Well, Guess I've Got a Sister Now, Part Two

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Well I have no motivation for this, but it was requested multiple times so hERE WE GO! A wicked short part 2 to appease the followers

Enjoy :)


Anakin raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"What's your relationship with the senator like?"

If Anakin had been drinking anything, it would have been on the floor by now. "What-" He stuttered. "What do you mean? What's my relationship with her, we're friends." Ahsoka wasn't convinced. Not in the slightest, only smirking at how flustered he was. Really, if he wanted a secret relationship he should try a little harder to keep it that way.

"How come she knows the route to your quarters then?"

Her master did his best to appear unphased but didn't exactly succeed. "You've gotta explain a little more than that, she probably knows her way around a star destroyer."

Ahsoka did her best not to smile- she needed to appear like she had the upper hand here. Really, she did. Anakin wouldn't admit that. "She's a senator, not a soldier, I doubt she really knows her way around a star destroyer. Come on, fess up already."

Anakin's face went rigid. "We're friends. Drop it."

She smirked. "Mhm."

He sighed, bringing the flesh hand up to rub his face. "Ahsoka, please."

"Fine, don't tell me about your girlfriend then."

"We're- She's not my girlfriend!" I mean, he was telling the truth. They were married after all. "Why are you even asking me this? Have you even met Padme before?" Ahsoka pretended not to notice the use of first names.

"Today, she helped me find our quarters because I was lost. We talked, she's super nice, and she told you she'd known you since you were a kid." Definitely milking that for blackmail purposes, She thought to herself.

Anakin, tired of the conversation, sighed and left the room.


She was used to waltzing into Anakin's quarters, it wasn't like he didn't do the same with her. What she didn't expect was her master, face to face with a woman who looked suspiciously like the Nabooian senator. Instead of backing out awkwardly, or waiting for them to notice her, Ahsoka felt free to practically shout.

"I knew it!" Anakin pulled away quickly, horrified of what his Padawan had just found him doing. "You are horrible at secrets master, and your subtlety could use some work."

Anakin, still flustered and embarrassed, practically ran over to Ahsoka and shut the door. "I swear, Ahsoka, if you tell anyone I will personally take apart your lightsaber and swallow your crystal."

She laughed at the implications. "Of course I wouldn't tell anyone about you two. And besides, you aren't exactly subtle, everyone probably already knows anyway. It took one conversation with Padme," She awkwardly waved from where she was standing. "To figure it out." She walked back towards the door. "Anyway, have fun with your girlfriend, master."

He chuckled awkwardly and looked towards Padme. "Well, we're not exactly dating," He started. Too embarrassed to finish, Padme did it for him.

"We're married," She said quietly.

Ahsoka's eyes widened, she held back a smirk, and walked out the door without another word.

There we go, it's all I could make myself do haha, but it came out pretty good considering.

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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