A Few Broken Ribs, Part 2

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Swiftly back at the temple, Anakin forced her to go to the halls of Healing despite her protests about being "just fine" despite the gash on her cheek. He had led her there, although he was told to stay outside during the time they were stitching her up, which was odd considering they didn't usually do that. He brushed it off as security reasons and waited outside for her. Little did he know, Ahsoka was quickly rushed in to get her cut looked at, as well as get a rape kit done. She had no idea how anyone knew, she hadn't even really told anyone what happened yet, and certainly didn't tell anyone she was raped.

During the entire awkward experience she tried to think who would have known. Anakin looked too surprised to be told to leave the room, so it couldn't have been him, but Obi-Wan did leave them both swiftly after returning to the temple. Deciding he was the only reasonable candidate, she tried to figure out how he would have known. Before she could decide, she was sat up and told she could leave, as long as she was gentle on her bruises.

She walked out the door of the examination room to where Anakin stood against the far wall waiting. "If only the scar was over your eye and we'd match." He joked, trying to lighten the situation.

"If only the scar wasn't there at all." She mumbled back. She wasn't in the mood, and honestly all she wanted to do was sleep off whatever drug was being flushed out of her system. The medical droid had probably told her and she just wasn't paying attention, and just hoped there wasn't anything too important that she missed.

"Want to go get some rest?" He said quietly back, tenderly putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Ya." They both walked silently back to their shared quarters where she was happy to be in her own bed and not on that horrible, creaky mattress where she had previously been chained.

Anakin left her to her bedroom, silently hoping that he wasn't pushed out of the medbay for the reason he had thought of. He had quickly realized after she was put in the other room what had happened, and finally connected the dots. Rape was the only reasonable option.

Ahsoka slept longer than normal, which didn't surprise Anakin when she didn't get up for classes in time. She was relieved when she woke up the next morning that 1) she was skipping classes and 2) that she wasn't woken at all by nightmares. She dressed herself that morning in something long sleeved. Something to hide the bruises littering her arms.

When she was satisfied with her outfit, she left her bedroom to find no trace of Anakin and headed down the the mess hall.

It wasn't crowded, seeing as it was an awkward time to be eating breakfast; somewhere in between meals. Lucky for her, no one came to talk to her the whole time she was eating her pancakes, and she was left to ponder all alone.

As she was about to leave, her commlink beeped. Obi-Wan was on the other end, beckoning her to the council room to brief them on what had happened. She sucked in a breath, knowing that she would have to tell them the full story, and praying no one looked at her differently, talked about it, or even glanced at her wrong while she was explaining. She wanted this whole ordeal to be erased from history.

Outside the council room, she took a deep breath, and knocked. She heard a voice telling her to enter. She crossed her hands in front of her, tried to stand up straighter, and act like she was briefing them on a normal mission.

"You didn't find the bounty hunter?"

"No master." She replied to master Plo.

"But you found a wanted criminal for kidnapping and rape." Mace Windu asked her, sitting a little closer to the edge of the chair. "How?"

This was it. She had to say something.

"I went into a nearby bar where the bounty hunter had been spotted, and ordered water. I sensed nothing wrong with it and took a sip. Before I could get any further there were two men behind me, fighting, and I had to pull them apart. By the time I got back to my drink, it had been spiked." She started. "There was a shattered beer bottle, it cut my cheek, and it distracted me. I stood up to leave, drank the last of my water, and left. That's when I had sensed I had been drugged. I sent out a transmission before I passed out."

"Go on."

"I woke up-" She paused, took a breath, and continued. "I woke up in a basement, it was dark, and I couldn't see well, but there was a man in the corner." This was obviously very hard for her to say. The council had a sinking feeling they knew where she was going with this. "He raped me." All of them sat with obvious looks of horror on their faces. Anakin's face was a mix of horror and pure rage. He was just about ready to kill the man that had done this to his little sister.

"I escaped, knocked him out, and sent out a transmission to Obi-Wan, who got there within minutes."

They all sat (And stood, in Anakin and Ahsoka's case) in silence for a few seconds. Anakin had since put his hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, feeling the pure terror radiating off her, mixed with relief about finally getting the briefing over with.

"Thank you, Ahsoka." Obi-Wan was the first to speak. "You did good."

With the nod of her head, she exited upon the request of Master Windu. Anakin followed swiftly behind and wrapped her in a big hug the moment the doors shut behind them.

"I'm so sorry Ahsoka." He told her. This was what she was afraid of, being pitied. She didn't want people to look down on her, knowing she went through this. She had definitely fended off a good few drunken men trying the same thing on her, and she was strong enough to take care of herself, as demonstrated with the rapist. But she couldn't help but cherish the moment between them. She was so happy, so ready, to be held in this warm embrace.

"Thank you for being here." She told him, letting a small tear slide down her cheek and onto her master's robes.

"I will never leave you Snips."

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