Deception Aftermath

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Okay I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this but we're gonna do something, I just feel like I've gotta write even if I have no inspiration, ya know?

Okay I've decided and I'm going sad fluff (AGAIN), because why the cheese not. Not like, main character dies a tragic death sad, I can't make myself kill major characters haha. Oh I've seen this done before but I really want to try it again with my own spin. If this was your original story, please tell me so I can credit you, as is the case with anything I write which the plot may have come from another person's story <3<3

Get ready for more wholesome Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, set just after the "Deception" arc

Enjoy :)

"Obi-Wan, I can't find her, she's not in the barracks either," Anakin said through the comms.

"We'll find her Anakin, try her comm again and I'll keep looking." Obi-Wan was more calm in the matter. He used a brisk walking pace instead of the frantic 'run, stop, scan the room, keep running' technique Anakin was using to find his Padawan.

When Anakin couldn't find Ahsoka after their mission, first he commed her. When there was no reply, he tried her usual places, the training rooms, the mess hall, then commed Rex to see if she had come to the barracks. Now Obi-Wan joined in the search. His first instinct when Anakin had told him he couldn't find his Padawan, again I might add, was to check the room of a thousand fountains. If she was ever sad, guilty, stressed, or even just confused, he always seemed to find her there, and given the current situation, this was probably a very conflicting situation for her.

When the sliding doors opened with a loud swoosh, he scanned the room for the familiar blue montrals. He found her. The tips of her montrals were sticking out ever so slightly above a bush, near a large fountain that he often found her near, where she was sitting with her legs crossed and her head in her hands stroking her face as if she had been crying. He silently made his way over to her. She knew he was coming and scooched over to give her some room. To ease Anakin's stress he spoke quietly through his comm, "Found her." And promptly shut it off, hoping he got the message that he could take care of the both of them for a while.

They sat in silence, like they often did, although this time it was only comfortable for Ahsoka who didn't want to speak, not Obi-Wan who knew exactly why she wasn't. "You died, master. I held you as you died, we grieved you." She told him in a loud whisper. "It's not easy to just, forget that."

"I know, little one." His grandpadawan was hurting, and he was the cause. Maybe not intentionally, maybe even not of his own will was she in that situation, but it was still his fault. He was afraid of speaking in case he further upset her.

"More than anything I just wanted you back, and now that I have you, I don't know how to feel. I didn't want you back like this I guess." He nodded and let her keep talking he knew where this was going. "You didn't tell us." There it was. Now he was just waiting for the impending 'you didn't trust us'.

"I couldn't."

"I know. You trusted us, it's the council that didn't." He... wasn't expecting that. He expected tears, screaming even, not a gentle 'it's okay'. "It's not your fault, and I shouldn't be angry at you. You were doing what you were told to do, and you saved lives by doing it." Ahsoka shifted uncomfortably on the cold stone ledge she was sitting on. "It's not your fault but I still have to forgive you before things go back to normal."

"You took all this far better than Anakin did." Ahsoka's lips creased into a small smile. "Thank you, for understanding that I would have told you if I could." He turned towards he for the first time to see a small tear leave her eye before she could brush it away. "I understand that you need time. I didn't expect this to be easy."

"Well neither did I, I thought I'd never see you again." She turned towards him and wrapped her arms around his middle. "I missed you, Obi-Wan." She whispered.

"I missed you too, Ahsoka."

There they sat for a few moments before Ahsoka pulled away again and brushed away a second silent tear. "I'd better go find Anakin, sounds like he was worried."

"He was a Tip-Yip (*) with it's head cut off." He said with a chuckle. "He's probably back in his quarters by now."

"Thank you, master. I'll go see him. But first, how about tea tomorrow? We could use some catching up, I think."

Obi-Wan had the same thought and grinned as he got up with her. "That sounds lovely."

*Okay so I seriously had to google "star wars equivalent of a chicken" and it turns out there's a thing called a Tip-Yip, also known as an Endorian chicken, that's basically a star wars hen, raised for it's eggs on Endor by the Ewoks.

I always thought there could have been more said about how Ahsoka and Anakin felt about the whole "faking my death for a while and then coming back like nothing happened" so here it is. It's not perfect but I thought it was something, even if it was short.

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


Ahsoka One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora