A Few Broken Ribs, Part 1

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Trigger Warning for adult topics such as rape and abuse. Please respect yourself and know when to click away <3

Ahsoka turned the corner leading into another dark alleyway. She hated solo missions to begin with, and now she, a teenage Togruta female, was stuck in the lower levels of Coruscant surrounded by drunk men. She had a feeling she'd need to break a few ribs before this mission was over.

Honestly, she wasn't sure how the council let her go on this mission without anyone. All she knew was that she needed to find this rotten bounty hunter fast and get her butt back up to the temple. The butt that far too many drunk, high, men had stared at already, and she had only been down here for half an hour.

"Hey beauty, why don't we go back to my place and I'll show you what a good night looks like." Here came the first one bold enough to try and drunkenly convince Ahsoka.

"Get off my tail." She told him, without bothering to look behind her. Before she could turn to stare daggers at him, he had grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back.

Broken rib number one. He lay unconscious on the ground in seconds. She was able to take care of herself, that was for sure, but she didn't enjoy this any more knowing that.

It had been an hour. She had checked in with the council, not able to report any more news. The bounty hunter was no where to be found, so they advised her to stay a little longer and report back to the temple in an hour if she found nothing. Half an hour left. She told herself. Half an hour until I get to leave this place. It was barely better than the alleys, but Ahsoka found a nearby bar and decided that it'd be better to be inside with a bunch of drunk people than outside, at least there'd be security cameras to prove her innocence if she had to kill anyone.

Inside the noisy building, she sat at the bar and ordered a water. She'd had alcohol, (despite her being underage by Coruscant law) but it didn't sit well and to her, none of the effects were worth it. She carefully scanned the drink. She didn't have any bad feelings when it was set in front of her, the force would usually have warned her of something if it had been spiked or drugged in any way. She took a sip and sat it down, but before she could do anything a fight broke out behind her. Glass bottles were being thrown, two men were on the floor wrestling it out, and people were cheering. When things started getting violent she was forced to get up and separate the two, still under the cover of her long brown cloak.

When she tore one of them men off the other, another beer bottle had been shattered and a sliver of glass penetrated her cheek as she was standing up. She clutched the glass and tore it out, hoping it wasn't deep enough to cause any real damage. It might be alcohol, but she doubted the beer would disinfect the wound well enough to be worth it.

I've had enough. She decided. She walked back to the bar where her glass of water still sat, seemingly unharmed, and she downed the last of it, completely ignoring any signs the force would have given her. It took less than a minute for her eyes to start to blur, and her head to start spinning. Realizing what had happened she immediately pressed her comm, hoping someone was on the other end, anyone. She heard a vaguely familiar voice on the other end as she stumbled back against the wall of the bar.

"Been drugged..." She slurred, hoping her message had got through. "Sending location." She hit the button on her comm, or at least, what she thought was the button to transmit her coordinates, just before she passed out.


She woke up in a dark room, her head still spinning. She felt immediately cold, first assuming there was a sith Lord nearby, Dooku, force forbid someone worse, but it wasn't so much the familiar evil cold she was used to, but a physical cold, like the cold winds of nights on Shilli. When she realized that she had been stripped of the majority of her clothes, Ahsoka immediately panicked, praying she hadn't been violated.

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