Knights and Nomads, Part 4

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It's here, like I promised haha

I think this will be the last instalment, but if you want to see more, feel free to leave a request. Without further adieu (or ado, I don't actually know and I don't feel like looking it up), let's just get into it.

It's been a few hours. Ahsoka now stood with Anakin in some sort of training room carrying two wooden swords, made of some hardwood. "I want to see what sort of fighting skills you've got," He said, throwing Ahsoka one of the staffs. "Got any experience in combat?"

"Mostly street fighting, but I'll give it my best shot." Ahsoka turned the stick over in her hands, getting a feel for it's weight. "I haven't done a lot of sword fighting..." She trailed off, but before she could continue Anakin attacked her. He went for her head but she easily blocked. "Next time maybe don't launch at me unannounced?!" She said, pushing him away easily, finding a good fighting stance while he recoiled.

"Attackers aren't fair." Anakin regained composure and came at her again, this time going for her legs. "You've got good reflexes though," He said, blocking a blow to his head that Ahsoka had tried to land.

"You have to when you live like I do." Ahsoka came back to her default stance while they spoke.

"How about we try something harder then, since you've proven yourself with a sword,"

"Wait, I said I would do my best, I didn't say I was proficient!" Before she could convince him otherwise he took out his sword from his sheath, and handed her one from the sidelines.

"Nah, you'll do fine Snips."

"Oh so we're still doing the whole 'Snips' thing?" She said, grabbing the sword. From his hand and testing the weight the same way.


"Well then, Skyguy, be that way. Hey do you have anything lighter than-" Before she could finish her sentence he lunged at her with his sword. Ahsoka could swear the metal had a blue tint to it. "Or not!" She said, swinging the sword above her head to block. "Is this whole 'attacking me without reason' thing going to become a habit?" She asked him.

"Only today. Do you want a lighter sword, that one looks too heavy for you," He said, taking the sword back from her.

"That's what I was trying to say before you attacked me."

"Hey it's good practice." He replaced the sword with something slightly smaller and lighter, and went back to the same position again.

They sparred for close to ten minutes, Ahsoka always holding her own when he attacked, and landing a few good ones on him as well. She liked the lighter sword and fought well with it, despite not having much for combat training. Finally Anakin stopped her and told her it was time for sparring.

"At least we're doing something I have experience in," Ahsoka said, placing the sword back on the rack Anakin had previously gotten it from.

"You fought pretty well with a sword, you don't have experience?"

"Not enough to save me in battle." This time they both took their stances a few feet way from each other, Ahsoka cracking her knuckles in the hope that it might intimidate him in some way. "Now you're in trouble." She smirked.

"No offense, but I'm a little bigger than-" Before he could finish his sentence Ahsoka landed a punch to his stomach. It wasn't hard, but it was enough to distract him for a few moments while she grabbed an arm and threw him over. Her size was inconvenient, but she knew how to use it for her and Anakin was on the floor in a few seconds. "Hey I wasn't ready!"

"Neither was I when you lunged at me with a sword, it's only fair!" She said with a laugh, offering him a hand. "That's what you get."

"Oh now you're gonna get it." He went all out, that trademarked grin plastered on his face, they sparred for along time. Long enough to tire both of them out. When Ahsoka finally called for a break after close to half an hour, both were about ready to crash. "I'll admit, I didn't expect you to be able to beat me," Anakin said, sitting down on the ground with her and offering his water bottle. Ahsoka chugged close to a quarter of it and handed it back.

"I've spent my life learning to fight people bigger than me, you're no acceptation. You fought well too, although I kind of expected that with you being a knight and all."

"Jedi," He retorted, taking the water back and drinking about the same.

"Jedi knight, then. Say, what's my title? I mean, if I join the order, I don't exactly have enough experience to be a knight." She pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at him for an answer. When he was finished drinking he spoke.

"You'll become someone's Padawan, an apprentice, your master will train you, and eventually you'll take the trials to become a knight."

"How long will I be trained?" She asked.

"Well traditionally you become a Padawan around thirteen or fourteen, but it all depends on if you were trained from birth in the force or not. My master, Obi-Wan,"

"Wait, Obi-Wan was your master?" She said with a grin on her face.

"Yes, as I was saying, Obi-Wan took me as his Padawan when I was nine, but I had no previous training. Usually younglings come to the temple when they're two or three so they can be trained in the force, but as is the case with me, acceptations apply."

"What about me? Will I be trained before becoming a Padawan?"

"Probably not seriously. Whoever takes you will be training you from scratch, like Obi-Wan did with me. Wait, how old are you anyway?"

"Fourteen, almost fifteen."

"Okay, and at least you have some combat training. I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure someone will take you pretty quickly." He put a hand on her shoulder as he said it, hoping it'd give her some sort of reassurance. It did, and she gave a small grin at the thought of becoming someone's Padawan. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"Thanks for all this, I mean you just met me yesterday and now you're practically inviting me into your home."

"Well, it's a big home after all," Anakin joked. Ahsoka glanced back at the rack where the sword she used was.

"What's with your sword?" She asked him, gesturing to the sheath he had discarded when he sat down.

"My sword?"

"Ya, it looked kind of blue when we were fighting, I've never seen one like it." Anakin took the sword out of it's sheath and handed it to her to look at.

"Well, it's a Jedi custom. There are these crystals that Jedi use, they're very rare, and they can be used to make swords. They infuse a sort of power into them, make them near indestructible."

"Woah," Was all Ahsoka could say as she stroked the silver blade. There really was a blue line going down the middle of the blade, a light, an energy. "It's beautiful."

"Well, someday you can make your own. That'll be an adventure."

Boom, I did it! Kind of semi okay, and I'm good with that lol. I wanted to try and explain some of the universe and how it would have worked, so that's kind of what the last half of the story was, just explaining, but I tried to make it a little interesting haha.

I'll be back with another one shot soon, have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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