Obi wan padawan - assaulted ( request)

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You are braiding your hair due to being bored at the moment because you master Obi wan was in some dinner meeting with, some royal family you were not able to come due to your age. The troopers were busy doing portal and playing so,e James, while you were in charger of watching the ships and making sure no ones steals or destroyed anything.

Y/n " these ration bars are so tasteless at times"

???? " hey jedi girl" you soon turn around and saw some nobility and their aids walking over to you, were thinking they were looking for something.

Noble young lady " you are a pantoran right"

Y/n " yes I'm"

Noble man " you and your people sicken me and all those other aliens at have the same shade of blue skin, as you"

Y/n " sir you are not the first one to say at to me but please don't do something we are all going to hate"

Noble women " aww you are not going to pray to your stupid moon goddess for help, people like you should of never left you planet and just die"

Y/n " excuse me but I have some personal business I need to deal with at the moment" you soon started walking away put your hair is soon pulled, and you soon fall to the ground. You try to get up but you are soon pinned down my the aid workers, your lightsaber was still on you but you knew not to us it unless needed.

Servant " time to teach this blue girl a lesson" one of the guys was about to cut you with a blade but you soon see the servants who were, holding you down get tracked to the ground by the troopers.

Noble man 2 " we have to get out of here now"

Obi wan " oh I don't think that will be happening" you soon start getting up from the ground with his help of two troopers.

Obi wan " y/n are you okay young one"

Y/n " I'm fine master just a few cuts and bruise but not thing to serious"

Cody " you are under arrested all of you for the assault with a weapon on, the jedi padawan" The nobility and their servants were not having any of it, they were mad about getting arrested for what they have done. You were soon invest to the dinner as an sorry by the royal family and you later learned the nobility and servants were changed for their crimes and striped of their titles.

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