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Okay I was gonna do this during Mandalorian era, but then I realized... I've watched two episodes of the Mandalorian, and it was because my brothers made me watch the ones with Ahsoka in them. I really liked them, I just never actively chose to watch the series haha, maybe someday

Also I almost never write post Order 66, it makes me too sad, but we're doing it anyway because I thought this would be a fun concept, if kinda short.

Anyway, this is gonna be set during Rebels (Because I've binged watched those) A request from @rosegold20209 if my @ feature would ever work.

Enjoy :)

She knew he was gone, but not like this. When she felt his horrible, dark presence, she didn't want to believe it was him, but when they faced off in the sith temple, and she had seen him through the mask, she knew. It wasn't Vader she saw, it was Anakin. Her master. Her brother. 

She lay awake that night, begging the familiar presence to leave her alone so she could just get over his death, but the relief never came. She just kept feeling a prodding in her mind, poking at her long forgotten bond with Anakin. Then she heard it. "Snips," It said. A whisper. She bolted upright, wondering who would play such a cruel joke on her.

Giving up at any chance of sleep, she laid against the wall, her legs sprawled out the wrong direction on her bed, remembering her master. How many little games they had, when she beat him in arm wrestling, even the sad days like when he had to comfort her from nightmares, or she had to comfort him, and when he and Rex had helped her out of a panic attack. It might have been war when those things happened, but she would give anything to go back.

"Snips," The voice said again. It was too familiar. A voice she had only heard on blurry holo-recordings. But this one, this one was real. She could hear the soft smile in his voice, and if she focused hard enough she could smell grease.

"Anakin?" She whispered through tears, not wanting to open her eyes.

"I'm here." Finally, she forced her eyelids open to see a blue figure, the same robes, the same trademarked grin, and the hair he always claimed was too beautiful to be cut. "I promise I'm real," He said, moving forward to sit on the bed with her.

"So Obi-Wan wasn't kidding when he said force ghost were real?" Ahsoka said, reaching out to touch him, carefully, as if he would disappear the moment she felt him. "How are you even-" She cut herself off, not really knowing where she was planning to go with the sentence.

"I'm sorry Ahsoka, for never saying goodbye, for never telling you how much I missed you, we never got to catch up and it's all my fault."

"Always taking the blame," She said with a grin. "C'mere," Her tears came back as she wrapped him up in an embrace. "It's okay."

"You've grown so much, I always hoped you'd be a knight by now." He said, pulling her back to look at her obviously matured self. Her montrals had grown long in the years he'd been gone, and she had finally become taller. Maybe not taller than him, but still a little taller.

"I guess I'm my own knight," She laughed. "I missed you so much, Anakin. I wish I could have been there for you, maybe none of this would have happened."

"No, Ahsoka, this was my doing. I died when Palpatine turned me, that's the only reason I'm here. The man in my body is not the same man who was your master all those years ago." He rested in sad silence for a few moments.

"Well you're here now, and I think that's a good thing. Will you... Will you stay with me? Visit me?" She asked, looking up at him with a hint of those puppy eyes she used to use on him.

"If the force allows it. I never want to leave you again, Ahsoka. I didn't want to leave you the first time. I'm so proud of you, Snips, I love you so much."

"And I love you, Skyguy." Her voice rang softly through his ears, and they wrapped each other up in another hug.

So ya, it was short, but I thought it was sweet. I'm publishing this really fast bc I'm writing this when I'm supposed to be doing school, so wish me luck, have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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