Who Knew?

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Just a little thing about Ahsoka being good with kids. I have no idea where this is going, i just needed it in my life.

Art not mine, I just thought it was funny

Enjoy :)

Sure, it wasn't impossible, but he hadn't exactly expected it. The first day they were back at the temple, Ahsoka having just settled in to her brand new quarters with her brand new master, she said she was leaving, and rather sheepishly.

"And why, may I ask, are you leaving?" Anakin asked her, slightly exasperated, but mostly confused.

Ahsoka shifted slightly, hoping she didn't look embarrassed (however much she may have been) "I was hoping to go visit one of the clans," She admitted.

Anakin furrowed his brow. "Well, go right ahead, but... Why?"

"After I moved up a couple grades I always came back to help Master Quia, she was my crechemaster, so I always did my homework with them, and helped the younger ones with reading, and- I'm rambling, sorry." She twisted her hands in front of her. "Point is I used to go every day but I can't really do that anymore and I was hoping to spend some time with her and the younglings."

Anakin only laughed. "I'll come find you for dinner." Ahsoka was beaming as she ran out.

"Thank you master!"


When Anakin went to find Ahsoka nearly four hours later, he didn't expect to hear a chorus of little kids singing. Among them he picked up Ahsoka's voice, nothing special, but he wouldn't mind hearing her sing again.

"With a flip, flop, hip, hop, missed that bankie and he went KERPLOP!" They sang, a chorus of laughter and shouts echoing throughout the room. Anakin smiled at the sight of them, a group of a dozen kids piled in a lopsided circle, Ahsoka bending over slightly to accommodate them. All the kids looked to be five or six, all of different species. Upon noticing her master in the doorway, Ahsoka ushered the kids off promising to see them again soon. As she stood one of the littler of the bunch, a five or six year old rodian girl, gripped tightly onto Ahsoka's hand. "When are you coming back?" She asked with a sad look on her face and a pouting lip.

"I don't know Thena, but I hope it'll be soon. Now go on, Master Quia's waiting." She nodded, only convinced when Ahsoka stroked her head in assurance. Soon she was laughing and playing with the others. "Hey master," She greeted, a smile still fresh from her encounter with the kids plastered on her face.

Anakin, clearly over a head taller than the girl, lead her back through the doorway. "Took me a while to find you, I haven't been to the creche in a long while," He joked. Before they got far Ahsoka's head shot up towards her master.

"Wait I forgot my bag, I'll be right back." She bolted back to where she came, and if it weren't for the silent hallways Anakin wouldn't have heard the small groan Ahsoka gave when she reentered the play room. "Get down from there, now go, find Master Quia!" She told them, somewhat exasperated.

"What was that," Anakin asked amusedly when she came back with a bag slung over her shoulder.

"One of the younglings crawled on top of a chair."


The next time he remembered Ahsoka going to the creche (remembering, because life was so crazy he lost track of her a lot) it was after a mission. A grueling mission. She'd barely been able to shower before rushing off to the creche and this time he didn't find her with master Quia, but in the foundlings wing. The littlest of the Jedi younglings, newborns to barely a year and a half old. She looked so tired, sitting on the floor as she rocked a small human male in her arms, shushing him to sleep. He made small noises of displeasure despite his slowly closing eyes. Before Anakin could walk in and alert her of his presence, Ahsoka leaned further back, hitting her head against the wall.

Right now he didn't see a Padawan, a soldier, a Commander, he saw a broken fourteen year old girl who'd seen too much.

He entered quietly, gently, sitting down next to her as a stray tear fell from her face. After a few moments of silence Ahsoka spoke. "What kind of world are we bringing them into?" She whispered, looking down at the sleeping bundle in her arms. "Will they have to see what I've seen?"

Anakin sighed as he set his gaze on the sleeping child. "I guess that's what we need to focus on- winning this war so no one else has to experience this."


It was Obi-Wan who first suggested Ahsoka become a crechemaster after the war. There had been so many losses, raising new younglings became priority, and there was no one better than Ahsoka, both Anakin and Obi-Wan felt. She had just been knighted a few months prior. Peace had always been good for her, breaks after battles, meditation (however much she tried to convince Anakin it was boring, they both knew she loved it), just getting to hang out with the clones. She may have been trained for war, but it wasn't always what she wanted.

Now, nearly ten years later, Ahsoka Tano was known by the younglings as the teacher you always wanted. She started out as a creche master but with a little nudge from her old master, she was teaching saber classes, history, math, anything she could get her hands on really. All the younglings and Padawan loved her, and that was all she really wanted. To make a difference with the kids and have fun doing it. But if the option ever arose, she wouldn't mind visiting the creche once in a while, especially to check up on Thena's progress as a Padawan.

I don't even know what that ending was. Gimme a break.

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)

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