Never Have I Ever, Part 2

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So I know someone requested this bc in my notes it specifically says "Never Have I Ever part 2, where Ahsoka admits Lux kissed her and everyone goes ballistic". So here you go, requester I don't remember the name of.

Enjoy :)

Another late night, another party game. Well, this time it's a dulled down party game for their lovely (and underaged) Commander. They all knew the General would have their heads if anyone let her drink.

"Never have I ever," Rex started. "Used a fake ID." Two people in the group put down their fingers. Skywalker and Tano both, eyeing each other in a way that meant trouble. "Care to explain?" The captain asked.

"Undercover mission," Ahsoka said simply.

Jesse huffed. "Fine, don't tell us then."

"I wouldn't tell you even if it wasn't classified, Jesse," Ahsoka joked. "Now come on, it's your turn."

"Fine, never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself." The entire group put fingers down. Shouts of laughter and joking could be heard all around the room. Next up was Fives, who was feeling rather smug about his upcoming question. He only asked it once the rest of the room was settled.

"Never have I ever been kissed." Everyone stared at Fives, slightly concerned. "I know for a fact that none of us are supposed to put a finger down, this is juicy stuff." Reluctantly, three people put fingers down. Kix, Anakin, and Ahsoka.

"Do rescue breaths count?" He asked. Everyone stared at him odd, indicating that no, it didn't count. He kept the finger down anyway. The rest of them would grill him about it later.

Next up was Skywalker. No one was really surprised, to be honest, they all knew he had something going on with senator Amidala (but none of them would say anything for fear of their life).

Lastly, and most shockingly, was their fifteen year old commander. Sure, she had her own life, but getting kissed and not telling her vod? That was practically a crime. It was Rex who said something first. "Want to tell us anything, vod'ika?" He asked with a smirk. Ahsoka was practically beat red, her lekku complimenting the color nicely with a deep shade of blue on her chevrons.

Skywalker looked at her warily, knowing the story behind the entire ordeal. Obi-Wan had convinced her to tell her master, and it ended in a very hesitant agreement not to kill Lux on sight. Sitting next to her, Anakin whispered, "Do you want to say anything? in the hopes no one else heard it. She only shrugged.

"Come on Commander, tell us," Fives gibed.

Next was Jesse. "Ya, we wanna hear the story!"

Rex only continued looking with a sly smirk. "Fine, fine," She said reluctantly, giving into their prodding. "I was undercover, I had to pretend to be betrothed." She mentally went over the story, however much it irked her when it first happened, resolving to say as little as possible. Well, she'd try. Knowing her she'd get riled up and completely ditch that concept.

The Captain's face shifted to more concern. "So... You didn't want to kiss them?"

"Not particularly, no. But then again, it was either kiss Lux or we all die."

"Lux?" Fives repeated. Kriff, Ahsoka cursed to herself. She'd already messed up. "As in the senator? Bonteri, was it?" When she made no reaction, it was immediately confirmed.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bantha," Rex muttered, clenching his fists.

Ahsoka shifted in her seat, not bothering to keep track of fingers anymore. Rex hadn't, and neither did most of the group. "Guys, it's fine, it was months ago. I'll probably never see him again. Drop it."

"I won't drop it, you're fifteen, sir. You shouldn't have been forced into that situation."

"Jesse," Anakin butted in. "It happened. It's fine now. Ahsoka didn't need to tell you anything, so you can lay off."

This time it was Rex. "With all due respect sir, I'm not going to lay off. This is important I'm not going to let some douchebag get away with kissing our vod!" Ahsoka rarely saw Rex truly angry, and it was always for someone else's protection. He really was a mother hen sometimes. "He deserves to rot away his life in a prison cell, and so do the Jedi council for asking a kid to do something like that!"

"Captain!" Anakin stared him down, not necessarily angry, in fact he was incredibly understanding of how he felt. But he also know how Ahsoka felt about the whole thing, and if he needed to drop it, so did the rest of them. "Udesii," He commanded gently.

Rex lifted his head, taking a deep breath as he went. "Sorry sir."

Anakin nodded, and turned to a rather uncomfortable Ahsoka. "You wanna head back, Snips?" He asked.

She nodded, accepting his hand to rise, and walking out of the barracks. It wasn't like Rex. Maybe Fives, or Kix, but not Rex. He was level headed, and he didn't usually blow up like that. She knew none of the anger was at her, but she was tired and needed to get away from that conversation.


When Ahsoka awoke the next morning, it was to two notifications. One from Rex, reading, "Sorry about last night, kid. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum."

The next was a completed inventory report she was due to write that night. One she had forgotten about, but Rex, seemingly hadn't.

Maybe protective big brothers weren't the worst thing.

Sorry my writing schedule has been so absolutely horrible haha

I'm WILDLY uninspired, and the mental health thing still isn't wonderful. If anyone has requests I'll be taking a few. Likely not all of them, keep that in mind, but I appreciate the ideas.

May you wake up before your alarm, and the sun not shine in your eyes today.


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