The Crash

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I don't know what this is, but I haven't written a lot of pain recently and I needed to write something easy lol

Enjoy :)

It was a night off, something she usually enjoyed (at least until the next morning when she had to deal with either no sleep, or a hangover), but this time it went far worse than it should have. Ahsoka was off at 79's with some of the clones from the 501st, enjoying being a teenager for once. This time she was the designated driver though, so she had to deal with a few borderline drunk brothers (despite their promises that they don't get drunk, it's simply not possible), opting to hang out with Rex who, by nature, wouldn't dare get drunk when Ahsoka was around, and Kix who didn't order anything if Fives or Echo were likely to get drunk, which they were.

Tonight she was lucky enough to only have to deal with a few visibly tipsy but not yet over the edge clones. Fives was surprisingly, the more composed of the two brothers. So when Ahsoka's head shot up and her focus pointed towards the road, Echo was the only one not to notice. Rex could barely get out her name before she bolted forwards, throwing a small child about ten feet backwards into a crowd of people with the aid of the force. He was fine apart from a few bruises. Ahsoka did not get that luxury.

Before any of the four of them could process what had happened, Ahsoka was thrown from her place on the sidewalk and into a wall, colliding with a speeder that had been about to hit the kid Ahsoka had pushed. All that had gone through Ahsoka's mind in those few short moments was, Danger, speeder, kid, save the kid, push the kid.

So she did.

She ran forwards a few steps, pushing the kid far away, but not in time to save herself from the heavy impact of a speeder to the ribs and become a crash test dummy. She sure felt like Buster right about now.

All she heard was ringing. A heavy ringing in her montrals, blocking out the noise from the rest of the world. Everything in her told her to just close her eyes and sleep, but something nagged her to crack her eyelids open despite the likelihood of having to see the damage done to her and the blood dripping onto the sidewalk. She faintly recognized the civilian clothes Rex had worn out today, and Kix's buzzcut looming over her bloodied figure. Soon the ringing slowed and she heard voices. Just snippets of voices, but enough to keep her awake. As Kix had told her a hundred times, "Awake is better than asleep, the sooner you sleep, the sooner you're dead."

"'Soka? Com- stay- ake- it'll be- ay-" From the few short words she could make out, they were trying to tell her it'd be okay. But at the moment the combination of the pure pain in her chest and the feeble attempts her body had made to subdue with with adrenaline weren't convincing. She made a small nod anyway. Her breathing became harsh, from what she had gathered she probably collapsed a lung or at least punctured one, and wouldn't make it out of here if she didn't do her best to stay awake.

However much she tried, the pain was too much and the voices were too little, and soon she drifted off into a blissful sleep without pain or ringing.

The next thing she processed was the sharp smell of cleaning products. Then the soft sheets covering her from her torso down. Then the light yellow glow seeping through her closed eyes. Lastly was the beeping. Oh the dreaded beeping. Once you hear the beeping you just know you've been injured, risking having been high on pain meds and saying something you really should have kept to yourself.

Ahsoka clenched her hand into a fist, then slowly released it with her steady breathing. As her eyes cracked open she spotted not one, but two people sitting at her bedside. Her awake grandmaster, and her not so awake master who had conveniently fallen asleep on Obi-Wan's shoulder. At this point she hardly cared about her own injuries, just thanking the force Anakin was getting sleep for once.

Obi-Wan cracked a smile at Ahsoka shifting her head to see the two of them, the girl taking a mental picture for a drawing reference later. She mustered what little strength she had to grin. Obi-Wan, in response, used his free hand to nudge the man off his shoulder.

"Anakin," He started. Nothing. "Anakin?"

Ahsoka chuckled lightly. "If you don't wake up I will personally fill your bed with sand," She grumbled. 

He grunted, "You wouldn't dare," before realizing who was speaking. "Snips, force I was worried." He ran a hand through his hair to try and provide some sense of neatness to the matted mess before moving to sit on her bed. For once, Ahsoka felt free to relish in her well deserved break while she was injured.

"I was too, seeing you actually sleep, I didn't know it was possible," She joked. Anakin laughed, settling his still worried mind at the fact that she was cracking jokes.

Coming back to the seriousness of the situation, Anakin's smile faded. "Do you have any idea what you did?"

Ahsoka raised an eyebrow, slightly worried. "Something dangerous I assume? I haven't gotten around to remembering yet."

He sighed. "I'd call jumping in front of a speeder pretty dangerous."

The memories came flooding back; the warning through the force, her frantic thoughts as she ran towards the child, the impact of the speeder against her ribs, and her struggle to stay awake. "That... That would do it."

"May I ask why the kriff you thought that was a good idea?" He asked her, worry still etched on his featured.

"It was injure me or let a kid die, I think you know which one I always choose."

This time it was Obi-Wan who spoke. "Don't be so quick to forget Anakin, you would choose the same, as would I." Anakin sighed at his interruption.


Obi-Wan made his way towards Ahsoka's bed, sitting at the foot. "How are you feeling, young one?" She used to hate the nickname, bruising her ego slightly, but now it brought her comfort.

"Sore and hungry, how long have I been out anyway?" Ahsoka asked. She had since lifted herself up onto her elbows which she had quickly found were bruised, and laid her head back down on the pillow. It was Anakin who helped her sit up slightly against the headboard.

"Well, I got a call at midnight saying you ran into a brick wall and collided with a speeder, and now it's eleven a.m. Can you still do simple math?" Anakin joked.

"Master, I could never do math."

"The concussion doesn't help I'd think," Obi-Wan quipped.

"Oh a concussion, how lovely."

"And two broken ribs, and a punctured lung, and a torn ACL. You're gonna be stuck in bed a while, Snips." 

Ahsoka groaned. "Wait, I haven't gotten this much time off in years," She gawked. "I'll have insane amounts of homework when I get back, but it's a small price to pay for a vacation."

Me to my mom: If I break something, do I get time off school?

My mom, deadpanning: AB you're homeschooled.

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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