Drinking, Part 2

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Here you go lovelies, it may or may not be underwhelming and super short but I didn't want to try and fit it in the previous chapter soooo

Here we are, let's get going

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka stared at the chrono. 0052. She should definitely be asleep and she knew it, but too many thoughts were going through her mind. Thirteen years ago today, or well, now yesterday, her parents had died. She was sad of course, but she was so confused, she shouldn't be sad, she didn't even know what parents were like, and yet here she was willing herself not to cry. Deciding it was better to distract herself, she made the excuse to her tired body that she was thirsty and got up for some water.

What she didn't expect what Anakin, trying to drink his sorrows away about the death of his mother. All she could do was console him. The entire time she was feeling guilty about wanting to talk about her own problems when Anakin was clearly more needing of her attention right now. First it was guilt about feeling sad over people she didn't know, now it was guilt over wanting her problems to be more important.

Truth be told when she took a sip of that beer, she was secretly hoping it really could have an effect on her. Something to numb the pain, the anxieties, the guilt. She quickly talked herself out of it however. When she went back to bed that night she didn't fall asleep immediately, but she did eventually fall into a dreamless sleep until the next morning when she was awoken by her comm alarm she had set the night before. Today was a light training day, lucky for her, but she still got up too early for her liking and pushed herself a little too hard. It was only 0800 when she returned to her quarters with Anakin, but she had already been training for just over an hour. What she didn't expect was Anakin in the hallway staring at her own picture with her family. The one she had kept hidden for so long, and the one she was sure she had in her bag with her.

Horror struck as she realized it had fallen out on her way, and her master had let curiosity get the best of him.

"These are your parents?" Ahsoka couldn't tell if Anakin was about to cry or smile, maybe both. More likely than not he'd crack some nervous joke. She nodded, although somewhat fearful of what was coming next. "You were adorable when you were little." He gave that signature 'proud Anakin' smile. Ahsoka just grinned and walked closer, looking over the picture again like she had done on so many lonely nights as a kid.

"I didn't tell you something last night." She finally gave in and was ready to tell him.

"What is it?" His smile turned to slight concern as he handed her back the data-pad. 

"My parents, they died thirteen years from yesterday, like your mother." They both stood in silence for a few moment. "I don't think this is what Obi-Wan has in mind whenever he tells us that we're alike," She tried to joke. Anakin chuckled and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, I guess that just makes us that much better suited as friends." He said. "Even if it's sad."

Okay, not half bad, I'm satisfied. If I had more time and energy I may have continued this, but right now I need to sleep. Wish me luck on going back to school tomorrow, just gotta keep reminding myself that I'm 2/3 of the way though the year already. 

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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