Lost Then (But Here Now)

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surprise :)

It wasn't supposed to hurt.

It wasn't supposed to hurt because she was still home. She felt like she'd been thrown onto a different planet but she was still a ten minute's walk away from home. Her old home.

This was her home now and something about that ached. It all ached to know that she had to call this tiny apartment in the lower levels home when home had never meant anything but carpeted hallways and warm sunshine and loving masters. Home was a temple. This was not home.

But Ahsoka new she'd learn, had to, as she dropped the last of four boxes on the floor.

Anakin promised he'd help her move in. Promised from the day she became his Padawan that he'd help her move to new quarters when she became a knight (like he always promised she would- she didn't), and when the war was over, promised to help her move into a new apartment. One that didn't leak from the kitchen ceiling, one with a bedroom, one with neighbors that didn't stay up until two a.m. every night drinking.

And the ceiling didn't leak and the bedroom had a door and the neighbors greeted her with lemon bread, but Anakin wasn't there.

Ahsoka tore the tape off a cardboard box and began unpacking. A fake plant she bought when she was living in her tiny apartment just a few months ago, hoping it would help her make the place feel more like home (it didn't), followed by pictures framed to help remind her of the better times, and a mug master Plo had given her when she was a Padawan to help her when the days were rough and the only thing that would help was hot chocolate.

She set the plant on her windowsill, the pictures by her bed, and the mug on the kitchen counter. It ached.

She was halfway through the second box when a knock sounded on her door.

Ahsoka didn't need to force to know the sound of a metal fist on a metal door- she'd been hearing it for the past four years and it brought back memories pictures never could.

The door slid open as she bounded towards it, and in one swift move, she was in his arms. For the first time since the war had officially ended (two whole months ago), Ahsoka was back in his arms. His Snips and her Skyguy. It felt right, even if she was a little bit taller and a little bit stronger, and his chin didn't fit in the valley between her montrals like it used to, it was alright again.

"You came," She said through watery breaths. She wouldn't admit she was crying. Refused. They both knew she was.

"I came." Anakin placed a kiss to the top of her head, instantly spilling apologies. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Padme got caught up and I still had to deal with the kids-" (He had kids now. She was an aunt. Or maybe some sort of surrogate sister.) "But I'm here now and I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Ahsoka smiled. "You don't have to do anything." She breathed a sigh against his shoulder. "You're here now."

so you know how when you're having a really bad day and someone gives you chocolate or wraps you in a really nice hug or texts you just to see how you're doing or lays on your floor while you clean your room and you suddenly feel so loved and like you belong somewhere? well this chapter is my version of that. i love you all to tatooine and back.

have a good day/night/whatever and i'll see you when i see you :)

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