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"You're progressing, Caleb," She heard as she walked through the door to the outdoor platform. The sun shone brightly in here eyes, giving her only a slight silhouette of the two dueling figures. Ahsoka had seen them here before, almost every time she came out. Always the same results. The master won, (as was expected) but the Padawan fought well. You could tell the cobalt blue blade was likely a little tall for him, and the hilt a little heavy, but he carried it well for a twelve year old. Shielding the sun from her eyes, Ahsoka watched the two dual for a little over ten minutes. 

She couldn't help but smile at the tender relationship the two had. The master, although tough, was gentle enough on the boy and made sure she wasn't going too hard on him. The boy respected his master and took direction well, but the two had enough friendly banter between them to make it work.

Finally when they seemed to take a bit of a break, Ahsoka started to walk away, but was quickly stopped in her tracks by a gentle voice behind her. "Would you like to join?" The master had started walking towards Ahsoka, the boy following dutifully behind.

"I didn't mean to interrupt master." She turned to see Master Billaba standing behind her. Although she had never met her in person, Ahsoka had heard of the master and the stories of being put into a coma and woken up by her now apprentice. Truly a miracle.

"Nonsense. I know you'd like to give it a shot." She gave a smirk and gestured towards where they had been dueling. 

Ahsoka wrapped one arm around her front and grasped the other arm, shyly moving towards them. Truth be told, she had only ever dueled for practice with Anakin, other than being a youngling and doing lightsaber training, but she couldn't resist the chance. The master was skilled, and she wanted to try her hand at beating her.

Before they could get into positions, the boy piped in. "Excuse me, but aren't you Ahsoka?" For the first time she got a good look at the boy. Pretty lanky, long face, eyes to match his lightsaber. She almost recognized him from the looks, but tone of his voice gave him away. He was a good four or five inches shorter than her, but she had a vague memory of doing lightsaber training with him before she was assigned to Anakin as his Padawan. He looked almost the same, just taller. She remembered him because he was the youngest in the class at only about nine, compared to the other tweens and teens in the class. 

"Caleb, am I right?" She said back, throwing in a slight grin. "Your technique is improving." She joked and turned back to face Master Billaba. They both bowed, but before they could draw lightsabers, Ahsoka asked if she should use both or not.

"You have two to use, don't you? Besides, it'll be a good challenge." She smirked. They both pulled out their green lightsabers, Ahsoka having two but Billaba only having one. 

Billaba struck first, and Ahsoka easily dodged. Although it was a hard fight, and at times Ahsoka was sure she wouldn't make it, her efforts amounted to something when she suddenly found herself with her lightsaber to Billaba's throat, catching her off guard from behind. "Guess I win then?" Ahsoka grinned a little and gloated.

"Not quite." She looked down to the pulsing green glow aimed at her gut. "You fought good, Padawan. I'd be honored to have you at my side anytime." They both released their grips and drew back.

"Thank you, Master Billaba, but I'm afraid I've already got a master waiting." She turned towards Master Skywalker who was watching proudly from the sidelines of the whole thing, with Master Kenobi standing beside him.

"Well then, don't keep him. It was good to meet you, Padawan," She trailed off, not having previously caught her name.

"Ahsoka Tano. It was an honor, Master Billaba. And good to see you Caleb." She turned to walk back towards Anakin and Obi Wan who had now taken up residence on a nearby stone ledge that acted as a bench. They stood to greet her, and the trio quickly strode towards the door. Before Ahsoka could say anything, Anakin piped in.

"Not bad there Snips."

"You fought well, you almost beat her if it weren't for getting distracted by your victory." Obi Wan told her as they walked into the temple.

"Guess I'm just too cocky for my own good." She joked back.

"I was going to tell you that we're being briefed in a few minutes on an upcoming assignment, but I couldn't interrupt," Anakin tole her, joining her on the other side, sandwiching Ahsoka between the two of them.

"If I didn't know any better I'd have said you let her win like that." Obi Wan caught on quickly, continuing to stroke his beard as they walked.

"Well I guess we'll never know." She gave a grin and continued down the hall

"You did have the upper hand most of the time," Anakin had to add.

"I said, master, I guess we'll never know." She chuckled and followed behind them.

Not as long as previous stories, but I wanted to get the concept out anyway. Any rebels fans will have caught on to the infamous Caleb Dume, mentioned in the story, and his master Depa Billaba. It took a little research, but I eventually found an article on how Dave Filoni confirmed that Kanan and Ahsoka had previously met during lightsaber training as younglings, and I wanted to bring that back. I believe that even at fifteen, Ahsoka was an incredibly skilled fighter and could have beaten many of the masters at the Jedi temple. And having two lightsabers made it all the more likely that she could have beaten Depa. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed, and all other one shot ideas are welcomed and encouraged, so please leave your ideas in the comments :)


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