭 The robes make me think Anakin, but they're so similar, and I think the timelines would match up better if it were Obi-Wan, bc Anakin and Ahsoka came to the temple around the same time)

When the Master and Apprentice entered the atmosphere, they both felt a shift in the force. Not an unpleasant one, rather, a small, innocent one. A child. Neither said anything to the other about the presence, but both knew, and gave a silent agreement that they felt it too.

Naboo was a big planet, it wasn't surprising that there would be a force sensitive child there, what was surprising was that their presence was strong, so strong they wouldn't be surprised if they were near where the Jedi landed. It was supposed to be a diplomatic mission, Jedi security for a senate meeting, but that turned south when Anakin rushed off to who-knows-where to chase a thief who was stealing from one of the nearby markets. Obi-Wan only tried to stop him for a moment, realizing that Anakin was capable enough not to get anyone killed and that there'd be no stopping him anyway. He waited at the market, making small talk with the man who owned the shop until Anakin returned, likely with a thief in tow. That wasn't what he got.

Anakin rushed off behind the thief. If it was someone stealing food from a market, likely to survive, he would have simply given the owner a few credits to compensate. He wouldn't let anyone go hungry while they rotted in jail for thievery. This time however, the thief stole valuables. He wasn't going to let them get away with that. He only caught a glimpse of their figure, dark clothes, seemed to be human, shaggy brown hair. He would have been able to easily catch the perp if his sense wasn't clouded. When he turned the corner he felt it, the presence him and Obi-Wan felt when they arrived. It was in pain, and he wasn't about to leave a force sensitive child, in pain, on the streets of Naboo. So he followed it. The force likely wouldn't let him follow the thief anyway, not with this opportunity in hand.

Walking down the busy streets, he focused in on the child. His feet followed his brain, despite it not telling him where to go, instead listening to the force flowing through him. Before he realized how far he had gone, he was nearing the end of an ally where dumpsters were placed against the buildings on either side of him, trash strewn across the ground, and a suspicious smell emanating from one of the dumpsters. There it was. In front of him sat the small figure of a Togruta, their montrals peeking ever so slightly out of their head, curled in on themselves. They looked scared, clutching their legs close to their body, shivering slightly. It was cold that day, the afternoon sun starting to grow lower on the horizon. Slowly, he approached the figure. When he got close enough to see their face, he discovered it was a she. A girl, no older than seven, with clothes hardly holding together, sitting amongst cardboard boxes and trash piles on the streets.

Anakin was now kneeling in front of the girl who had started to smoosh herself closer against the wall, clutching her knees tighter and almost letting a whimper slip through her lips. She had lived on this planet for nearly two years, hiding in corners to prevent anything like this from happening. Or at least, what she thought was going to happen. A strange teenage boy was approaching her, the small, vulnerable Togruta girl. She may have ben young, but she knew what happened to girls like her. They were sold.

"Hello," Anakin said, trying to relax his posture and face to seem less threatening. He wasn't exactly sure what to do in this situation, to be honest, he had zero idea. How was he supposed to tell her about the force? She was old enough that she could cause a ruckus if she didn't want to go, and would be less likely to come with them. Would she resist? Should he call Obi-Wan? "My name's Anakin, I want to help you." He paused for a moment, opting to sit on the ground. He had heard once that it's less intimidating to kids when you sit on the ground to be eye level or below than it is to kneel.

Ahsoka One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora