The Ball

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Okay here's another one that's been done a lot, but I wanted to put my own spin on it. We're gonna see Lux being a jerk, so click away Luxsoka shippers haha

Enjoy :)

"There is NO way I'm wearing that dress." Ahsoka told Padme. "Or any dress for that matter."

"C'mon Snips, it's one night, and it's for an official mission. It'll be fun." Anakin was sitting on the bed next to his gray suit and playing with the deep blue tie when he spoke, looking up towards Ahsoka.

"Fun? I can't move in a dress, then you add heels of any height, and I may as well me a sitting duck. How am I supposed to be security if I can't even walk on my own two feet? I'll trip over that dress."

"Well you can't exactly go wearing that-" Padme pointed to her normal combat outfit. "-without sticking out like a sore thumb."

"Master, this is your mission, you wanted to escort Padme to this ball, why do I have to third wheel?" She complained, flopping down on the bed.

"Because it'll give you good experience, now come on, let's at least find one you don't hate." He said, dragging her back. Truth be told he was partially just excited to see her in a dress that wasn't her combat outfit for the first time, therefore he didn't complain when the council assigned the mission to both of them.

"I don't hate any of them, I just hate any of them on me."

"Ahsoka, you will go in that closet and find a dress you like, got it?" Anakin told her, practically shoving her in the closet with Padme following suit.

The senator had a few more options, picking each off the bar in her closet and showing them to her. Finally, Ahsoka agreed on a dress similar to Padme's spring dress, in shades of blue and light pinks and purples. To be honest, it was one of Padme's favorite picks and she was overjoyed she had chosen it. It was no ball gown, sure, but getting Ahsoka into a dress at all was quite a feat.

Because I'm bad at describing clothing, here's the picture I was imagining, although I think I'd change the metal straps holding it on to be a halter in the same color fabric, and I might ditch the headpiece. Other than that it's basically the same

(Credit where credit is due!! This is amazing, and I saw another picture that was much like this one put she was holding her lightsabers)

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(Credit where credit is due!! This is amazing, and I saw another picture that was much like this one put she was holding her lightsabers)

"Ahsoka, this one is gorgeous, I know it'll look amazing on you." Padme said, putting another dress back and bringing out the dress she chose.

"You can convince me of that when it's on," She mumbled.


She stood at the grand doors to the palace where the senatorial ball was being held. Ahsoka had no idea how they got in her in that dress, although she did end up thinking it didn't look bad on her. She didn't have the chance to wear a dress when she was in the temple, and this one was starting to grow on her.

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