Separation Anxiety

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Okay so this'll be kinda sad at first, but not like, death of a major character sad. Again, this'll be from one of Ash's headcannons. They're really getting me back into writing, so thanks ashskywalker66 <3

Oh and ik the beginning of this may sound like Anisoka but I promise, it's meant to be read as a sibling relationship. I do this when my brothers' stuff, so I can confirm that it's sibling love haha

Enjoy :)

Motor oil, caf, and and a hint of something metallic. Ahsoka buried her face a little deeper into Anakin's robes to try and savor the scent. She had pulled them out of his laundry, knowing that they'd still smell like him, and flopped herself onto his bed like she had done nearly every night since he left. She counted the hours. The clock beside her said 2300, meaning Anakin would exit hyperspace soon, and finally be home after a grueling six days that he was gone, Ahsoka trying at first to hyper-focus on her studies to get away from the ache of his missing presence. After day two she basically dropped her studies instead because it was too much all at once. Obi-Wan, being the caring grandmaster he was, offered his couch to Ahsoka while Anakin was gone when he saw how much it affected her. Ahsoka happily agreed.

That night however, she knew Anakin was coming home from the message he had left on her comm, telling her exactly when he would exit hyperspace and when to expect him home; this led to Ahsoka staying at their quarters to await his arrival. It sounded almost desperate, Ahsoka being that affected by Anakin's six day leave, but the two of them were really close. She'd had trouble with separation anxiety since she was a kid, first with master Plo (who she had eventually overcome it with), now with her master. Anakin didn't know this for certain, but he had a feeling it was something like that.

While she waited she pushed the button on her comm to replay the message for the third time. "Hey Snips, sorry I wasn't able to call you much during the mission, just wanted to tell you that I should be back by 2330 or so. I guess you can stay up if you want, but you can be sure I'll shove you to bed the moment I get home." He said the previous words with a chuckle. "Anyway, I'll see you soon. Bye." She grinned at her master's voice.

"You better come home in one piece," she mumbled, snuggling further into her master's bed. She's sure he hasn't washed those sheets in months, if not longer. He was no housewife in... any manner. Before she knew it, her eyes were closing and she had drifted off to sleep, her master's robes draped on top of her.


Finding his Padawan asleep on his bed with his robes wasn't really what he expected, but Anakin didn't mind. He insisted that he report to the council the next morning with the knowledge that Ahsoka definitely wasn't going to relax until he was safe and back in their quarters and headed straight back. He opened the door, hoping that he wouldn't wake her if she had managed to fall asleep, and tiptoed to her bedroom to find it empty. The only other option (since he passed through the living space to get to the hallway) was his own bedroom, where he was correct in that she had passed out on his bed.

Anakin chuckled and sweetly grinned at the sight of Ahsoka laying curled up on his bed where he joined her. He pulled the robes out of her fingers and threw them back in the corner of his bedroom where the rest of his laundry resided, then gently moved her on top of his own lap on the bed. She only moaned slightly in protest, but didn't fully wake up once Anakin shushed her back to sleep. She'd obviously taken his leave pretty rough. Anakin rubbed his fingers down her lekku, something she allowed very few people to do, speaking softly to her.

"You know Snips, sometimes I question if you're actually a loth-cat in disguise." She burrowed her face into his stomach, showing no signs of actually processing his voice, only happy that it was there. When he stopped rubbing her lekku, she let out a sort of aggravated purring noise and looked up. Something about a lack of the comforting motion woke her, and her tired eyes only saw enough to process that it was her master. "Hey sleepy head," Anakin told her with a grin.

Ahsoka curled closer into him again, now more aware of her surroundings. She gave a small hum. "Hey, m'st'r," she mumbled, smiling up at Anakin.

"Glad I'm home?" He asked, continuing to stroke her lekku.


"Good to know I'm appreciated." He lifted her slumped figure (with some protest) and laid her down next to him on the bed, getting up when her eyes were closed again. "Don't leave," She mumbled, reaching her hand out slightly.

"I'm just getting ready for bed, I'll be right back." He quickly grabbed sleep clothes and changed in the bathroom, then hurried back to find Ahsoka still laying on his bed, although curled up in a ball again while clutching his blankets. When she uncurled her fingers from the sheets, he was able to throw them on top of the both of them, making Ahsoka purr contently while she snuggled back into Anakin's chest. He continued rubbing her lekku with one hand and her arm with the other.

"'m gl'd y'ur back, m'st'r," She mumbled again. "I r'ly missed you." Anakin only smiled and continued comforting her. "I love you," She whispered right before she fell asleep.

He was initially caught off guard, but was incredibly touched by the moment. He chuckled a little in embarrassment but replied with, "I love you too, Snips,"


Happiness. All I need in life is Anakin and Ahsoka sibling love. Lots of fluff. Lots and lots of fluff.

If you guys have anymore requests I welcome any ideas. I may not get to all of them, but I do my best. Your best option is probably to PM me so I don't forget haha

I realized I haven't done a sad one in a while, I might have to get back to that lol

ANyway, have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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