Mouse vs. Jedi (Alternative)

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Look!! I'm doing something wholesome and fluffy!!! Not my planned wholesome chapter, but hey I like it better anyway

This is an altered version of the one shot @ashskywalker66 did recently, so if you want to OG story go to Ash's one shot book (@ feature is dead). In that, Ahsoka's scared of a mouse and Anakin has to get it for her, but in this version I feel like Anakin would be the one scared of it and Ahsoka (the scary Togruta) would have to save him from it. This won't be word for word what happened in the OG, I wanted to have the same plot idea and may follow a similar structure. ANyway,

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka looked lazily down at her homework. Another day, another two chapters and a book report on the first battle of Geonosis. Deciding her focus was too set on sleep to continue, she set the data pad down and was about to flop into bed when she heard a scratching coming from behind her. She caught a glimpse of a tail scurrying under her bed. Before she could yell to her likely still awake Master in the other room, she heard what was a weird combination of a scream and a grunt, followed by a string of curses she probably shouldn't have listened to. She ran into the other room to find Anakin kneeling in the middle of his bed, looking down at the corner of his room near his desk.

He was flustered to say the least, his face still scared from the mouse, combined with cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Ahsoka gave a short laugh and continued. "The Hero with No Fear, cowering from a mouse. That's a new one." She tried to come closer to him, maybe to drag him off the bed, maybe so she didn't have to talk so loud.

"Snips, I don't care what you think of me anymore, just kill it." He said, staring at her with wild, sleep deprived eyes that made her want to go find a healer to knock him out.

"I'll kill it, just tell me where it is." She assumed it was behind the desk, or at least, assumed that's where it came from.

"Behind the desk."

"I was thinking about a midnight snack," She mumbled, in all seriousness.

"Are you out of your mind??" Anakin screeched. "Why would you eat a mouse??"

"Why would I eat a tip-yip, it's all meat," She said nonchalantly. Anakin just prayed Ahsoka wouldn't swallow the little thing whole, it'd probably give him nightmares for weeks.

Ahsoka creeped over, gathering the trash bin on the other side of his desk, and looked a little more menacing with each step she took. Soon she was crouched down, peeking behind the desk where a little squeak startled her, but she maintained composure and slid the desk away from the wall. There was a little hole, delicately chewed through the metal of their wall. She tried to reason what sort of drug that little mouse was on that it got it's teeth through the metal wall, not to mention didn't accidentally eat a wire and electrocute itself. Deciding the hole must have been connected to her own wall, she thought about luring the mouse out, but she had a feeling peanut butter wasn't going to help her in this situation. Instead she opted to pry the mouse out of it's lair using the force.

She stretched her hand out a little and started pulling the thing by it's tail, unbeknownst to Anakin. Soon, the little creature was squeaking up a storm, and Ahsoka caught it by it's hairy tail. She was playing with it like a cat at that point. Hanging upside down, it was violently trying to avoid her tight grip, but to no avail. Ahsoka stood up, smiling a little evilly, and walked towards her master who was now backing up against his headboard.

"Ahsoka Tano, don't you dare bring that thing any closer," He shimmied himself off his bed, Ahsoka laughing wildly at his antics.

"Do you really think I would drop the mouse on purpose?" She said through her laughs.

"I'm not willing to take that chance!" Anakin bolted towards the door, ushering her out so she could do something with it. He didn't care if she ate it, flushed it, heck he would let her drop it out a window. He just wanted it out. It was creepy, and it invaded on his space.

"Fine, I'll go put it outside, and you call maintenance to fix the hole in both of our walls. It chewed a hole in my wall too." For once, Ahsoka was more so the adult. Actually, no, more often than not Ahsoka was the one telling Anakin not to touch hot things, not jump off things he shouldn't jump off of, and help fix his mistakes along with Obi-Wan. I digress.

When she returned, Anakin was sitting on his bed again, looking warily around the room for anymore signs of mice. "There was only one, I checked," Ahsoka said, joining him on the bed. He nodded, slightly unconvinced, but a little more settled. "You're a di'kut sometimes, you know that?"

"Ya, ya, I'm afraid of a little mouse, get over it," Anakin said, shoving her shoulder with his own.

"Fish," Ahsoka said finally, glancing slightly at him.

"Fish?" Anakin repeated, confused.

"My weirdest fear, I hate fish. They're slimy and gross, and I feel like they're just gonna nibble on me or something. Mon Calamari was living kriff," She said with a chuckle.

"You really hate fish that much?" Anakin leaned a little closer in, glad that this night might not be so horrible after all.

"When you told me we were going to Mon Calamari I wanted to puke, it took me like a week to recover." Ahsoka chuckled, finding some sort of joy in the situation, although Anakin was definitely going to feel bad about forcing her to go later on.

"At least I'm not alone. And come on, can you blame me? Mice are creepy, just look at their eyes."

"Look at a fish's! They're just beady and weird..." Ahsoka trailed off, a face an odd mixture of concern and disgust.

"And facing your fears did nothing?"

"Face them? I stayed as far away from anything that breathed underwater as physically possible, I'd hardly call that facing my fears."

"Closer than I came, I squealed," Anakin admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"It was pretty funny,"

Hey! I really did it! Wholesome content for once!

Thanks @ashskywalker66 for letting me steal your plot haha, this was really fun to write.

I have to point out how flipping hard it was for me to come up with a good fear for Ahsoka, I didn't want to do another animal but I feel like fish fit pretty well and it had already been like, ten minutes of me trying to think of something good. It was way too much of a struggle XD

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


Ahsoka One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora