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K so this may end up looking a little like other chapters I've done but creative license, y'all can deal with me just tryna get my cheese together for once in my life XD

(Cred for part of this to ashskywalker66 for the headcannon she had in her headcannons book, she told me I could use the ones she didn't write on to make my own and so here we are, haha)

((I'm actually kind of stealing two of them, one of last week's was about how Anakin puts Ahsoka to bed, another was how she always slept curled up like a cat, both of which I think are super cute and I'm fairly certain weren't made into full stories))

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka recalled a time when she was talking to Rex, when she first became a Padawan. He had told her about how many of the men would always sleep stick straight, on their backs, never facing away from a window or door. Ahsoka thought that was crazy, she would always sleep curled up in a ball like a loth cat, always had, and thought she always would. That is until tonight.

All that was going through her head was the image of Ventress' face, her horrible red lightsabers felt like they were piercing through her chest, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think, it was just her slimy voice ringing through her mind.

It scared her. Something she rarely admitted.

All of a sudden, she couldn't take up her normal position. Curled up in a ball, wrapped in her blankets, not caring which direction she faced or how she slept. Tonight was different. She started in that position, but not a moment after she felt a horrible tingling feeling on her exposed side, as if someone would just plunge a lightsaber through her chest the moment she wasn't looking. So she tried facing away from the door this time. The tingling was still there, reminding her of the awful evil grin Ventress always seemed to have plastered on her face, even though her back was facing a blank wall. What was a wall going to do?

But it was still there.

After tossing and turning, trying to find a position on her side that would suit her jumpy instincts, Ahsoka finally gave up and laid on her back, staring at the ceiling. It was nearly half an hour later when she heard Anakin's door open with a swoosh, finally back from a council meeting. She heard a gentle knock on her door, Anakin hoping he didn't wake her at all. The idea was discarded when he heard a "Come on in," from the other side.

Ahsoka shifted from her flat-as-a-board position and leaned against her headboard when Anakin spoke. "I thought you went to bed-" he checked the clock by her bed-"an hour ago." He joined her on her bed, sensing the slight unrest within her. "Everything okay?"

"Can't sleep. Still thinking about Ventress I guess," Ahsoka said in half a mumble. She looked at her hands hoping to avoid Anakin's gaze.

"I don't blame you." They sat in silence for a few moments. "What can I do to help?" He was always so kind like that.

Ahsoka gave a hint of a smile, continuing with, "If you could just stay for a little while?" Her voice was even quieter this time, embarrassed that she came running to her master. To her surprise, he smiled.

"Hey, why don't you come sleep in my bed tonight? There's room," Anakin told her while taking a gentle hold on her hand. It wouldn't be the first time she ended up in his bed, but it was usually after a nightmare or when he was of on a mission and was really missing him. Something about the smell of his sheets made being away from her big brother a little more bearable. Ahsoka nodded in agreement as he offered her a hand to hoist her up.

They silently made their way across the hallway to Anakin's bedroom where he settled her first on one side, then himself on the other. Ahsoka grabbed a tight hold of the blanket, but still stayed flat on her back. It was a little uncomfortable with her her back lek, but she wasn't about to try sleeping on her side again. Her master noticed this, knowing that she always slept in a ball curled in on herself from the amount of times he had found her napping in various places, fallen asleep on his bed, or when he found her asleep on a mission (a rare but a welcome occurrence).

"You look... Really stiff," He joked with a small chuckle, moving to stroke her shoulder to try and get her to relax. She hesitated, but leaned into it.

"I don't know why, I just can't sleep on my side anymore. It feels like I'm going to be attacked or something," She admitted. Anakin scooched a little closer to her and wrapped an arm around her small body. Ahsoka breathed a sight of relief when she was positioned against his chest, a stray lock of hair brushing against her face, and his protective arms holding her close. She may not have had a brother growing up, but she had a feeling this was what it would have been like. At least, she knew this was what she thought a big brother should be, and accepted Anakin's roll in her life with pleasure.

She expected the horrible tingling, and the dreaded feeling in her chest when she was laying on her side, but Anakin's hug eased her worries. "You're safe now Snips. I've got you," He whispered. It was mere minutes before both of them were asleep, tangled in a mess of blankets. Ahsoka hardly moved the entire night, relieved to feel so safe, so protected, so secure.

Note, the description of her sleeping on her side was literally all I experienced for the first fourteen years of my life, I couldn't sleep on my side for the life of me. I always felt like something was going to hurt me if I had my back facing anything, even a blank wall. I always felt that tingling sensation and a feeling of dread EVERY time I tried to sleep on my side. I only got over it when I moved and was in a different bedroom. I have zero idea why and it freaks me out still. It's not like I had any bad experiences as a kid or anything, but I was a huge wimp when it came to things like Doctor Who, ghost stories, and other scary stories and movies so I'm not all that surprised. It just freaked me out that I always felt that weird tingling and dread.

I'm not totally back on track with my writing, so don't expect me to go straight back into consistent updates or anything. This was just kind of a lucky chapter bc I was really bored an procrastinating on going to bed lol, Mondays are the death of me.

ANyway, sorry for the long A/N, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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