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So sorry for being so inactive lately. Inspo hasn't been great, and what I have written is over on AO3 instead of here. Have some half-baked OC's I literally do not give a kriff about. I found their names from an online name generator in ten seconds.

Hope this goes well. A little bit'a angst and a little bit'a comfort for y'all.

Enjoy :)

Ahsoka never thought it was abnormal, until she learned what other people considered a childhood.

All she knew were cold touches and empty words. Masters, telling her to control her emotions, and younglings, teasing or taunting her.

She was taught that she should not feel. She was taught to handle herself, to pull her own weight, because a Jedi didn't have parents or siblings. They had masters and younglings. Superiors and equals. They were treated like soldiers, even before the war started.

So when Ahsoka first met a family- a real family, with inside jokes and smiles and affectionate touches- something of an odd feeling came over here.

Envy, perhaps? Maybe just sadness. Either way, Ahsoka couldn't shake the feeling as she stepped into the young family's apartment on Coruscant that something was different about them. The place was small, fit for two even though they managed two children in with the husband and wife Twi'lek. Cozy beyond all belief with toys in every corner and happy laughter echoing through the living room, Ahsoka settled on the floor with the littlest one, a girl with blue lekku barely reaching past her shoulders, four at the oldest.

Anakin continued talking to the two parents about a recent crime the two were investigating (which she had verbally, and repeatedly told him was silly for the Jedi to continue the investigation, they weren't detectives) while Ahsoka played with the girl who was tugging on her leg.

She shyly grabbed a toy and began playing with the girl. "What's your name, little one?" She asked, aware of the fact that she had been called the same nickname on multiple occasions. 

The girl looked shyly upwards before answering, "Maeha."

Ahsoka grinned, picking up a doll and untangling it's thick yarn hair with her thin fingertips. "That's a very pretty name. I'm Ahsoka."

She seemed to only vaguely comprehend what it meant, not too interested in the teenage girl in her home. "Momma says, momma say it was my grandma's," She stuttered slightly. Her accent was a little hard to understand on it's own, Ahsoka coming from a different culture and language herself. The stutter didn't help, but she was a child, after all. "And Otah was daddy's brother, uncle Otah always played games with me."

She assumed Otah was her brother, the older of the two, aging somewhere around eight or nine standard years. "And the other Otah is your brother?"

Maeha hummed. "He won't play with dolls but he'll play hide and seek sometimes. He always, he hides, hides badly." Ahsoka chuckled at her bluntness (grateful for understanding the choppy sentence), setting the doll down and glancing up towards where Anakin was at their crowded dining room table. He gave her a small smile as he continued talking, and broke eye contact. Well, guess she was stuck playing with the kid. Wasn't the worst thing.

Otah, she guessed, came through the door of what she assumed was a bedroom. "Mae, you have to clean your side of the room, mom said so," He complained.

Maeha pouted, not convinced. "No she didn't." The girl crossed her arms in mild frustration and determination. Otah sighed, a bad act he had probably tried to copy from one of his parents.

"Yes, she did."

"No she didn't."

"Yes she- Fine. Mom!" He said louder than needed. His mother looked over from the table where she sat with her husband and Anakin, an exasperated look crossing her face.

"Yes, Maeha, you need to clean. Go, and you too, Otah." This time they both pouted and trudged towards the shared room, leaving Ahsoka sitting awkwardly on the floor with the doll. The woman turned back to Anakin as the teenager stood awkwardly, instead of standing. "Children, they're a handful, but I would give the world for them."

Anakin nodded in faked understanding, a sort of empathy. "Well, I'll give you a comm number to call if you have anything else. That's all I need, thank you so much for what you could tell us." At his nod, Ahsoka trotted off to stand by his side as they let themselves out. "Good family," He said a little numbly. Ahsoka nodded.

After a beat of silence, she asked, "What did they tell you?"

Anakin sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, pretty obviously from exasperation. "Very little. Ecepar, that was the husband," She nodded. "Saw the guy as he was chased but couldn't give an accurate description. Wasn't worth our time."

Ahsoka returned to comfortable silence again as they walked towards where they had parked (and locked, thank the force) their speeder. It was only after they got in did she speak, the words barely registering in her brain before she spoke them. "What was your mother like?"

Her master looked at Ahsoka, both shocked and confused. The wounds of his mother's death were still healing, she likely knew that, but he wasn't completely against telling his Padawan. "Well, she was kind. Loving. She always met me at the end of the day and gave me a hug. We'd talk about everything I saw that day before we ate dinner, then she'd tuck me into bed, kiss my forehead, and talk to me until I fell asleep. She always cared more about me then she did herself." He ended with a bite of regret in his voice but it was brushed away at his next sentence. "Why do you ask?"

To be honest, she wasn't quite sure herself. It was something about that family that made her question everything the Jedi believed in. How could attachment be so bad, if that was what it grew? Families, love, compassion. She answered simply. "I don't really remember my family."

Anakin glanced at her, a hint of sadness and regret brushing over his features. "Just how my mother would sing to me, and my older brother used to bring me to play in a river, near our village. Little memories and images I can't make myself forget. Seeing that family..." Ahsoka sighed. "Just made me sentimental I guess. I shouldn't be thinking about them, I hardly knew them."

"But you loved them. And they loved you. You can't really forget that, I don't think."

She shook her head. "The creche masters were fine, but they weren't parents. They took care of us, that was all. Made sure we didn't put live wires in our mouths and made sure we didn't eat junk food all the time."

Anakin chuckled, not knowing first hand but understanding the sentiment behind it. "They weren't familial, I get it."

"I almost wish I didn't remember them."

He cocked his head, still not having started driving away. "Your family?"

"It wouldn't hurt so much."

He laid a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, speaking as softly as he could over the competing noises around them. "They might not be your family anymore, Ahsoka, but you have family with me. With Obi-Wan, and Master Plo, and Barriss. You still have people."

The girl smiled faintly. "I know. And I love you all for it." Ahsoka smirked a little mischievously. "Come to think of it, you are a lot like an annoying older brother."

Anakin scoffed. "Says the annoying little sister."

Eyyy I did it and it didn't turn out all nasty.

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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