Second Time's a Charm

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(Again, such an original title.)

((Don't expect much from me when it comes to titles))

I just wanted to do a story about Ahsoka absolutely kicking someone's butt and sassing them soooo

Ya here ya go


"You don't deserve any of this, you think you're so special, such a teacher's pet. I'm gonna kill you, you ungrateful little brat." The teenage human boy told her, pointing his lightsaber at her throat.

"Not today you aren't." Ahsoka took advantage of his hesitation and force pulled her own lightsaber from a few feet away from her, where the boy had kicked it out of her hand moments before. Truth be told, Ahsoka was terrified when Tye first pulled his lightsaber on her in the training room, but soon realized that he was too afraid to actually kill her, even do more than just kick her lightsaber out of her hand.

The rest of the area was empty, no one to defend her, but thinking quickly she activated her saber and blocked the opponent's, ducking quickly to avoid the backlash. She roundhouse kicked him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. For a short, eleven year old girl, she was rather proud of herself for beating this fourteen year old boy who was so intent on hurting her.

Making sure he had been knocked out, Ahsoka grabbed his lightsaber and ran towards the door where there would hopefully be a Jedi master willing to assist.

Later, after reviewing the footage from the training room, Ahsoka was cleared of any "attempted manslaughter" charges, or anything of the sort (You know, for now lol, wait eight years), and Tye was quickly punished with duties at the Agri-Corps, although if Ahsoka had the choice she would have expelled him from the order right then and there.

End of flashback

Ahsoka was walking away from the council room with Anakin where she had just been informed of their new mission, heading to Naboo where a bounty hunter has made multiple attempts on different political representatives' lives. They were to track down the bounty hunter before any more damage could be caused. "Okay, grab your things and I'll meet you in the docking bay." Anakin told her as they stopped at their shared quarters.

"I'll be there in just a minute." She answered, forcing the door open, grabbing her bag, and running back towards the hallway that would lead her to ship soon taking off. She could almost see the doorway when a hand grabbed her arm, throwing her to the floor and grabbing her lightsabers.

"So, the brat's still here? And the Chosen One's Padawan I see. We can't have that, now can we?" The attacker was in a cloak but the hood was far enough back on his head that Ahsoka could match the voice to the face: Tye. "You don't deserve any of this Ahsoka, you deserve to rot in the Agri-corps like I did, you deserve a painful death."

Tye held his lightsaber close to her throat and continued taunting her, telling her how much he wanted to kill her, telling her that she didn't deserve any of the attention that her master was giving her, that he did it all out of pity.

Ahsoka knew what kind of a person this guy was. All bark, no bite. He could say all the nasty things he wanted about her, but that lightsaber would never move any closer to her throat. Finally, she worked up enough courage to continue. "You keep pointing that lightsaber at me and blabbering on about how much you want to kill me. I'm beginning to doubt your commitment." She told him with a smirk. The situation was relatively the same, except this time Tye had shot the security cameras in some stroke of "genius". Ahsoka acted out of instinct, and the moment she was shoved to the ground, she turned on her comm to record. It wasn't the same as video evidence, but it'd keep her out of jail if she had to hurt him. It was almost inevitable at this point until she heard a voice from behind Tye.

"Put it down." It was a gruff, angry, gritted-teeth sort of voice. Obviously Anakin's.

"Freeze!" Came a clone's voice from behind Ahsoka. He was pointing his blaster (hopefully to stun) at Tye. In his mind, he was already caught, and might as well finish the deed, so his lightsaber drew back for a moment before lunging back at Ahsoka's chest. As if it were planned, she grabbed her lightsabers from his belt and activated them in front of her, pushing the blue blade away, and hopping back to her feet.

"You really need to learn, Tye." She told him "You're ego is as big as that mouth of yours."

Okay ya that kinda stunk, but it was still awesome to hear Ahsoka being all Snippy, so I think it was worth it. Y'all gotta give me some more ideas soon lol I'm running low. Thank you for the ideas recently, I'm working on a recent suggestion now :)

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