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Sorry to any Luxsoka shippers out there, I'm about to make you feel pain. I usually don't care about other people's ships as long as they don't interfere with my own stories, but I found a good writing prompt that made me think of this story and I can't pass it up lol

Like I said, I usually don't care about other people's ships but I just feel like Lux is a bit of a poop, and I'm going to exploit that

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka was wandering the storefronts on the upper levels of Coruscant, happy to finally have a little time to herself. Or at least, away from the temple. Padme had finally convinced her to let her take them both shopping, she was convinced she'd be able to find a new battle outfit for Ahsoka, preferably one better than the sad old combat dress she had been wearing for so long.

Ahsoka stopped in front of a shop she had passed a few times already that day, debating whether or not to go in. There wasn't anything in particular she was looking for, so she never bothered, but Padme dragged her inside before she could even catch a look at the store name (yes that's my excuse for not making up a name for the shop. Too much work haha). When she came to her senses after being puled along behind Padme, she was able to admire the store. It was definitely somewhere she wouldn't mind buying from, many of the clothes stored in racks around her were things she'd even wear. 

It only took a few minutes for the senator to have a handful of outfits for Ahsoka to try on. She was far more excited about it than Ahsoka, but the girl was still excited enough that she didn't complain when Padme pulled her towards the dressing rooms.

"Okay so I have three here I think you'll like, go try them on, I'll wait out here." She was giddy with herself and Ahsoka couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement.

"Fine, but it had better be worth it," Ahsoka joked. A moment later she returned in an outfit she was okay with, she didn't love it but she wouldn't crush Padme's dreams just yet. This one was similar to her current outfit in that she wore leggings, but it was paired with boots similar to her own in a dark brown color, with more traditional robes overtop. She came out and clipped her utility belt overtop of them.

"I like it, but it feels like so, much; I need to show some skin, it's part of my culture," Ahsoka said, swaying back and forth.

"The other two should be better then, I do like this one though, maybe I'll convince someone else to get it," Padme joked, pulling something off a rack for herself.

The next outfit was similar to Ahsoka's outfit when she first became a Padawan, it showed more skin with an army green crop top, black leggings, and black boots, again, very much the same as her current ones. She threw on a brown jacket that Padme had handed her after slipping on her familiar maroon gloves.

(I found this picture that I was kind of going off of, in case anyone needs reference for my terrible descriptive skills haha)

(I found this picture that I was kind of going off of, in case anyone needs reference for my terrible descriptive skills haha)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Padme, I actually really like this one, I might have to keep it." She chuckled at herself. She didn't expect to actually find anything she liked.

"What's even better was that wasn't the original outfit, I think you mixed this one and the other one. I like it better actually. Oh, and the jacket definitely completes the look."


"Here, why don't you change and I'll go pay." She said, taking the jacket back.

"No, Padme, you can't pay for my outfit, it's not right."

"Oh, because you make so much money working for the Jedi?" Ahsoka hesitated at the witty remark.

"Fine, but only because you said so." Padme grabbed her bag from nearby and sauntered towards another rack of more fancy clothing to wait. When Ahsoka emerged, she was carrying the outfit she liked on one arm and the two she didn't on the other, barely holding onto a pair of combat boots by the laces. After Padme saved her from the impending collapse of everything she was carrying, they paid and left the store.

Padme told her she'd be getting food and lead her to a park to wait. After the senator left, Ahsoka was wandering the park when she felt someone crash into her, knocking her to the ground. "Hey, watch it!" She usually wasn't mad, but whoever it was hadn't gotten off her when they fell to the ground and she was forced to shove them over to the side. "Lux?" The familiar brown hair covered his eyes, and she didn't realize it was him until he brushed it away.

"I forgot how cute you are when you're angry," He said, lifting himself off the ground and offering a hand to Ahsoka, although it wasn't taken. She hoped up herself no problem. He continued trying to flirt, as if they were in some cute, flirty friendship. "It's been a while, I see you haven't changed much, those ocean eyes are still the same." Ahsoka gave him a stink eye, mentally sighing.

"I'm not yours to flirt with, Lux." She tried to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist before she could. She quickly flicked her arm away from him.

"Don't get mad, I'm only being nice." He tried to move his face towards hers

"Nice would be letting me leave." Before she could fully get out her words one hand grabbed her waist, and the other did the same, slowly sliding down towards her hips and behind towards her butt. "Oh so you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Well get ready because I'm about to be gorgeous,"  She said in close to a yell, pulling his hands off her waist and throwing him to the ground. "Touch a girl like that again and you'll be sorry."

She hurried off towards where Padme came from before Lux could try and further convince her of anything, and saw Padme watching with to-go container in her hands. "Was that-"

"Ya, Lux, and he tried to flirt with me believe it or not. I taught him a lesson." She was still fuming from the incident but seeing Padme's proud face softened her a little.

"I can see that." She pointed towards where Ahsoka had come from and suppressed a giggle. Lux was rubbing his head in confusion, trying to avoid the awkward death glares he was getting from various strangers. Seems Ahsoka was loud enough the attract some sort of following.

"Don't tell Anakin or he'll be getting more than just some angry stares."

Okay ya I just thought that was kind of a funny chapter, I just wanted to see Ahsoka fuming at Lux for him trying to flirt with her, and I'll put out another apology to Luxsoka shippers. And you can tell by the awful flirting that Lux does, that I clearly cannot flirt haha

This was kind of just a filler chapter until I get a good idea gain, but it was something and I hoped you enjoyed. Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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