Enough to Sooth What Can't be Healed

1K 31 51

October 10, 2021

Oh my gosh hi everybody!!! I told you I'd be back!!! I couldn't leave you forever, now could I

I promised my followers a chapter for 50k but we're getting there slower than anticipated so I kinda just said kriff it all, I'm writing a chapter.

This is in a world where Qui-Gon didn't die. The war is still around, as mentioned in the story, but Qui-Gon's still alive and kicking. I kinda figure Obi-Wan still raised Anakin, however it doesn't really matter.


Sometimes all she could do was sip her tea until the demons went away.

Sometimes it was chamomile in the hopes it would calm her, sometimes her favorite ginger peach, sometimes the tea she couldn't pronounce the name of that she kept for Obi-Wan, but usually it was simply the first one she grabbed.

This time it was whatever Master Qui-Gon had prepared for her. Something bitter on her tongue, with a honey sweetness mixed in. The closest thing to caf as tea could come. It warmed her hands and burned as it went down, but it was a welcome comfort from the chilling nightmares that haunted her that night.

And the night before.

And too many before that.

Master Jinn sat quietly beside her at the kitchen table, a warm presence that demanded nothing from her, simply offering up an ear if she needed it or comfort if asked for. He was always good at that, never pushing, often knowing what a person needed or wanted in a moment.

Right now, he found a distraction was the best option. "There was this one mission I went on with Obi-Wan years ago..."

Ahsoka simply smiled and listened to his stories, of a certain duchess on the run, with two esteemed Jedi. The times he caught his Padawan and the girl staring at the stars, speaking in soft voices with words reserved only for each other, and arguments between the two stubborn lovers. She took this all as blackmail material, as he told her it was, but really it was quite a comfort to hear about her grandmaster in such a domestic way.

"I wonder what they would have done, had Obi-Wan not been a Jedi," Ahsoka pondered after he'd finished. "I can't exactly imagine him leaving the order for a woman." A smile was brought to her lips. Maybe before the war. Or after, when all was settled and he was needed no more.

Qui-Gon quirked his lips into a smile, placing a hand atop hers. "My dear, you didn't know Obi-Wan when he was that age."

"So he would have?"

"He nearly did."

Ahsoka was about to comment on the statement when a soft knock sounded on the door. He must have known they were awake or whoever they were would likely have just snuck in and fell on the sofa.

(Technically these were Master Jinn's quarters, but everyone had an open couch, cot, or side of the bed for one of the lineage to crash on in the middle of the night.)

"Come in, Obi," He spoke, having already known who was behind the door. Slowly, it slid open to reveal a disheveled looking Master Kenobi, obviously in the same situation as Ahsoka an hour before.

He raised an eyebrow, any distress beginning to fade. "Master, are you feeding our Padawan that horrid tea?"

"What do you mean, it's really good!" She defended, completely honestly. "It's sharp, but still kinda sweet. I like it."

"Togruta," He scoffed with a smile.

"Humans," She shot back.

The Master still sitting between them began smiling. "Who's next, Master Yoda or Ani?"

Ahsoka laughed, setting down her empty mug in front of her. "I'd like to see Master Yoda hobble in here with his cane, complaining of nightmares." The afflictions each of them suffered were implied, but no one objected. The only reason Ahsoka came to her great grandmaster was because he was already awake, and she simply assumed the reasons.

"Anything is possible with that gremlin," Obi-Wan mumbled into his newly made mug of not-bitter tea.

"Respect your elders."

"Respect your Padawan."

"That isn't part of the deal," Qui-Gon continued with a soft smile.

"It's implied." The older man scoffed, beginning again with some philosophy about the code that he could argue his Padawan on.

Ahsoka watched the two masters go back and forth, content with listening to the banter until the sun rose and they could start their day again.

At some point Anakin snuck in beside her and joined in, grabbing a mug and filling it with a third kind of tea, probably something overly sweetened as she'd found he liked his tea (when he ever was forced to have it. Mostly on restless nights like this). She slowly snuck closer to his chair, her master eventually wrapping an arm around her, and before long her head rested on his shoulder. She wasn't asleep, not yet, and probably wouldn't be for a while, but it was a simple action that brought her comfort.

Soon, a new day would begin, and they could all move on. Start again. Welcome the fresh morning with open arms, and continue with the war until it was won. A new day with the same demons and nightmares and horrors of war.

But right now, quiet quarters and warm tea was enough.

It was enough for Ahsoka, it was enough to heal.

It was enough for now.

Hope everyone's lives are going okay, if not (and even if they are,) sending lots of hugs and love and thoughts of your comfort characters being fluffy

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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