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Just gonna leave this here. I couldn't make a full short out of it, but it deserved to be shared.

I could see him reading it to Ahsoka too and her just nodding along, waiting to go join Fives and Hardcase it whatever random poop they were doing that had a 30% chance of getting them killed

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I could see him reading it to Ahsoka too and her just nodding along, waiting to go join Fives and Hardcase it whatever random poop they were doing that had a 30% chance of getting them killed

ANyway, I chose a different prompt sooo...

Enjoy :)

She lost track of time, and frankly she didn't want to know how long she had been awake. Ahsoka has always been pretty good at getting less sleep than she should, it was just easier for someone who'd been doing it half her life. Starting with staying up late to complete homework she had stressed over, accompanied by nightmares a few years later, then shoved into crazy missions and a kriffing war to deal with, it's safe to assume that Ahsoka's learned to live without beauty sleep.

Her head hit her desk with a small thump, resounding in her montrals while she let out a light growl. This stupid, useless pre-algebra homework was due the next morning and she was still only a little more than halfway through. Her tired eyes debated just taking a rest, ready to finally give the rest of her body the sleep it needed, but her head shot up to quickly for them do decide. "No, no, you cannot sleep, you have too much work to do. You can sleep when you finish this," Ahsoka told herself quietly, trying to pep talk whatever functioning part of her brain was listening.

Before she could do any more complaining however, she heard Anakin's door open with a whoosh. She clicked off her light in the hopes that he hadn't seen it underneath her own door, and proceeded to stare in the direction of where the noise came from. A few moments later, she was met with a second whoosh and she was able to let out a sigh in relief.

Going back to her homework, Ahsoka stared at a question. She read it in her head, then repeated it quietly out loud. "5x-2=16x-24" it shouldn't have been hard. In fact, it was probably one of the easiest questions on the page. But right now, at 0200, her brain was no better at math than a pig. She was too enveloped in her own problems that she didn't even hear her own door open. She just continued on her mental rage, slowly speaking out loud. "How am I even supposed to-" She was interrupted by a yawn but continued. "finish this by tomorrow," Her head slammed back onto her desk. "I'm so dead."

Even Anakin's chuckle from the doorway didn't disturb her enough to realize that someone was here. It was only when he spoke that she realized. "Can I ask why you put off your homework until the middle of the night? Well, morning, but that's beside the point." Ahsoka sat up straight, eyes wide, horrified that she had awoken her master.

"Oh, um, master," She was too flustered to continue and just stared for a moment, stifling a yawn.

"Ahsoka, get some sleep. We'll sort this out in the morning." He walked towards her to lead Ahsoka to her bed, but was stopped before he could touch her.

"But in the morning it'll be due, and I don't have time to do it in the morning."

"Snips, just get some rest. You're going to do no better at your homework while you're dead tired." He lead her towards her own bed, urging her under the covers. She soon complied, but not without an attempt at an apology.

"Master, I'm really sorry if I woke you, I didn't mean to-"

"I told you, we'll work it out in the morning. Now get some sleep," He told her, throwing the blanket overtop of her. Ahsoka soon curled herself into a fetal position, clutching tight to her blanket. Anakin gave a small smile as he walked out of her room.


When Ahsoka woke that morning, the only thought in her head was "X=2". She muttered it as she got up. "X=2," She repeated, this time, her eyes going wide. "X=2! That's it! my- no, my homework," She grudged as realized her mistake and rushed over to her desk. The holo-pad was still on her desk, powered down. When it awoke, she typed in her answer to the question she had left unanswered, looking at the clock. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the time. Nearly 0900, an hour an a half after she was supposed to be in classes. Why hadn't her alarm woken her up? Or Anakin for that matter? Disregarding any questions she had, she was about to throw herself out the door when she collided with Anakin.

"Master, I'm so sorry, I'm so late to classes and I really need-"

"You're sick today," He said, nonchalantly. She cocked her head in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm... sick?"

"You're sick today, if anyone asks you have food poisoning. I already told your teachers." He plastered a variant of his trademarked grin on his face, one that combined "you owe me one" with "sweet understanding". He ushered her back into her bedroom. "From what I've gathered, you still only got, what, seven hours of sleep? I think you need at least two more." Anakin practically forced her onto the bed. "You get a day off, Snips. Take care of yourself." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a gentle squeeze of a hug. Finally, Ahsoka spoke up.

"You're the best, master." She had a huge grin on her face, eager to hug him back.

"I know." Ahsoka rolled her eyes at her cocky and amazing older brother.

*happy grogu noises*

I'm getting better at writing happy things, haha. Hope y'all enjoyed, sorry for not updating as much as I used to, I've been lacking motivation lately.

Update for my non-followers, I'll still be signing off on my one shots and fanfictions with AB (for Anxiety Banana), but my pen name had always been S.L. Wren so I'm using that for the originals. It doesn't affect y'all, just thought it was worth mentioning.

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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